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Hypothalamic Hormones

Hypothalamic Hormones. Hypothalamus -Contains Nerve Cell Bodies -Concept of Nucleus. Nerve Cell Bodies & Nucleus. Cells secreting the same Neurotransmitters are Close to one another, And send their axons to Different parts of the brain - ’Neurotransmitter Highways ’.

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Hypothalamic Hormones

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  1. Hypothalamic Hormones Hypothalamus -Contains Nerve Cell Bodies -Concept of Nucleus

  2. Nerve Cell Bodies & Nucleus Cells secreting the same Neurotransmitters are Close to one another, And send their axons to Different parts of the brain -’Neurotransmitter Highways ’

  3. Nerve Cell Bodies & Nucleus NUCLEUS : -The most important part Of a neuron -Synthesis of Neurotransmitter -If destroyed, the cell dies

  4. Nerve Cell Bodies & Nucleus NUCLEUS -Cell bodies of neurons are packed in a protective shield: Nucleus -Nucleus contains the cell bodies of neurons all secreting the same neurotransmitter Hypothalamus : Contains NUCLEUS with Neurosecretory cells

  5. Nerve Cell Bodies & Nucleus Hypothalamic Nuclei -One each side of the brain

  6. Hypothalamic Functions Axons from other nuclei In the BRAIN (so release Neurotransmitters), can Synapse with hypothalamic Cell bodies in hypothalamic Nuclei So, Information coming FROM the brain

  7. Hypothalamic Functions Cells of the hypothalamus -NEUROSECRETORY Cells because secrete a Hormone (instead of a Neurotransmitter), but the cell body Is in the hypothalamus (brain).

  8. Hypothalamic Functions So, hypothalamic cells -Stimulated by Neurotransmitters -Release a Hormone So, convert a NEURAL information into a HORMONAL one Called a ‘ Neuroendocrine Transducers  ’

  9. Types of Neurotransduction 1. From the senses

  10. Types of Neurotransduction 2. From the Brain (psychological states)

  11. Types of Neurotransduction 3. From External Chemicals (drugs, food, etc.)

  12. Hypothalamic Nuclei Important : -The substances (hormones, Factors), secreted in the Hypothalamus have ONE thing In common, ie. They induce The RELEASE of hormones From the pituitary gland So, hypothalamic substances are All called « RELEASING Factors »

  13. Hypothalamic Hormones -9 Types -Role : Regulate release of pituitary hormones Pituitary Hormones Neurohypophysis: Oxytocin & Vasopressin Adenohypophysis : -Thyroid Stimulating Hormone -Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) -Gonadotropic hormones --> Follicle Stimulating Hormone --> Luteinizing Hormone -Growth Hormone -Prolactin -Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone

  14. Catecholamines Serotonin SON PVN VMN ARC Oxytocin & Vasopressin

  15. Pituitary Hormones Controlled by PAIRED Hypothalamic hormones 1. Stimulating Factor 2. Inhibiting Factor -Prolactin (PRL) -Growth Hormone (GH) -Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) -Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) -ACTH -Luteininzing Hormone (LH) -Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Regulated only by Releasing (stimulating) hormones

  16. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -Prolactin Releasing Factors . TRH . Oxytocin -Prolactin Inhibiting Factors . Dopamine (ARC nucleus) . GABA -Prolactin (PRL) The most Common… Ie. Break on prolactin secretion

  17. If disease of prolactin Secretion : -Hyperprolactinemia Women : -Amenorrhea (lack of menstrual cycle) -Galactorrhea (excessive or sponatenous milk production) Men : -Hypogonadism : ie -Decreased sex drive -Decrease production of sperm -Breast enlargement Prolactin ; Secretion of mammary glands for breastfeeding 2 stimuli : -TRH or Oxytocin after birth -Stimulation of nipples & mammary glands

  18. The wrong answer to a good question: Oxytocin & Orgasm 1. Let’s go ask the “web-expert” : Dr. Lin (www.actionlove.com) Case Study - Benefits of sexual orgasm to the pregnancy woman and the fetus. Reader: 4/28/2000> I suspect that, under normal circumstances, orgasms must be beneficial for the foetus maybe because of the effect of oxytocin on the foetus. what would be your opinion? thank you. Dr. Lin: 4/30/2000>Yes! Orgasm increases the level of both the emotional (orgasm) hormone Oxytocin and the happy hormone Endorphins in the prospective mother's bloodstream. Both hormone make the mother and fetus happy. The unborn may smile inside after mother achieve orgasm. The pregnant woman's skin becomes shinier. The only thing the loving couples should be careful is the violent orgasms (Level-6 or -7) driven by uterine contraction, as a result of direct stimulation of the Epicenter/Cervix. The violent orgasms may cause premature parturition. Otherwise, moderate orgasms induced by the contraction of vaginal muscle in the outer section of the vagina should make the mother and unborn happier.

  19. A more rationale but boring answer to a good question….. Stimulation of mammary glands by stimulation of female’s nipples during sexual intercourse.

