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Charm Physics at Belle. B. Golob University of Ljubljana Belle Collaboration. Outline Introduction Spectroscopy Semileptonic D decays D 0 - D 0 Mixing Summary. B. Golob, Belle. Charm physics at Belle 1. Belle Rev. Comm. 2007. Introduction. √s =
Charm Physics at Belle B. Golob University of Ljubljana Belle Collaboration • Outline • Introduction • Spectroscopy • Semileptonic D decays • D0 - D0 Mixing • Summary B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 1 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Introduction √s = M(U(4S))c2= 10.58 GeV Physics of c-hadrons increased interest at B-factories in recent years B-factory, c-factory s(c c) 1.3 nb (~850·106 XcYc pairs) s(B B) 1.1 nb (~750·106 BB pairs) Dual role of charm standalone field of SM tests and search for new phenomena (SM and/or NP) - measurements of known and new charmed baryons and mesons - measurements of new “exotic” states - understanding of charmonia production and decay - charm fragmentation - D0 mixing and CPV experimental tests of theor. predictions (most notably of (L)QCD); improve precision of CKM measurements (B physics); - meson decay constants and form factors - confrontation of spectroscopic results and predictions - charm branching fractions B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 2 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 162001 (2006) 460 fb-1 405 ± 50 evts significance 5.7s 326 ± 40 evts significance 9.2s Lc(2765) Lc(2880) Lc(2940) 1st observ. signnce > 6 s Spectroscopy confirmed by BaBar, hep-ex/0607042 Charm mesons and baryons laboratory to test predictions of quark model(s), HQS, Skyrme model, Regge trajectories, .... New c-baryons Xc → Lc+ K-p+; neutral states also observed, iso-doublet hep-ex/0608043, 553 fb-1, subm. to PRL Lc(2880) →Sc(2455) p Lcp+p- with M(Lcp±) ~ M(Sc(2455)) JP of Lc(2880) and Lc(2940) →Sc(2455) p BaBar, PRL98, 012001 (2007), 287 fb-1 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 3 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
J=5/2 p J=3/2 Lc* q Sc(2455) J=1/2 hep-ex/0608043, 553 fb-1, subm. to PRL Spectroscopy New c-baryons Lc(2880)→ Sc(2455) p angular distribution JP=5/2+ strongly favored prospects (1 ab-1) - Lc(2880)→ Sc(2455/2520) p s→±4.5%; - Lc(2940) → Sc(2455) p yield ~450, ang. analysis JP; - Xc (2980)0→ Lc+ KSp- sign. →~ 3 s; confirmation in other decay modes; goal: well established ensemble of hadrons with determined quan. num., to be confronted to theory & new states! deviations from linear Regge traj. A. Selem, F. Wilczek, hep-ph/0602128 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 4 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
cc with C=+1; X e- e+ J/y PRL98, 082001 (2007) 350 fb-1 Spectroscopy Double cc production recoil method M=3943±6±6 MeV/c2 G<52 MeV @90% C.L. 266±63 evts cc1’ (23P1), hc’’ (31S0)? prospects (1 ab-1) recoil method: “factory” of 3 s sensitivity smin(e+e-→J/yX) ~ 5-10 fb (s(J/yhc) = 25 fb) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 5 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy PRL97, 162002 (2006), 414 fb-1 “Exotic” states 24.1 ± 6.1 evts 6.4s PRL91, 262001 (2003) 152M BB no obvious predicted candidates; most prominent X(3872); DD* molecule? number of results, recently: B → (D0 D0p0)K M=(3875.2 ± 0.7 ± 0.31.6 ± 0.8) MeV/c2 2.5 s diff. with X → J/ypp confirmed by BaBar, P. Grenier, 42nd Moriond QCD (2007), 347 fb-1 other measurements: JPC=1++, 2-+; J=2: supressed decay to DD*, JPC=1++? hard to