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International Migration. Immigration is not a new phenomenon . It dates back to the early stages of written history . Though migration is not new , it is accelerating as part of the process of global integration .
Immigration is not a newphenomenon. Itdatesbacktotheearlystages of writtenhistory. • Thoughmigration is not new, it is accelerating as part of theprocess of global integration. • This is a reflection of therapidlychangingeconomic, politicalandculturaltiesbetweencountries.
TheAge of Migration • Currently, around 175 millionpeoplereside in a countryotherthanwheretheywereborn. • That is equivalentto 3 percent of theworld’spopulation.
Immigration:Themovement of peopleinto a countrytosettle. • Emigration:Toleave a countrytosettle in another. • Thetwowavestogetherproduceglobal migrationpatternsthat link countries of originandcountries of destination. • Immigration is now an importantissue in manycountrieswithsignificantsocial, cultural, economicandpoliticalrepercussions.
Migration and the UK • Immigration to the British isles has existed throughout recorded history • Industrialization saw migration within the British Isles from the Celtic fringe and other rural areas to expanding urban centres • Migration from the near continent has occurred as groups have fled political and religious persecution • During the 1930s and 40s many fleeing Nazi expansion in mainland Europe fled to Britain
Risingimmigrationrateshavechallengedcommonlyheldnotions of nationalidentity; • Alsoforced a re-examination of concepts of citizenship. • Whatmight be some of theissuesregardingtheconcept of citizenship? (definiton of citizenship, grantingcitizenshiprights, dualcitizenship)
Migration and the UK • InBritain, Irish, blackandJewishcommunities had existedlongbeforetheIndustrialRevolution. But thesurge of newopportunitiesalteredthescaleandscope of internationalmigration. • New waves of Dutch, Chinese, IrishaandblackimmigrantstransformedBritishsociety.
Post-Second World War immigration primarily from Commonwealth nations to meet a need for unskilled workers • Immigration and asylum regulations tightened by successive governments since the 1960s • New migration sees free movement of labour between member states of the European Union
The spread of industrialization has alsotransformedmigrationpatterns in industrializingcountries. • Thegrowth of employmentopportunities in urban areasencouraged a trend towardsrural-urban migration.
Models of Migration Classic Model (Australia, US, Canada) • Nations built from immigration; citizenship extended to migrants Colonial Model (Britain, France) • Favours immigrants from former colonies; builds on pre-established partial citizenship Guest Worker Model (Germany, Swiss) • Immigrants admitted on temporary basis; no citizenship rights Illegal Forms (Mexico-US border) (Undocumentedorpaperless) • Remaining beyond visa expiry/people smuggling
Colonial Model • Following WWII, peoplefromCommonwealthcountrieswereencouragedandfacilitatedtogototheUK, which had a shortage of labor. • Inadditiontorebuildingthecountryandeconomyafterthedestruction of thewar, industrialexpansionprovidedBritishworkerswithmobility, creating a needforlabor in unskilledandmanualpositions.
TheBritishNationalityAct of 1948 grantedfavorableimmigrationrightstothecitizens of Commonwealthcountries. • Witheachwave of immigration, thereligiouscomposition of the UK changes. Britishcitiesbecamemultiethnicandreligiouslydiverse. • Immigrationbroughtnewquestionsaboutwhat it meansto be Britishandhowethnicandreligiousminorities can fullyintegrateintoBritishsociety.
Asylum-seekers / Refugees • To be grantedasylum, individualsmustclaimthatbeingforcedtoleavethecountrywould break obligationsthatthegovernment has underthe UN ConventionandProtocolrelatingtotheStatus of Refugees, whichobligessignatorynationstoprotectrefugeeswhoarefleeingpersecutionandtreatthem as well as otherforeignnationals on theirterritory.
Recent Global Trends in Migration Acceleration • Migration across borders in greater numbers Diversification • Most countries receive immigrants of different types Globalization • More countries involved as both senders and receivers Feminization • Global demand for domestic, care and sex workers
Push and Pull Factors Push factors: encouraging migrants to leave home country • Political oppression • War • Famine • Poverty • Population pressure
Push and Pull Factors Pull Factors: factors drawing migrants to host nation • Employment opportunities • Higher standards of living • Lower population density
Pew Global Attitudes Project (2005) • Germany • 34% thoughtimmigrationfrom North AfricaandMiddle East was a “goodthing” • 57% thought it was a “badthing” • 66% disapproved of immigrationfromEasternEurope
Global Migration Systems Interaction of micro and macro issues: • Micro: resources, knowledge and understandings of migrant population • Macro: political situation, immigration laws and regulations, shifts in the international economy
Diaspora • In his bookGlobal Diasporas (1997), Cohendefines diaspora as “thedispersal of an ethnicpopulationfrom an originalhomelandintoforeignareas, often in a forcedmannerorundertraumaticcircumstances”.
Types of diaspora • Victim diaspora • Labor diaspora • Trading diaspora • Imperial diaspora • Cultural diaspora
Characteristics of diaspora • Movementfromhomeland • Sharedcollectivememory of homelandandbelif in thepossibility of return • Ethnicidentitysustainedover time anddistance • Sense of solidaritywithothermembers of thegroup