  20. A real scientific answer to a good question Carmichael, MS, Humber, R, Dixen, J. Palmisano, G, Green Greenleaf, W, and Davidson, JM 1987 Plasma oxytocin increases in the human sexual response J. Clin. Endo. Metab. 64(1):27-31 Studied 9 males and 13 females in the privacy of the lab. All subjects were hooked up of monitor contractions and have constant blood sampling during masturbation to orgasm. Both males and females showed a significant increase in plasma oxytocin (OF) during sexual arousal and orgasm. OF levels were highest at orgasm and then proceed to decline. Authors speculate that OF may be involved in the smooth muscle contraction associated with arousal and orgasm. Expectant parents wonder whether this could prematurely trigger labor and delivery (and maybe hasten a slow labor). Kim Wallen, Ph.D.; Emory University www.service.emory.edu/~kim/orgasm.html

  21. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -GH Releasing Hormones (GH-RH) -Released in bursts from VMN -GH-RH secretion regulated by catecholamine and serotonin -GH Inhibiting Hormones (GH-IH) -Released in bursts from PVN -Secretion regulated by catecholamines and serotonin Regulation factors not well known…but Regulation by Dopamine relates to STRESS -Growth Hormone (GH)

  22. Growth Hormones & Psychosocial Dwarfism Endocrinology ; -Hypopituitary Dwarfism Due to lack of Growth Hormone Other Cases : Psychosocial Dwarfism -Found in human infants with no or little contacts with humans (importance of touch) despite adequate nutrition etc. (e.g. Romanian Orphans) -Disruption of normal patterns of GH secretion -Stops growing -Recovery after psychosocial stimulations example….

  23. Growth Hormones & Psychosocial Dwarfism Study by Saenger et al., (1977) Effects of external events on growth in a child with Psychosocial Dwarfism Event Plasma GH Growth (cm/20days) Food Intake (kg/day) -Hospital Admission 5.9 0.5 1663 -100 Days Post-Admission 13.0 1.7 1514 -Favorite nurse on vacation 6.9 0.6 1504 -Favorite nurse returns 15.0 1.5 1521

  24. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -MSH Releasing Factors (MSH-RF) -None identified yet -MSH Inhibiting Factors (MSH-IF) -None identified yet -Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)

  25. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -TSH Releasing Hormones (TSH-RH) or Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) -Synthesized in the PVN -TSH-RH secretion regulated by catecholamine and neuropeptids and opioids -Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

  26. Diseases of the Thyroid system Hyperthyroidism : Grave ’s disease Caused by problems with the immune system and Genetic loading, tumors, cancer, etc.. Symptoms include: * fast heart rate * nervousness * increased perspiration * muscle weakness * trembling hands * weight loss * hair loss * skin changes * increased frequency of bowel movements * decreased menstrual flow and less frequent menstrual flow * goiter * eyes that seem to be popping out of their sockets.

  27. Diseases of the Thyroid system Hypothyroidism : Hypothyroidism causes the body to slow down. Women are more likely than men to have hypothyroidism. Also, one out of every 4,000 infants is born with the condition. If the problem is not corrected, the child will become mentally and physically retarded. In consequence, all newborns in the United States are tested for the disease. Symptoms in adults include: * feeling slow or tired *feeling cold * drowsy during the day *slow heart rate * poor memory *difficulty concentrating * muscle cramps *weight gain * husky voice *thinning hair * dry and coarse skin *feeling depressed * heavy menstrual flow *infertility

  28. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) also called (CRF) -Synthesized in the PVN, SON and VMN -CRF secretion regulated by neurotransmitters (Ach, serotonin) and neuropeptidses CRF linked to ANXIETY, DEPRESSION And possibly ANOREXIA -Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)

  29. CRF, Anxiety, Depression & Anorexia Facts : -Elevated CRF levels in cerebrospinal fluid of depressed patients -Administration CRF to animals decreases food intake -Anxiogenic-like effect after CRF administration -Tested in the Elevated-Plus Maze

  30. Hypothalamic Hormones or Factors PituitaryHypothalamus -GONADOTROPIN Releasing Hormone (GnRH) -Not clear whether one factor per hormone (LH & FSH) or one for both -Synthesized in the Preoptic Area -GnRH released in pulses, which stimulate LH (& FSH) secretion. If no pulse, there is inhibition of LH & FSH secretion -Luteinizing Hormone (LH) & -Follicule Stimulating Hormone (FSH) -So, synthetic GnRH (non-pulsatile release) are used as anti-fertility drugs

  31. GnRH and the control of ovulation Females : CYCLIC gonadal function (ovulation is cyclic) Males : TONIC gonadal function (sperm production is tonic) In both males and females, GnRH released in pulses

  32. Pulses of GnRH (20-40min apart) Pulses of LH/FSH (20-40min apart) Women : Cycle of Gonadal Hormones Men : Tonic secretion of testosterone

  33. GnRH, LH, FSH & Anti-Fertility -Endometrios : Pain during sexual intercourse (women) Treatment : Use of GnRH agonist -Prostate Cancer : Testicular Production of testosterone is the primary fuel for prostate cancer Treatment : Use of GnRH agonist GnRH agonists (Lupron) : Act as a potent inhibitor of gonadotropin production WHEN given continuously so, it is an anti-fertility drug Prevents the pulsatile release of LH/FSH which act on testosterone production and ovarian function LUPRON : Important side-effects….see ‘ Lupron Victim Center ’

  34. GnRH, LH, FSH & Fertility Women Fertility Drugs : Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Treatment : First administer FSH which will have your body start developing egg follicles. After 7 to 12 days of this treatment (shots), there is an injection of Human menopausal gonadotropin which tell the ovaries to release the egg, thus being ready for fertilization. Also some side effects The danger of over-fertilization…...

  35. The dangers of over-fertilization…….

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