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Unaweep WFM Colorado BLM Grand Junction, CO Home Unit Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management. Unaweep Facts. - FIRST and ONLY BLM Wildland Fire Module -Core crew of 7 members -Module Leader (PFT) -Assistant Module Leader (Career Seasonal) -Two Crew Leads (Career Seasonal)
Unaweep WFM Colorado BLMGrand Junction, COHome UnitUpper Colorado RiverInteragency Fire Management
UnaweepFacts -FIRST and ONLY BLM Wildland Fire Module -Core crew of 7 members -Module Leader (PFT) -Assistant Module Leader (Career Seasonal) -Two Crew Leads (Career Seasonal) -3 Crewmembers (Seasonal) -Season of Availability April 1-Oct. 15 (Could be longer with a full crew of non-seasonal employees) -Received National FUM Status in August 2004 -Highly trained and experienced personnel considered one of the leading WFM’s in the country.
Unaweep WFM Mission UNAWEEP WFM exists to provide land management agencies with a highly skilled, mobile, and mission specific workforce. Principally assigned to MMO fires, prescribed fire projects, and wildland fire suppression incidents, to assist with fire management policy implementation.
On Wildland Fire Assignments -Fill key roles in Wildland Fire command structure from IC, FEMO, and SOPL. Assist in development LTIP/ WFDDS process. -Prepare and develop IAP’s during ICT4 events. -Suggest/ Assist local managers with Management Objectives and concerns for MMO incidents. -Provide monitoring with written, electronic, and photo documentation of fire events. -Provide daily weather, smoke, fire behavior, and fuel moisture documentation. Dearstyne , planning, Gunbarrel MMO Fire, WY
-Complete Structure Assessment’s, and implement structure protection as needed. -Bring specialized equipment too assist in management of MMO/ AMR incidents. -Provide support in every stage of the implementation of Wildland Fire Events, from establishing/ implementing MMA’s, conducting tactical operations (i.e. burnouts), to monitoring (i.e. Veg. plot’s). -Provide knowledge of common language, policy, strategies, and tactics associated with MMO/ AMR/ Fire Use Incidents. 1 year after Post Burn Monitoring, Dominguez MMO Fire, Grand Junction, CO
Unaweep WFM burnout operations to protect Mexican Spotted Owl Habitat on BLM landsduring the Lion Creek MMO Fire near Paradox, CO
Hike; GPS fire perimeter/ growth; recon ahead/behind fire to identify management actions points, water sources; provide information for managers; locate/asses structures; find and inform publics Rock Goblin Lookout, Meadow Creek MMO Fire, CO
Photo Documentation; Johnson Grass, fire behavior during prescribed fire operations in Arizona. Buenos Aires NWR, AZ
On Prescribed Fire Assignments -Fill key roles in Rx Fire command structure from FIRB to RXB2. -Monitor live/dead fuel moistures, and other parameters to meet Rx fire prescription. -Provide daily weather, smoke, fire behavior, photo documentation. -Provide Fire Effects Monitors.
- Assist with Burn Plan writing, assembly, unit designation, and unit planning/ layout -Establish vegetation plots, photo plots, and fuel transects to meet monitoring needs. -Perform Rx fire operations and any associated prep work. - Bring specialized equipment too assist in management of Rx Fire.
Prescribed Fire Specialized Assistance Assisting Tera-Torch firing operations Holly Miller using the monitor of the Tatra to extinguish fire near control lines East Sopris RX, Aspen CO Pine Mt. RX, Gateway CO
Why do you need extra documentation on a Fire? • Advantage of having a WFM document Weather, Fire Behavior, and Smoke Observations, is to provide quality information to be used by the FBAN and LTAN in making long and short term fire behavior predictions. • Documentation can assist fire managers with predictions and implementation of MMO/ AMR in future years in like situations. • Structure Assements with Site/ Structure Protection Plans are invaluable documentation for future fire planning. • Samples of some of the FEMO/ FOBS documentation are as follows-
Video/Photographic Documentation Semi-Truck roll over within the Lion Creek Fire Burn Severity Meadow Creek MMO Fire, CO
Vegetation Monitoring Josh Hill photo plots, Battlements RX, Colbran CO
Invaluable Fire Reconnaissance • Most members of Unaweep are FOBS or FOBS(t) giving the ability to split up into small teams to determine fire intelligence/needs for a large area in short periods of time. • Holding concerns, structures/sites, and associated needs to protect each, fire behavior predictions in the real time, fuel monitoring/characteristics, establishment of MAP’s/considerations. • Ability to answer questions for mangers such as: Is the fire accomplishing resource goals? Where is the fire likely to go? What is the public reaction to the fire?
ATV ahead of the fire Recon of the Ruby Mt. Mining Site East Slide Rock Ridge WFU, NV Cabin Site Found
Unaweep WFM Equipment Frimel, Cross Cut, Meadow Creek MMO, CO
Unaweep arrives self sufficient for two-seven days upon request. The Module can be self sufficient up to 9 days at a time by buying groceries and cooking. Food costs are ~$4.50 per meal per person. Compared with MRE’s which are ~$12.50 each, or a Caterer charging up to $18.00 per meal. Per-diem is not charged since all food is purchased by a Gov CC. Unaweep has 4 purchase cards able to make logistical arrangements. Module costs: Personnel: ~ $160.00 per hour & $240.00 per overtime hour Trucks: $0.83 per mile The module’s base 8 hours are negotiable for fuels projects, but not for fire incidents. The requesting unit will cover overtime, travel, mileage, and other incident associated costs. Unaweep WFM Logistical Considerations Colorado River Yarmony Mt. RX, CO Cansa Bluffs WF, AK
Module Leader: Sam Dearstyne 970-257-4821 phone e-mail:Samuel_Dearstyne@blm.gov970-257-4850 fax 970-589-6812 cell Qualifications: ICT4, STLD, RXB2, CRWB, FOBS, ENGB, FIRB, DOZB, FALB, HECM, ATVO, FEMO, TFLD (t), SOPL(t) Assistant Module Leader: Kelly Boyd 970-257-4823 phone e-mail:Kelly_Boyd@blm.gov 970-210-6167 cell Qualifications: ICT4, CRWB, FIRB, FOBS, FALC, ENGB, HECM, ATVO, FEMO, WFR, DOZB(t) Crew Leads: Tommy Hayes, Holly Miller 970-257-4824 phone e-mail: Thomas_Hayes@blm.gov/Holly_Miller@blm.gov970-589-6811 cell Qualifications: CRWB, FIRB, ENGB, DOZB, FOBS, ICT5, FALC Cert., FEMO, HECM, ATVO, FALB, ENOP, CRWB (t), ICT4(t) Module crewmembers: Jeff Frimel, Joshua Hill, Coyde Fickel (1-2 detailer positions per assignment) Qualifications: FEMO, FALC, FALB, FFT1, ICT5, HECM, WFR, ATVO, FIRB (t), CRWB(t), ENOP (t) Unaweep WFM Qualifications Hayes, battling the dragon, Lion Creek MMO Fire, CO
Unaweep at the US/Mexico Border, AZ To Mexico?
Continue to assist BLM and other agencies with the implementation of Wildland/Prescribed Fire, mechanical treatments, and monitoring of these events. Increase number of career seasonals allowing the module to be available longer to accomplish shoulder season projects, and gain the ability to retain quality employees. Assist all BLM Field Offices around Colorado with office planning, unit layouts, and other field preparations for fuels projects as budgets become tighter. Future for Unaweep WFM White River NF, CO