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Sport. Nauč se nová slovíčka:. TENNIS. SKIING. TABLE-TENNIS. SKATING. SWIMMING. ICE-HOCKEY. FOOTBALL. BASKETBALL. SNOWBOARDING. Spoj slova s obrázkem:. ing Ski ing Skat ing Swimm ing Snowboard ing. Počítej se mnou !. Basket + = Table-tennis - =

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sport


  3. Spoj slova s obrázkem:

  4. ing Skiing Skating Swimming Snowboarding

  5. Počítej se mnou ! Basket + = Table-tennis - = + = + board + ing =

  6. Přepiš a opiš : skiing skating swimming snowboarding

  7. Najdi slova a opiš je: Swimming ice-hockey snowboarding skiing table tennis basketball skating tennis football ice-hockey

  8. skiing tennis football skating tennis basketball snowboarding snowboarding swimming Jaká slova najdeš? skating

  9. Přepiš slova správně: gniiks sinnet yekcoh-eci gnimmiws llabteksab gnitaks

  10. Zapamatuj si: skiing snowboarding

  11. Zapamatuj si: f tball swimming

  12. Přečti slova. skating tennis skiing swimming basketball snowboarding table-tennis football

  13. Napiš slova: ksngii owbsnroidgnar tooblfla igwsmimn ninets lalbbakste

  14. Seřaď slabiky a slovo napiš. ball foot key hoc ting ska ------------ --------------------------- ble ta nis ten ing ski ----------- --------------------------- ball ket bas board ing snow ------------------- -----------------------

  15. Přidej slabiku. foot ( doll – ball) (ten-te) nis skat ( ing – yn) (swim – swi) ming ta ( dle – ble) (ski-sky ) ing snow (board – born) ho (cky – ckey) bas ( tik – ket – kit – cet ) ball

  16. Doplň chybějící písmena. F _ O _ B _ _ L _ W _ _ M _ N G T _ B L _ - T _ _ N I _S K _ _ N _ _ N O _ B _ A R _ I _ G B _ S _ E _ _ A L_ I _ E - H _ C K _ _S _ A T _ N _

  17. Napiš slova se zdvojenými písmeny. ii mm nn ll

  18. Kolik slov najdeš? skatingswiimingsnowboardingfootballtable-tennis basketballice-hockeytennisfootball table-tennisswimmingskiingfootballtennis

  19. Najdi slova: lyžování tennis košíková plavání

  20. Najdi názvy sportů:

  21. Najdi v osmisměrce devět sportů:

  22. 1 2 3 4 5 Zahra j si pexeso A B C D E F

  23. The class survey: Do you like…?

  24. Doplň tabulku: ( Nápověda: skies, skates, helmet, swimming cap, goal, gym, swimming suit, ball, ice-hockey stick, basket, sport ground, bat, tennis shoes…)

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