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Using Cartoon in the teaching of Narrative Essays

Using Cartoon in the teaching of Narrative Essays. Mdm Wong HJ. Lesson Study Objectives: (1) Using appropriate cartoon in engaging pupils in the teaching of essay writing; (2) To show teachers some important routines for group work.

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Using Cartoon in the teaching of Narrative Essays

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  1. Using Cartoon in the teaching of Narrative Essays Mdm Wong HJ

  2. Lesson Study Objectives:(1) Using appropriate cartoon in engaging pupils in the teaching of essay writing; (2) To show teachers some important routines for group work.

  3. Lesson Objectives:(1) To guide pupils in planning their essays; (2) To generate ideas for the content of the given topic

  4. Class Profile:Class: 3E Band 1 pupilsClass enrolment: 27 pupils

  5. Lesson Induction:Introduction to the Cartoon, Crayon Xiao Xin and things to note as you watch the video

  6. 《蜡笔小新》之《妈妈要死掉了》蜡笔小新在得知妈妈快要死后,他想象中的生活有什么变化?他对妈妈的态度有什么不同?《蜡笔小新》之《妈妈要死掉了》蜡笔小新在得知妈妈快要死后,他想象中的生活有什么变化?他对妈妈的态度有什么不同?

  7. 作文构思图 感受: 时间: 地点: 人物: 妈妈生病,小新 的态度与生活有 何变化 事件的起因: 事件的经过: 事件的结果:

  8. Watching Video

  9. Cartoon Discussionand Explanation on Group Task

  10. 之前: • “你”回来啦(调皮捣蛋)。 • 叫妈妈“老太婆”、“到了更年期” • 吃零食时,吃到满地肮肮脏脏的。 • 很久没有照顾小白(小狗)。

  11. 作文构思图 感受: 小新嚎啕大哭, 深怕会失去 妈妈 /小新的眼 睛闪着泪光, 抱着妈妈 鸣鸣地哭了。 时间:下午到 傍晚 地点:家里 人物: 小新、 妈妈、爸爸 《蜡笔小新》—— 《妈妈要死掉了》 事件的起因: 小新看了电视剧 后,误以为妈妈 得病要死掉了。 事件的经过: (1)小新对妈妈 的态度改变了。 (2)想象妈妈死 了后,生活上的 变化 事件的结果: 妈妈从医院回来 后,妈妈告诉 小新自己怀孕 了。

  12. 妈妈生病,小新的态 度与生活有何变化 态度上的不同: 答应妈妈从此 会乖乖听话,把 玩具收好。 生活上的变化: 想象母亲死后,自 己会很怀念母亲所 烹煮的菜肴(与父 亲相比)。 态度上的不同: 还有什么 要我做的? 我什么都愿意 为你做。

  13. Group Work in progress

  14. 题目:妈妈生病了,令你及家人非常担心。你的日常生活也起了一些变化。试描述当时的情景,写出你的感受。题目:妈妈生病了,令你及家人非常担心。你的日常生活也起了一些变化。试描述当时的情景,写出你的感受。

  15. 作文构思图 地点: 人物: 时间: 妈妈生病,你和 家人的生活有什 么变化?你有什 么感受? 感受: 事件的起因: 妈妈为什么会生 病?她得了什么 病? 事件的结果: 结果如何? 事件的经过: 你和家人的生活有 什么变化?

  16. Group Presentation and Lesson Closure

  17. Pupils’ Work

  18. interesting • More team work and better bonding • Can brainstorm for more ideas • More active participation from all members in the group • Stressful to see video camera shooting at us

  19. Teachers’ Observations

  20. Strengths: • Good time management • Good classroom routines • Good discipline in class • Pupils engaged in learning/ tasks • Pupils are prepared for presentation • Cartoon selected was engaging and closely linked to the topic for narrative essay • •Mind-mapping of cartoon • teaches pupils to plan their essays

  21. Areas for improvement: • Teachers were observing from behind, may be quite threatening. • To assign tasks to individual teachers so that they observe specific classroom skills. • To look into the dynamics of different groups as some pupils are too quiet (Jie Ying) while some are too dominant (Jun Jie). • To take note of a few pupils (Wen Hui[covering her face and pulling her fringe], Jun Jie, Jairia, Xiao Xian, Wei Qiang[hugging their bags] at the beginning segment.)

  22. Reflections/ Follow-up actions: • Put their bags on the floor/ chair before lesson begins. • To address groups with members who are too domineering or too quiet, more effective collaborative group work such as Round-Robin, Think-Pair-Share can be used.

  23. Thank you!

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