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Explore the foundational principles of Toyota's successful manufacturing methodology, emphasizing continuous learning, team development, and waste reduction for efficient production. Discover how Toyota's long-term thinking and standardized processes lead to high-quality products.
Toyota pe scurt • Valoare de piata de peste $ 186 miliarde; 240.000 angajati • Al doilea mare producator de autovehicole; dupa GM • Vanzari de peste 6 millioane de autovehicule pe an in peste 170 tari • Profit: de peste 8 ori mai mare decat media industriei de autovehicole
Principiile Toyota • Mergi si vezi pentru a intelege problema 4 Sectiuni impartite in 14 principii ale “Toyota way” • Deciziile se iau prin consen analizand toate optiunile, aplicati rapid decizia luata. Rezolvarea problemei • Deveniti o companie care promoveaza invatarea continua • Promoveaza lideri care inteleg procesele si invata-i sa-i invete pe altii Oameni (Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your People) • Respecta, dezvolta si incurajeaza echipele • Respecta si exdinte reteau de parteneri si furnizori si incureajeaza competitia • Creaza un flux de procese pentru a evidentia problemele • Foloseste sistemul “pull” pentru a evita supraproductia Procese (The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results) • Nu creea variatii ale nivelul de munca. • Daca apare o problema de calitate opreste procesul. • Standardizeaza munca si procesele. • Utilizarea managementului vizual & 5S • Utilizati doar tehnologia care deserveste oamenilor si proceselor • Deciziile se bazeaza pe o gandire pe termen lung chiar daca rezultatele financiare pe termn scurt arata altfel Filosofia (Long-term Thinking) Sursa: Jeffrey Liker, a University of Michigan professor of industrial engineering // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Toyota_Way “At Toyota we try to make every process like a tightly linked chain—where the processes are connected by information and by physical flow. There's nowhere for a problem to hide.” Glenn Uminger, Toyota Manufacturing Corporation, North America
Best Quality - Lowest Cost - Shortest Lead Time - Best Safety - High Morale (QCDSM) through shortening the production flow by eliminating waste Just - in - Time People & Teamwork Just - in - Time Right Part, Right (In-station quality) Selection Joint decision Amount, RightTime Make Problem Common making goals Cross-trained Visible Take time planning Automatic stops Continous flow Andon Pull system Continuous Improvement Person-machine Quick changeover seperation Integrated logistics Error proofing Waste Reduction In-station quality control Go & See Eyes for waste Solve root cause Problem of problems 5 Why's solving (5 Why's) Leveled Production Stable and Standardized Processes Visual Management Toyota Way Philosophy Sistemul de productie Toyota The Toyota system developed products in much less time with many fewer hours of engineering, products that cost much less to manufacture and that had many fewer defects as reported by customers.
Toyota Supply Chain Piata auto, una din cele mai mari si competitive piete din lume. Toyota a ajuns sa fie cel mai mare producator de autovehicole din lume avand cea mai mare rata a profitului In 1970 GM detinea 40 % din piata SUA si Toyota 2 %; in 2008 Toyota detine: 25 % si GM 27 % Mediu Resurse Nu exista o resursa care sa poata fi definita in mod special, cea mai buna descriere ar fi: “Un sistem ce integreaza oameni; procese; utilaje si tehnologii, toate fiind gestionate folosind principiile Toyota” Obiective • Cea mai buna calitate – Cost scazut – Timp de livrare scazut - Siguranta – Moralitate • Cele mai bune produse – sa le oferim clientilor inaintea celorlati – sa le producem cu cele mai scazute costuri – sa le vindem prin cel mai bun serviciu de vanzare si post vanzare • A fi “Number One” nu insemna sa vinzi cat mai mult ci sa oferi cea mai buna calitate. • Utilizarea sistemului Pull // Sa produci o singura bucata cand o cere clientul // Stocurile mari ascund pirderile // JIT= Just In Time (Materialul corect; in cantitatea corecta; la timpul cerut) Feedback • Furnizorii si clientii sunt considerati parteneri. • Furnizorii sunt impartiti pe 4 nivele: • Partener: Cel mai ridicat nivel. Furnizorii proiecteaza si produc singuri sisteme - parti intregi ale autovehicolelor. Participa la faza de proiectare a noilor autovehicole. Sunt doar putini furnizori pe acest nivel si la cativa Toyota detine actiuni. • Matur: Furnizori care au initiativa si propun ei singuri noi materiale sau solutii. • Consultativ: Furnizori care produc articole simple ca: baterii; cauciucuri; etc • Contractual: Articole simple: suruburi; nituri; etc. “Our products must be the best in the world; we must be the first to offer them to customers; we must manufacture them at the lowest cost; and we must sell them through the best service networks.” Katsuaki Watanabe CEO Toyota Interview Harvard Business Review July–August 2007