accommodate in molecular model (~0.08) B → X(→D0 D0p0) K if enhancement X(3872) E.S.Swanson, Phys.Rept. 429, 243 (2006) large mixing between cc1’ and X(3872)? B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 6 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0612006, 553 fb-1 D*+D*- Y(4260) D*+D- s = Spectroscopy 165+25-33 evts sign.: 11 s “Exotic” states e+e-→ Y(→J/ypp) gISR BaBar, PRL95, 142001 (2005), 233 fb-1 M=(4295 ± 10 ±103 ) MeV/c2 G=(133 ± 26 ±136) MeV 2.5 s difference with M from BaBar Exclusive s(e+e-→ D*D(*)) using ISR; partial recon., s(DMrec)=1 MeV DMrec= Mrec(D(*)+ISR) - Mrec(D(*)+- ISR); data to help understand Y(4260) nature; coupled channels effects (Ds*Ds*, DD1 thresholds), hybrid state (decays to DD1, M?) in agreement with Cleo-c scan s < 4.25 GeV PRL98, 092001 (2007), 550 fb-1 S.L. Zhu, PLB625, 212 (2005) M.B. Voloshin, hep-ph/0602233 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 7 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy List DsJ(2715) hep-ex/0608031 PRL91, 262001 X(3940) PRL98, 082001 Sc(2800) PRL94, 122002 PRL97, 162021 X(3872) Y(3940) PRL94, 182002 hep-ex/0505037 Lc(2880) hep-ex/0608043 Z(3930) PRL96, 082003 hep-ex/0505038 Xc(2980) PRL97, 162001 Y(4260) hep-ex/0612006 Xc(3077) PRL97, 162001 prospects (1 ab-1) X(3872): new results B →XK to test models Br(B0→KSX)/Br(B+→K+X) ~ ±15% molecular model: 6-29% M(Xh)-M(Xl) ~ ±1 MeV tetra-q model: 8 ±3 MeV Y(4260): data to help interpretation combining e+e-→ Y(→J/ypp) gISR and s(e+e-→ D(*)D(*)); M ~ ±10 MeV/c2; enough to distinguish from thresholds? smin ~ ±15% in each mode e.g. F.E. Close, P.R. Page, PLB578, 119 (2004) L. Maiani et al., PRD71, 014028 (2005) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 8 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 061804 (2006), 282 fb-1 D0→ pm n Kln bkg data K*/rln bkg MC N=106±12 D0→ p e n fake-D0 bkg data hadronic bkg data Semileptonic D decays D0 semileptonic decays determination of form factor; test of LQCD to ±5%; e+e-→ Dtag(*)Dsig*; inverse reconstruction; start from Dtag(*) and CMS momentum recoil momentum; method enables: - good q2 resolution (s(q2)~0.0145 GeV2/c2) - absolute normalization (inclusive D0 signal) signal: p2(n)=0; |Vub| from B0→ p l n: ±14% from f.f., ±3% from Br N=126±12 mn2 [GeV2] B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 9 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 061804 (2006), 282 fb-1 D0→ Kln D0→ pln expected accuracy current lumin. Semileptonic D decays D0 semileptonic decays competitive p(K) lnBr measurement; Y. Gao (Cleo-c), ICHEP06, 281 pb-1 first direct Br(D0→ p m n) determination; comparison to LQCD; f+D(0) = 0.624 ±0.020 ±0.030 unquenched: C. Aubin et al., PRL94, 011601 (2005) f+D(0) = 0.64 ±0.03 ±0.05 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 10 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Vuj* Vci* Vcj Vui u c W+ D0 D0 d, s, b d, s, b W- u c D0 - D0 Mixing Mixing phenomena well known in K0, Bd0 and Bs0 system (last year); eluded observation so far in the D0 system; d-like quarks exchanged; effective GIM suppression; D0 decays: CF; mixing: DCS; x, y ~ sin2qC(SU(3) breaking) difficult to calculate; x, y affect the t distribution of D0, observables; largest predictions in SM: |x|, |y| 10-2 I.I. Bigi, N. Uraltsev, Nucl. Phys. B592, 92 (2001); A.F. Falk et al., PRD69, 114021 (2004) CPV in D0 system: first two generations involved; Wolfenstein param., (Vcs)=hA2l4 ~ O(10-3) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 11 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
