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Wellness Triangle: Achieving Lifelong Wellness through Fitness, AOD Awareness, and Nutrition

Explore the components of the Wellness Triangle - physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. Discover fitness tips, learn about AOD effects, and understand the importance of nutrition. Stay healthy for life!

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Wellness Triangle: Achieving Lifelong Wellness through Fitness, AOD Awareness, and Nutrition

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  1. Add Main Topic Here

  2. Wellness Triangle Fitness AOD HIV/AID Nutrition 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

  3. Wellness Triangle – 10 Points QUESTION: • This is a combination of your physical, mental/emotional, and social well being ANSWER: • Health

  4. Wellness Triangle – 20 Points QUESTION: • Achieving wellness is an ongoing, lifelong commitment ANSWER: • True

  5. Wellness Triangle – 30 Points QUESTION: • Providing accurate health information in such a way as to influence people to change attitudes so that they can take positive action about their health, is considered to be what? ANSWER: • Health Education

  6. Wellness Triangle – 40 Points QUESTION: • Trash talking someone in a sporting event would be considered what kind of stressful situation? And what type of stress would that individual feel? ANSWER: • Environmental stress & Distress

  7. Wellness Triangle – 50 Points QUESTION: • How many stages of stress are there and what are they? ANSWER: • 3 stages of stress • Alarm • Resistance • Fatigue

  8. Fitness – 10 Points QUESTION: • Regular exercise provides health benefits that last a lifetime? True or False ANSWER: • True

  9. Fitness – 20 Points QUESTION: • This type of exercise uses little to no oxygen and is usually over in less than 2 minutes. ANSWER: • Anaerobic exercise

  10. Fitness – 30 Points QUESTION: • How many calories per gram does Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates containt?. ANSWER: • 9,4,4

  11. Fitness – 40 Points QUESTION: • This is the bodies ratio of body fat to lean body tissue ANSWER: • Body Compostion

  12. Fitness – 50 Points QUESTION: • What are the three types of resistance training? ANSWER: • Isometric -A force exerted by a muscle that results in no seen movement. • Isotonic - A muscle generating a force against a resistance. • Isokinetic - A muscle generates a force against constant resistance and movement results.

  13. AOD – 10 Points QUESTION: • The liver oxidizes alcohol at 1oz. Per hour? True of False ANSWER: • False it is .05/ph

  14. AOD – 20 Points QUESTION: • What are the four categories of psychoactive drugs? ANSWER: • Stimulants, Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Depressants

  15. AOD – 30 Points QUESTION: • Why are inhalants one of the most widely used drugs? ANSWER: • They are easily accessible

  16. AOD – 40 Points QUESTION: • This type of drug speeds up the CNS ANSWER: • Stimulatns

  17. AOD – 50 Points QUESTION: • What are the five Drug Categories. ANSWER: • Psychoactive drugs, Inhalants, Steroids, Club Drugs, Cannabis Sativa

  18. HIV/AIDS – 10 Points QUESTION: • What Does H.I.V and A.I.D.S stand for ANSWER: • Human Immunodeficiency Virus • Acquired Immune Deficiency Disease (syndrome)

  19. HIV/AIDS – 20 Points QUESTION: • How is HIV/AIDs transmitted from one individual to another? ANSWER: • Contact with Blood or Body Fluids (sexual fluids or breast milk.)

  20. HIV/AIDs– 30 Points QUESTION: • The use of the ELISA test has a 99.9% accuracy rate in determining if an individual is HIV positive? ANSWER: • False if ELISA test is positive the Western Blot test which is more accurate confirms the positive result.

  21. HIV/AIDs – 40 Points QUESTION: • This term is used if an individual has no symptoms of a disease? ANSWER: • Asymptomatic

  22. Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: • What are 3 prevention methods ANSWER: • Abstinence • Practicing safe sex • Not sharing anything where blood can be swapped

  23. Nutrition – 10 Points QUESTION: • Our most basic reason for eating is psychological? T/F ANSWER: • False

  24. Nutrition – 20 Points QUESTION: • This is affected when we see food advertisements of the T.V. ANSWER: • Our Appetite

  25. Nutrition – 30 Points QUESTION: • This is our bodies main source of fuel. (our bodies covert Carbohydrates into this) ANSWER: • Glucose

  26. Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION: • What are 3 trace minnerals ANSWER: • Copper • Iron • Iodine

  27. Nutrition – 50 Points QUESTION: • What two things are stored in our adipose tissue if we have an excess amount in our diets? ANSWER: • Carbohydrates (glucose-extra converted to glycogen{stored in fat}) • Protein

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