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DREAM of a Better Future…DREAM ACT (H.R.1751). By: Monica Mondragon. Historical Background. Introduced by? Problems that initiated the Act 1982-Plyler v. Doe. Description of the Problem. What is it?
DREAM of a Better Future…DREAM ACT (H.R.1751) By: Monica Mondragon
Historical Background • Introduced by? • Problems that initiated the Act • 1982-Plyler v. Doe
Description of the Problem • What is it? • DREAM Act that permits college-bound students educated in the United States to live, work and attend college legally. • People Affected? • How many people are affected?
Description of the Dream Act • What qualifications are needed?
Within six years of obtaining temporary legal residency, to be considered for permanent legal residency (and citizenship) a student must: • Graduate from a two-year college; or, • Complete two years towards a four-year degree; or, • Serve in the U.S. military for 2 years. How does this affect undocumented students?
My position on Dream Act • I support it! • Why? • Allows immigrant students who have worked hard to finish high school to continue on with their career of choice.
How did I advocate? Process of advocacy Responses? Received emails back from both the senator and representative • Emailed Senator Chuck Grassley • Email Tom Harkins
Outcome? Help in social work profession? Understanding policy Working towards a change can be difficult Social Network
References National Immigration Law Center. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.nilc.org/search.html American Immigration Council. (2011). Retrieved from Immigration Policy Center: http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/dream-act#do Beadle, A. (2012). Romney immigration adviser Kris Kobach says Mitt Romney won’t support GOP dream act. Retrieved from http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2012/04/18/466841/kobach-says-romney-wont-support-gop-dream-act/?mobile=nc Cova, G. (2012,April 4). Campus awards scholarships to about 140 students under DREAM Act. The Daily Californian. Retrieved from http://www.dailycal.org/2012/04/26/campus-awards-scholarships-to-about-140-undocumented-students/ Dinan, S. (2012, January 20). Gingrich backs portion of Dream Act.The Washington Times. Retrieved from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jan/20/gingrich-backs-portion-of-dream-act/ Garcia, E. (2011). DREAM Act introduced in Senate. Retrieved from http://campusprogress.org/articles/dream_act_introduced_in_senate/ Iowa’s census blues and the Dream Act (2011, January 3).. Des Moines Register. Retrieved from http://ciudadania.yaeshora.info/news?id=0077 Karger, H. and D. Stoesz. (2010) American Social Welfare Policy (chapter 2). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. New Americans in Iowa. (2012). Immigration Policy Center. Retrieved from http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/new-americans-iowa Press, A. (2012, January 1). Romney says he would veto dream act. Fox News. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/01/romney-says-would-veto-dream-act/ The White House (n.d). The dream act: good for our economy, good for our security, good for our nation. Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/DREAM-Act-WhiteHouse-FactSheet.pdf UC Berkeley. (2007). Dream Act Scholarships to begin January 2012. Retrieved from http://students.berkeley.edu/finaid/news/detail34.htm Valencia, N. (2011). Retrieved from CNN U.S.: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/05/05/california.student.immigration/index.htm