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CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL

CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL. CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT . Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL. Introduction to CFC/HCFC . CFCs HCFCs Regulatory Requirements Leak Rate Calculation Leak Repair Leak Verification Tests Recordkeeping/Reporting

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CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL

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  1. CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL

  2. CFC/HCFC MANAGEMENT Training Conference 2013 – Chicago, IL

  3. Introduction to CFC/HCFC • CFCs • HCFCs • Regulatory Requirements • Leak Rate Calculation • Leak Repair • Leak Verification Tests • Recordkeeping/Reporting • Your Responsibilities • Where To Get More Information

  4. What Are CFCs? • A class of synthetic chemicals that are odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, chemically inert, and stable thermodynamic properties – Class I Refrigerants • First CFC synthesized in 1892, first used in 1930s.

  5. Where Are CFCs/HCFCs Used? • Propellants in aerosol cans • Coolant in Refrigerators and Air Conditioners • Degreasing Agents • In the Manufacturing of Foam Packaging

  6. Problem With CFCs • Cause destruction of the ozone layer by drifting to the stratosphere, in the presence of UV radiation, reacts with ozone to form free chlorine atoms and molecular oxygen. • The chlorine liberated during ozone breakdown destroys even more ozone. • CFCs can remain in the atmosphere for more than 100 years. • In 1984, conclusive evidence of stratospheric ozone destruction. • In 1987, the Montreal Protocol Established – global environmental treaty to ban the use of chemicals responsible for damage to the ozone layer. • January 1, 1996, new CFC production ended.

  7. What Are HCFCs? • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are interim replacement compounds for CFCs- Class II Refrigerants • HCFCs still contain chlorine atoms, but the presence of hydrogen makes them reactive to chemicals in the troposphere, so chlorine does not reach the stratosphere. • Production of HCFCs will most likely be phased-out by 2030 in the USA, by 2015 in Europe. • DuPont stopped producing HCFC-22 for new equipment in 2005. • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - no chlorine, replacement for HCFCs, but big greenhouse gas emitter.

  8. CFC’s • BAD, bad, BADDDD really Bad

  9. CFC/HCFC Requirements • 40 CFR 82, Subpart F - maximize recycling of ozone-depleting compounds (CFCs and HCFCs) during the service and disposal of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment • Certification requirements for recycling and recovery equipment, technicians, and reclaimers. • Restricts sales to certified technicians. • Requires repair of substantial leaks in equipment with charge greater than 50 lbs. • Establishes safe disposal requirements.

  10. Leak Rate Calculation • The leak rate must be calculated each time a leak is discovered. • LEAK RATE % = ((lbs refrigerant added / lbs refrigerant in normal full charge) x (365/# days since refrigerant last added)) x 100

  11. Leak Repair • For equipment >50 lb charge, if the leak rate exceeds 35% of total charge in a 12 month period, then the leak must be repaired within 30 days following discovery, unless: • an industrial process shutdown is required in order for the repair to be completed. In this circumstance, the regulations allow the repair to be completed within 120 days.

  12. Leak Repair Verification Tests • Initial and follow-up verification tests must be conducted and documented for each repair. The initial test must be conducted immediately following the repair, before refrigerant is added to the equipment. • The follow-up verification test must be completed within 30 days following the repair, or, if the equipment was taken out of service, within 30 days of bringing the equipment back on-line.

  13. Leak Repair Verification Tests • Soap Bubble Test; • Electronic Leak Detectors; • Ultrasonic Leak Detectors; • Pressure Test; • Vacuum Test; • Fluorescent Dye and Black Light Test; • Infrared Test; or • Halon Refrigerant Gas Detection.

  14. Recordkeeping • Persons servicing, owning or operating industrial process refrigeration equipment containing over 50 pounds of regulated CFC/HCFC refrigerant must maintain records for: • (a) the date a leak is discovered; • (b) the date a leak is repaired and/or the equipment is serviced (including a description of the repair or service work); • (c) the date and quantity of refrigerant added or removed; • (d) the date, type and results of the initial verification test; and • (e) the date, type and results of the follow-up verification test.

  15. Reporting • If you fail a follow-up verification test, you must notify EPA within 30 days of this failed test. • The notification must include the dates and types of all initial and follow-up verification tests performed and all associated test results. • Reference: 40 CFR 82.156(i)(3)(iii) • Also, if you must report to EPA if you fail to complete repairs within 30 days of the leak

  16. Key Points • Any equipment containing more than 50 pounds of CFC/HCFC refrigerant are covered by this regulation. • Cannot exceed release amounts equivalent to 35% of system volume in the last 365 days. • If you do, you have 30 days to fix the cause of the release (process shutdown - 120 days), and must conduct initial and follow-up leak verification tests.

  17. Your Responsibilities • Implement a tracking mechanism such as an Excel spreadsheet that calculates the rolling release totals. • Maintain copies of certifications on-site for technicians servicing your CFC/HCFC containing equipment. • Must retain records of leaks/releases.

  18. More Information • 40 CFR 82, Subpart F • http://www.epa.gov/ozone • http://www.sfienvironmental.com/ Follow link to BMPs for leak calculator

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