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email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300. Basic Facts about Cincinnati Public Schools. Total enrollment (K-12)35,600 Total
1. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 OSEP Project Director’s ConferenceFrom Unique to Universal: An Urban District’s Journey toward Universally Designed InstructionAugust 2, 2006 Markay L. Winston, Ph.D.
Cincinnati Public Schools,
Director of Student Services
2. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Basic Facts about Cincinnati Public Schools Total enrollment (K-12) 35,600
Total # of Schools 70
Total # of Elementary Schools 52
Total # of Junior High Schools 1
Total # of High Schools 17
% receiving Free/Reduced Lunch 66%
% of students with disabilities 17%
Information taken from district publication “About our Schools”
3. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Basic Facts about Cincinnati Public Schools (continued) Student Ethnic Distribution
African American 70.5%
Caucasian 24.6%
Multiracial 3.2%
Asian 0.8%
Hispanic 0.7%
Native American 0.1%
Information taken from district publication “About our Schools”
4. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Cincinnati Public Schools:Service Providers General Educators 3000
Intervention Specialists 350
School Psychologists 80
Speech & Language Pathologists 65
Occupational Therapists 17
Physical Therapists 3
School Social Workers 43
Audiologists 3
*approximations as of 3/1/06
5. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
6. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
7. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Framing the Work Assessment of Current Practice
Identification of District Goals
District Action Planning
Resource Allocation
Professional Development
Sustaining Support
8. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 State Initiatives
Ohio Integrated Systems Change Model (OISM)
Universal Design for Learning Leadership
10. Core components
Research-Validated practices- don’ jump on the most recent fad bandwagon. Base instruction on research. Data on student performance collected frequently to monitor effectiveness. Students with most severe deficits, little room for error.
Data based decision making-SHOW ME THE DATA. Data is used for decision making What’s in place, what’s working? What are our goals?. How do we modify what we are working. EVIDENCE not OPINION! Without frequent reliable and valid indicators of student performance, whether school wide plans are working. Once a year, inadequate!
Resource allocation-data based.
Collaborative problem solving- a 5 step systematic process utilized at the systems or individual level to guide action planning. Data guides each step. ADMINISTRATOR involvement and leadership critical.
Explicit Instruction of Academic and Social Skills-Academic skills are taught, emphasis placed on presentation of positive examples, corrective feedback, and reminders/prompts that support correct academic performance. Expected behaviors and social skills are directly taught, infrequent social behavior errors are corrected in a proactive manner by focusing on the correct response, chronic social behavior errors are pr-corrected, by providing social skill reminders and practice.
Academic & Behavioral Supports for each and all- have to have strong core instruction, next more specialized interventions ( small group). Intensity of supports increases as complexity and intensity of academic or social/behavioral problems. SEE IOWA PRESENTATION for EACH AND ALL. FLEXIBILITY of resources.
Culturally Responsive Practices----
Core components
Research-Validated practices- don’ jump on the most recent fad bandwagon. Base instruction on research. Data on student performance collected frequently to monitor effectiveness. Students with most severe deficits, little room for error.
Data based decision making-SHOW ME THE DATA. Data is used for decision making What’s in place, what’s working? What are our goals?. How do we modify what we are working. EVIDENCE not OPINION! Without frequent reliable and valid indicators of student performance, whether school wide plans are working. Once a year, inadequate!
Resource allocation-data based.
Collaborative problem solving- a 5 step systematic process utilized at the systems or individual level to guide action planning. Data guides each step. ADMINISTRATOR involvement and leadership critical.
Explicit Instruction of Academic and Social Skills-Academic skills are taught, emphasis placed on presentation of positive examples, corrective feedback, and reminders/prompts that support correct academic performance. Expected behaviors and social skills are directly taught, infrequent social behavior errors are corrected in a proactive manner by focusing on the correct response, chronic social behavior errors are pr-corrected, by providing social skill reminders and practice.
Academic & Behavioral Supports for each and all- have to have strong core instruction, next more specialized interventions ( small group). Intensity of supports increases as complexity and intensity of academic or social/behavioral problems. SEE IOWA PRESENTATION for EACH AND ALL. FLEXIBILITY of resources.
Culturally Responsive Practices----
11. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Why UDL and Why Now? Dr. Phil Philosophy
Inclusive- Benefits for ALL Students
Promotes Meaningful Access to the General Curriculum
Preventive Early Intervention Approach versus retrofitting
Supports Differentiation
12. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
13. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
14. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
15. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Improved Resource Management
16. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
17. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
18. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Our Journey Toward UDL 2002-2003:
Collaboration between Central Office Directors (Curriculum and Student Services)
Instructional Management System District Wide
CAST led PD for Central Office Administration (Directors/Managers), teacher leaders, curriculum coaches, etc.
19. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 The Journey Continues 2003-2004:
Three Tiered Model Adopted
District Wide UDL Steering Committee Formed
3 UDL Pilot Schools Identified
Development of a District Wide UDL Plan
English Language Arts Textbook Adoption with UDL consideration
Innovative & Promising Practices Schools expanded
20. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Instructional/Assistive Technology Consultant (Full-time Teacher Position)
Targeted school wide PD for Voluntary Schools
21. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Past School Year… 2005-2006:
Teacher Dashboard Introduced
Continued Pilot Expansion
Instructional Technology Toolkits & District Wide Training
UDL written into Superintendent’s Strategic Plan
Targeted School wide PD on UDL
Demonstration Lab
22. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 This Fall 2006-2007:
Superintendent’s Strategic Plan Implementation
Model Lesson Plans infused with UDL
Tool Kit Training
Building Capacity through Instructional Support Teams
District Technology Plan revisited
23. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
24. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Applying UDL to our Three-Tiered Model of Support(Pyramid of Interventions)
Universal- District/School Wide Supports
Targeted Group/Building Supports
Individualized, Intensive Student Supports
25. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
26. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Tier 1: District Wide Efforts that Support UDL Instruction
Model Lesson Plan Development with UDL
Textbook Adoption
Instructional Technology Toolkits
Staff Development
District wide Professional Development on Differentiation and Standards Based Instruction
Instructional Management System PD and embedded technology support
Teacher Dashboard Training
Train the Trainer PD
27. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Instructional Technology Toolkits
All Schools
Collaboration with Technology Department
Hardware and Software
Embedded PD and Support Interactive Whiteboards
Reading Pens
Big Keys
Tablet Technology
Co-Writer- (Word Prediction Software)
WriteOut Loud- (Text to Speech)
Dragon- (Speech Recognition)
Math Pad Plus
28. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
29. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Tier 2: Targeted District Activities that Support Instructional Technology Instruction
Innovative and Promising Practices Model Schools
Toolkits for Targeted Populations
General and Special Education Pilot Collaborative (Co-funded initiatives)
Retooling of Teachers (Role and Function)
Enhancing Education Through Technology Grants (EETT)
Inclusive Practices Coaches and Technology Teacher Leader
Staff Development
Leadership Team Training in UDL
UDL Training for Select School Teams at CAST
On-Going Instructional Technology PD through Mayerson Academy
Imonthly Seminars and Demonstrations
30. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
31. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Tier 3: Intensive Efforts to Support Instructional Technology Instruction
Assistive Technology Assessments, Services and Grants
Individual Student Success Stories
Teacher Self Report on Access to Technology Resources
Pilot Classrooms using Specific Technology Tools
Disability Specific Innovations in Technology
Staff Development
Reading and Math Software programs for specific students
32. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 District Leadership Structures
Curriculum Administrators
Student Services Administrators
Instructional Leadership Team
Building Principals
Teacher Leaders
33. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Implementation Considerations District Action Planning Process
Professional Development
Stakeholder Support
Capacity Builders
34. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Innovation Configuration for UDL & Inclusive Practices Access to the Curriculum
Continuum of Services
Staff Roles & Responsibilities
Staff Scheduling
Related Service Delivery
Building Structures
35. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Lessons Learned Stakeholder Buy in
Sustaining Meaningful Support for Schools
High Quality PD
User Friendly Resources
Community Partnerships
Committed District Leadership Team
36. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Challenges Changes in Leadership
Maintenance of Technology
Supporting staff to use existing resources
Sustaining energy and effort
On-going Capacity building
Securing Funding
37. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Opportunities Alignment to District’s Strategic Plan
Enthusiasm of Teachers and Students
Administrative Support
Implications for teaching and learning
Preliminary Outcome Data
Decreasing Achievement Gaps
Embedded Professional Development
Strengthening General Education!
38. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 Acknowledgements Superintendent Rosa Blackwell
Southwestern Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Center
Department of Student Services Administrative Team
Staff and Students of Cincinnati Public Schools
39. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300
Good Things are Happening in Cincinnati Public Schools!
40. email: winstom@cps-k12.org phone: 513-363-0300 For additional information please contact me at the following: Markay L. Winston, Ph.D.
Cincinnati Public Schools
Board of Education Office
2651 Burnet Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45219