< f | D0 > analogous for M = < f | D0(t)> common: D*+ →D0ps+ D0 - D0 Mixing Two recent Belle measurements - decays to CP final state, D0→ K+K-/p+p- - decays to hadronicmulti-body final state, D0→ KSp+p- p*(D*) > 2.5 GeV/c D0→ KSp+p-t-dependent Dalitz analysis different decays (CF, DCS, CP eigenstates) identified through Dalitz analysis; their relative phases determined; arXiv: 0704.1000 l1,2=f(x,y); < f | D0 > fit M(m-2,m+2,t) to data distribution x, y no CPV B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 12 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 M signal Q rnd slow p combin. D0 - D0 Mixing (534.4±0.8)x103 evts D0→ KSp+p- signal in M(KSp+p-) and Q= M(KSp+p-ps)- M(KSp+p-)- M(p) Dalitz model: 13 BW resonances, non-resonant contr.; test of S-wave pp contr.: K-matrix formalism K*X(1400)+ K*(892)+ r/w K*(892)- Results (fit fractions, phases) in agreement with (measurement of f3) PRD73, 112009 (2006) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 13 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 t [fs] D0 - D0 Mixing D0→ KSp+p- t-projection t = 409.9±0.9 fs tPDG=410.1±1.5 fs x = 0.80±0.29±0.17 % y = 0.33±0.24±0.15 % most sensitive meas. of x; x = 1.8 ± 3.4 ± 0.6% y = -1.4 ± 2.5 ± 0.9 % Cleo, PRD72, 012001 (2005) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 14 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing D0→ K+K- / p+p- side band CP even final state; t distribution not pure exponential (D1 and D2 contr.); treated as exponential changed effective t S. Bergman et al., PLB486, 418 (2000) AM, f: CPV in mixing and interference; CPV: D0→ f and D0→ f decay rates different; effective t different M, Q, st selection optimized in MC B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 15 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing D0→ K+K- / p+p- simultaneous binned likelihood fit to K+K-/K-p+/p+p- decay-t R : ideally each si Gaussian resol. term with fraction fi; pulls: described by 3 Gaussians c2/ndf=1.084 (ndf=289) t = 408.7± 0.6 fs B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 16 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 K+K-/p+p- and K-p+ratio D0 - D0 Mixing D0→ K+K- / p+p- results yCP = (1.31 ± 0.32 ± 0.25) % 3.2 s from zero (4.1 s stat. only) evidence for D0 mixing (regardless of possible CPV) search for CPV: difference of lifetimes visually observable AG = (0.01 ± 0.30 ± 0.15) % KSp+p- : (x,y)=(0,0) has C.L. 2.6% K+K- / p+p-:y=0 has C.L. 6x10-4 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 17 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
3 s D0 - D0 Mixing 1 s perspective (1 ab-1) x, y at upper limit of SM expectation search for CPV; at current level of sensitivity positive signal clear indication of NP; preliminary study in KSp+p-: s(|q/p| 1 + AM/2) ~ 0.30, s(f) ~ 17o K+K- / p+p-: s(AG/yCP AM/2 - x/y tanf) ~ 0.25 combination at 1 ab-1: s(x) ~ ±0.21% s(y) ~ ±0.17% s(f) ~ 9o, s(|q/p|) ~ 0.15 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 18 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Summary • Belle great exp. environment for charm studies; complementary to c-factories; • In several areas exp. results ahead of theor. predictions in accuracy • Spectroscopic results: conventional states - confrontation with predictions; “exotic” states - new challenge; all - quantum number determ. • (Semi)leptonic D meson decays: tests of non-pert. QCD • First evidence for D0 mixing: more precise determ. of parameters and search for CPV