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Chapter 15 Cardiovascular System

Location of Heart. posterior to sternum medial to lungs anterior to vertebral column base lies beneath 2nd rib apex at 5th intercostal space lies upon diaphragm. Heart Orientation. Apex - directed anteriorly, inferiorly and to the leftBase - directed posteriorly, superiorly and to the rightAnterior surface - deep to the sternum and ribsInferior surface - rests on the diaphragm Right border - faces right lungLeft border (pulmonary border) - faces left lung.

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Chapter 15 Cardiovascular System

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    1. Chapter 15 Cardiovascular System

    3. Heart Orientation Apex - directed anteriorly, inferiorly and to the left Base - directed posteriorly, superiorly and to the right Anterior surface - deep to the sternum and ribs Inferior surface - rests on the diaphragm Right border - faces right lung Left border (pulmonary border) - faces left lung

    4. Heart Orientation Heart has 2 surfaces: anterior and inferior, and 2 borders: right and left

    5. Surface Projection of the Heart Superior right point at the superior border of the 3rd right costal cartilage Superior left point at the inferior border of the 2nd left costal cartilage 3cm to the left of midline Inferior left point at the 5th intercostal space, 9 cm from the midline Inferior right point at superior border of the 6th right costal cartilage, 3 cm from the midline

    6. Coverings of Heart

    7. Wall of Heart

    8. Chambers and Sulci of the Heart Four chambers 2 upper atria 2 lower ventricles Sulci - grooves on surface of heart containing coronary blood vessels and fat coronary sulcus encircles heart and marks the boundary between the atria and the ventricles anterior interventricular sulcus marks the boundary between the ventricles anteriorly posterior interventricular sulcus marks the boundary between the ventricles posteriorly

    9. Chambers and Sulci

    10. Chambers and Sulci

    11. Right Atrium Receives blood from 3 sources superior vena cava, inferior vena cava and coronary sinus Interatrial septum partitions the atria Fossa ovalis is a remnant of the fetal foramen ovale Tricuspid valve Blood flows through into right ventricle has three cusps composed of dense CT covered by endocardium

    12. Right Ventricle Forms most of anterior surface of heart Papillary muscles are cone shaped trabeculae carneae (raised bundles of cardiac muscle) Chordae tendineae: cords between valve cusps and papillary muscles Interventricular septum: partitions ventricles Pulmonary semilunar valve: blood flows into pulmonary trunk

    13. Left Atrium Forms most of the base of the heart Receives blood from lungs - 4 pulmonary veins (2 right + 2 left) Bicuspid valve: blood passes through into left ventricle has two cusps to remember names of this valve, try the pneumonic LAMB Left Atrioventricular, Mitral, or Bicuspid valve

    14. Left Ventricle Forms the apex of heart Chordae tendineae anchor bicuspid valve to papillary muscles (also has trabeculae carneae like right ventricle) Aortic semilunar valve: blood passes through valve into the ascending aorta just above valve are the openings to the coronary arteries

    15. Myocardial Thickness and Function Thickness of myocardium varies according to the function of the chamber Atria are thin walled, deliver blood to adjacent ventricles

    16. Thickness of Cardiac Walls

    17. Heart Valves

    18. Heart Valves

    19. A-V valves open and allow blood to flow from atria into ventricles when ventricular pressure is lower than atrial pressure occurs when ventricles are relaxed, chordae tendineae are slack and papillary muscles are relaxed Atrioventricular Valves Open

    20. A-V valves close preventing backflow of blood into atria occurs when ventricles contract, pushing valve cusps closed, chordae tendinae are pulled taut and papillary muscles contract to pull cords and prevent cusps from everting Atrioventricular Valves Close

    21. Semilunar Valves SL valves open with ventricular contraction allow blood to flow into pulmonary trunk and aorta SL valves close with ventricular relaxation prevents blood from returning to ventricles, blood fills valve cusps, tightly closing the SL valves

    22. Skeleton of Heart

    23. Valve Function Review

    24. Valve Function Review

    25. Two closed circuits, the systemic and pulmonic Systemic circulation left side of heart pumps blood through body left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood into aorta aorta branches into many arteries that travel to organs arteries branch into many arterioles in tissue arterioles branch into thin-walled capillaries for exchange of gases and nutrients deoxygenated blood begins its return in venules venules merge into veins and return to right atrium Blood Circulation

    26. Pulmonary circulation right side of heart pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs right ventricle pumps blood to pulmonary trunk pulmonary trunk branches into pulmonary arteries pulmonary arteries carry blood to lungs for exchange of gases oxygenated blood returns to heart in pulmonary veins Blood Circulation (cont.)

    27. Blood Circulation Blood flow blue = deoxygenated red = oxygenated

    28. Path of Blood Through the Heart

    29. Path of Blood Through the Heart

    30. Coronary Circulation Coronary circulation is blood supply to the heart Heart as a very active muscle needs lots of O2 When the heart relaxes high pressure of blood in aorta pushes blood into coronary vessels Many anastomoses connections between arteries supplying blood to the same region, provide alternate routes if one artery becomes occluded

    31. Coronary Arteries Branches off aorta above aortic semilunar valve Left coronary artery circumflex branch in coronary sulcus, supplies left atrium and left ventricle anterior interventricular art. supplies both ventricles Right coronary artery marginal branch in coronary sulcus, supplies right ventricle posterior interventricular art. supplies both ventricles

    32. Coronary Veins Collects wastes from cardiac muscle Drains into a large sinus on posterior surface of heart called the coronary sinus Coronary sinus empties into right atrium

    33. Blood Supply to Heart

    34. Blood Supply to Heart

    35. Angiogram of Coronary Arteries

    36. Cardiac Cycle

    37. Heart Actions

    38. Heart Sounds

    39. Heart Sounds

    40. Cardiac Muscle Fibers

    41. Conduction System of Heart Autorhythmic Cells Cells fire spontaneously, act as pacemaker and form conduction system for the heart SA node cluster of cells in wall of Rt. Atria begins heart activity that spreads to both atria excitation spreads to AV node AV node in atrial septum, transmits signal to bundle of His AV bundle of His the connection between atria and ventricles divides into bundle branches & purkinje fibers, large diameter fibers that conduct signals quicklyAutorhythmic Cells Cells fire spontaneously, act as pacemaker and form conduction system for the heart SA node cluster of cells in wall of Rt. Atria begins heart activity that spreads to both atria excitation spreads to AV node AV node in atrial septum, transmits signal to bundle of His AV bundle of His the connection between atria and ventricles divides into bundle branches & purkinje fibers, large diameter fibers that conduct signals quickly

    42. Cardiac Conduction System

    43. Cardiac Conduction System

    44. Muscle Fibers in Ventricular Walls

    45. Physiology of Contraction Depolarization, plateau, repolarization Depolarization Cardiac cell resting membrane potential is -90mv excitation spreads through gap junctions fast Na+ channels open for rapid depolarization Plateau phase 250 msec (only 1msec in neuron) slow Ca+2 channels open, let Ca +2 enter from outside cell and from storage in sarcoplasmic reticulum, while K+ channels close Ca +2 binds to troponin to allow for actin-myosin cross-bridge formation & tension development Repolarization Ca+2 channels close and K+ channels open & -90mv is restored as potassium leaves the cell Refractory period very long so heart can fill Depolarization Cardiac cell resting membrane potential is -90mv excitation spreads through gap junctions fast Na+ channels open for rapid depolarization Plateau phase 250 msec (only 1msec in neuron) slow Ca+2 channels open, let Ca +2 enter from outside cell and from storage in sarcoplasmic reticulum, while K+ channels close Ca +2 binds to troponin to allow for actin-myosin cross-bridge formation & tension development Repolarization Ca+2 channels close and K+ channels open & -90mv is restored as potassium leaves the cell Refractory period very long so heart can fill

    46. Electrocardiogram---ECG or EKG EKG Action potentials of all active cells can be detected and recorded P wave atrial depolarization P to Q interval conduction time from atrial to ventricular excitation QRS complex ventricular depolarization T wave ventricular repolarization recording of electrical changes that occur in the myocardium used to assess heart’s ability to conduct impulses recording of electrical changes that occur in the myocardium used to assess heart’s ability to conduct impulses

    47. Summary of Changes During Cardiac Cycle PHASES OF THE CARDIAC CYCLE Isovolumetric relaxation brief period when volume in ventricles does not change--as ventricles relax, pressure drops and AV valves open Ventricular filling rapid ventricular filling:as blood flows from full atria diastasis: as blood flows from atria in smaller volume atrial systole pushes final 20-25 ml blood into ventricle Ventricular systole ventricular systole isovolumetric contraction brief period, AV valves close before SL valves open ventricular ejection: as SL valves open and blood is ejectedPHASES OF THE CARDIAC CYCLE Isovolumetric relaxation brief period when volume in ventricles does not change--as ventricles relax, pressure drops and AV valves open Ventricular filling rapid ventricular filling:as blood flows from full atria diastasis: as blood flows from atria in smaller volume atrial systole pushes final 20-25 ml blood into ventricle Ventricular systole ventricular systole isovolumetric contraction brief period, AV valves close before SL valves open ventricular ejection: as SL valves open and blood is ejected

    48. Regulation of Cardiac Cycle

    49. Regulation of Cardiac Cycle

    50. Blood Vessels

    51. Arteries and Arterioles

    52. Walls of Artery and Vein

    53. Arteriole

    54. Metarteriole

    55. Capillaries

    56. Capillary Network

    57. Regulation of Capillary Blood Flow

    58. Venules and Veins

    59. Venous Valves

    60. Blood Volumes in Vessels

    61. Arterial Blood Pressure

    62. Factors That Influence Arterial Blood Pressure

    63. Control of Blood Pressure

    64. Control of Blood Pressure

    65. Control of Blood Pressure

    66. Venous Blood Flow

    67. Central Venous Pressure

    68. Pulmonary Circuit

    69. Blood Flow Through Alveoli

    70. Systemic Circuit

    71. Major Vessels of Arterial System

    72. Major Blood Vessels Associated With Heart

    73. Aorta and Its Principal Branches

    74. Abdominal Aorta and Its Major Branches

    75. Arteries to Neck, Head, and Brain

    76. Cerebral Arterial Circle

    77. Arteries to Shoulder and Upper Limb

    78. Arteries to Thoracic Wall

    79. Arteries to Pelvic Region

    80. Main Branches of External Iliac Artery

    81. Major Vessels of the Venous System

    82. Major Veins of the Brain, Head, and Neck

    83. Major Veins of the Upper Limb and Shoulder

    84. Veins That Drain the Thoracic Wall

    85. Veins That Drain the Abdominal Viscera

    86. Hepatic Portal Vein

    87. Main Veins of the Lower Limb and Pelvis

    88. Life-Span Changes

    89. Risk Factors for Heart Disease Risk factors in heart disease: high blood cholesterol level high blood pressure cigarette smoking obesity & lack of regular exercise. Other factors include: diabetes mellitus genetic predisposition male gender high blood levels of fibrinogen left ventricular hypertrophy

    90. Clinical Application

    91. By-pass Graft

    92. Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

    93. Stent in an Artery Maintains patency of blood vessel

    94. Periacarditis Cardiac Tamponade Rheumatic Fever Arrhythmias Congenital Heart Defects

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