B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 19 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 162001 (2006) 460 fb-1 p 67 ± 20 evts significance 4.4s Lc+ K- s s K- u u p+ Xc+ d d u u c p+ c Spectroscopy, Xc, bckup Xc→Lc+ K-p+; no reflections in Lc+ K+p- Wrong sign charge comb.: Lc+ K+p-; possible reflections from Lc*+→ Lc+p+ p- with p misidentified as K would appear here neutral states also observed, iso-doublet B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 20 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0607042 Spectroscopy, Xc, bckup Xc→Lc+ K-p+; BaBar: 2-D fits in M(LcKp) and M(Lcp) non-res. ScK B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 21 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy, Xc, bckup Xc→Lc+ K-p+; new states; Belle discoveries and measurem. J.L. Rosner, hep-ph/0609195 Xc high mass L=2? Sl = 0 (lightest orbital excit.) JP = 5/2+, 3/2+ 5/2+→ Scp F-wave 3/2+→ Scp P-wave B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 22 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Belle, hep-ex/0608043, 553 fb-1, subm. to PRL p Lc* q Sc(2455) Spectroscopy, Lc, bckup Lc(2880) JP angular analysis repeat fit in bins of q J=5/2 J=3/2 c2/ndf = 49.9/9 (J=1/2) 36.0/8 (J=3/2) 10.8/7 (J=5/2) J=1/2 J=5/2 strongly favored B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 23 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Belle, hep-ex/0608043, 553 fb-1, subm. to PRL Spectroscopy, Lc, bckup Lc(2880)→ Sc(2455) p Lc(2880) JP repeat fit in bins of M(Lcp±) N(Lc(2880)) vs M(Lcp±) Lc(2880)→Lcpp Lc(2880)→ Sc(2520) p Lc(2880) P interpretation HQS: 5/2+slpl 2+ 3+ Sc*/Sc0.24 0.37 5/2-slpl 2- 3- Sc*/Sc 1.46 0.12 N. Isgur, M.B. Wise, PRL66, 1130 (1991) M(2880)=2881.2±0.2±0.4 MeV S. Capstick, N.Isgur, PRD34, 2809 (1986) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 24 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Belle, hep-ex/0608043, 553 fb-1, subm. to PRL Sc++p- Sc0p+ Spectroscopy, Lc, bckup Lc(2880) JP comparison of two charged states; reflections from Xc(2980, 3077) → Lc+K-p+ with K- misid. appear in Sc++p- but not in Sc0p+ B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 25 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL98, 082001 (2007) 350 fb-1 Spectroscopy, 2cc, bckup Double cc production s(e+e-→J/yX)(fb) exp. LO NLO hc25.6±2.8±3.4 3.78±1.26 18.9 cc0 6.4±1.7±1.0 2.40±1.02 hc(2S) 16.5±3.0±2.4 1.57±0.52 Y. Zhang et al., PRL96 ,092001 (2006) E. Braaten, J. Lee, PRD67,054007 (2003) Belle, PRD70, 071102 (2004) a2a2S a2a4S B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 26 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
inclusive/D*D tagged sample, common evts removed X(3940)→D(*)D ? reconstruct J/y + one D Mrec(J/y D) ~ M(D(*)) constrain Mrec(J/y D)=M(D(*)) s(Mrec(J/y))~10 MeV/c2 PRL98, 082001 (2007) 350 fb-1 Spectroscopy, 2cc, bckup Double cc production C(J/Y) = -1 C(X) = +1 C(g) = -1 C(X) = -1 C(g) = -1 no evidence for X(3940)→J/y w X(3940)≠Y(3940) Mrec(J/y D)=M(D) B>2(X→D*D) > 45% @90% C.L. B(X→D D) < 41% @90% C.L. B(X→J/y w) < 26% @90% C.L. Mrec(J/y D)=M(D*) 24.5±6.9 evts 5s B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 27 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL98, 082001 (2007) 350 fb-1 Spectroscopy, 2cc, bckup Double cc production X(3940)=cc1’? DD* mode dominant no cc1 in Mrec, G X(3940)=hc’’? expected mass 4040-4060 MeV/c2 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 28 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0608031 414 fb-1 Spectroscopy, DsJ, bckup B+→ D0D0K+ fit to DE, Mbc in bins of M(D0K) J=-1? B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 29 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy, X, bckup hep-ex/0505037, 275M BB Possible JPC 13.6 ± 4.4 evts. (4s) C parity B±,0 → K±,0X (→gJ/y) mode with substantial Br B±,0 → K±,0cc1 (→gJ/y) serves for calibration of width confirmed by BaBar, PRD74, 071101 (2006), 260 fb-1 C(X(3872))=C(g)·C(J/y)=+1 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 30 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0505038, 275M BB cc JPC p+ X(J/y, r) q l- l+ JPC=1++ p- p- X(J/y, r) q B |cos(q)| K p+ Spectroscopy, X, bckup JPC=0++ c2/ndf=31/9 Angular distributions B±,0 → K±,0X (→ p+ p-J/y) (only examples shown) |cos(q)| in the limit where X,J/y, r rest frames coincide dN/d(cos(q)) sin2(q) relative motion of frames included in MC c2/ndf=5/9 0-+, 1--, 1+-, 0++, 1++, 2++, 2-+, 2--, 3-- B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 31 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy, X, bckup BaBar, P. Grenier, 42nd Moriond QCD (2007), 347 fb-1 B → (D0 D*0)K BaBar: D*0→ D0p0 / D0 g B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 32 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
Spectroscopy, Y, bckup s(e+e-→ D*D*) Coupled channels Y(4260) threshold DD1, 4285 MeV/c2 M(Y)=4295 MeV/c2 parameterization acc. to arb. units 4265 GeV M.B. Voloshin, hep-ph/0602233 Exclusive s(e+e-→ DD) BaBar DE [GeV] M(D)+M(D1) hep-ex/0607083 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 33 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 061804 (2006), 282 fb-1 K p p K e- e+ D0→ K e n D0→ K m n p e/µ p p Semileptonic D decays, bckup D0 semileptonic decays determination of form factor, test of LQCD; e+e-→ Dtag(*)Dsig*; inverse reconstruction: Dtag(*) fully reconst. K np, n=1,2,3; p(Dtag), p(e+e-), p(primary p, K) p(Dsig*); p+slow from Dsig*+→D0p+slow p(D0sig); pandlp(n); D* D* primary mesons D g p p D n p K signal tag K ln signal N=1249±37 N=1318±37 mn2 [GeV2] B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 34 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 061804 (2006), 282 fb-1 Semileptonic D decays, bckup Y. Gao (Cleo-c), ICHEP06, 281 pb-1 D0 semileptonic decays determination of form factor, test of LQCD; D0→ p e n f+D(0) = 0.624 ±0.020 ±0.030 f+D(0) = 0.670 ±0.028 ±0.011 ±0.009 Br results: B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 35 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
PRL97, 061804 (2006), 282 fb-1 Semileptonic D decays, bckup D0 semileptonic decays background fake D0: from WS sample (Dtag, Dsig same flavor); Kln (in pln): from measured Kln with independently measured fake rate; hadronic (misid as l): sample with charge of l opposite to the ps from D*sig (OS sample); contains no signal and no semil. background; use K and p intentionally misid-ed as l; fit the OS sample amount of p and K misid-ed background B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 36 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup D0→ KSp+p- Dalitz results B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 37 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup D0→ KSp+p- systematics B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 38 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup D0→ KSp+p- Systematics (largest) model dependence [10-4]: Dx Dy +12.5 +5.0 variation of DCS/CF - 6.4 -4.4 ratios for K*'s ±7.3 ±5.8 K-matrix --------------------------------- +14.6 +7.8 Total model dep. -13.5-8.5 t fit: Dx Dy +7.6 -7.8 p* variation -5.6 -5.7 Dalitz pdf for bkg. from different t bins ----------------------- +8.6+7.9 Total t fit-6.7 -11.6 systematics Total[10-4]:Dx Dy +17+11-16-15 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 39 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup BW formalism: M(s1) = 527 ±6 MeV/c2 G(s1) = 442 ±10 MeV M(s2) = 1031 ±11 MeV/c2 G(s2) = 94 ±6 MeV D0→ KSp+p- scalar pp K-matrix formalism: unit. relat. for 2-body scatt. trans. operator: T: NchxNch matrix for Nch coupled chann.; r: density of final states product. ampl.: product. process (init. state non-interacting with channel j); trans. ampl. unitarity: satisf. by defining parameters taken from: unitarity satisf. if V.V. Anisovich, A.V. Sarantev, Eur.Phys.J. A16, 229 (2003) BaBar, hep-ex/0507101 B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 40 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup D0→ KSp+p- efficiency and resol. in M(pp) rnd ps Prnd [(1-fw) M(m-2,m+2,t) +fwM(m+2,m-2,t)] R(t) fw from fit to Q side band: fw= 0.452 ± 0.005 diff. w.r.t. fw=0.5 in systematic error B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 41 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
arXiv: 0704.1000 D0 - D0 Mixing, KSp+p-, bckup D0→ KSp+p- MC tests, correct reconstruction of input; t-projection; PsigM(m-2,m+2,t) R(t) Prnd [(1-fw) M(m-2,m+2,t) +fwM(m+2,m-2,t)] R(t) Pcmb [ d(t) + Exp(t) ]R’(t) B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 42 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K-/ p+p-, bckup D0→ K+K-/ p+p- M [GeV/c2] B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 43 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K-/ p+p-, bckup D0→ K+K-/ p+p- systematics B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 44 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K-/ p+p-, bckup < t > D0→ K+K-/ p+p- systematic checks running periods w/ diff. conditions robust to resol. f. shape; R(t): single Gauss → Dt=3.5%, DyCP=0.01%; no bias, reweigted MC: yCP(out) - yCP(in) < 0.04%; background P=98% (KK), 99% (Kp), 92% (pp); changing data side band/MC signal, DyCP = -0.04%; bkg. subtracted / no bkg. subtraction, DyCP = -0.07%; bkg. subtracted / MC signal subtr., DyCP= -0.03%; fitted t0 of R for Kp B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 45 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K-/ p+p-, bckup D0→ K+K-/ p+p- fitted t0 of R in diff. run periods and diff. decay modes B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 46 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K- / p+p-, bckup D0→ K+K- / p+p- equal t0 assumption DyCP=t0CP - t0Kp / tKp from MC cocktail, including running periods with slight misalign. of SVD B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 47 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
hep-ex/0703036v2 D0 - D0 Mixing, K+K-/ p+p-, bckup D0→ K+K-/ p+p- background comparison small tail of signal present in side band, only visible in Kp sample; fraction of rnd ps negligible: 0.3%, 0.3%, 0.2% KK Kppp B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 48 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007
D0 - D0 Mixing, prosp., bckup Combination numbers very preliminary approximate projections to 5 ab-1 s(yCP) ~ 0.15%, s(AG/yCP) ~ 0.10 s(x) ~ s(y) ~ 0.15%, s(|q/p|) ~ s(f) ~ 0.10 s(x’2) ~ 0.12x10-3, s(y’) ~ 0.20% s(x) ~ s(y) ~ 0.10% s(cos d) ~ 0.07 s(|q/p|) ~ 0.09, s(f) ~0.05 rad D0→ K+K-/ p+p- D0→ KSp+p- D0→ K+p- combined B. Golob, Belle Charm physics at Belle 49 Belle Rev. Comm. 2007