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“Dimensional Living” Part 3 “Bearing Witness in Earth”. ISAIAH 43:10 Ye are my witnesses , saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he : before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
“Dimensional Living” Part 3 “Bearing Witness in Earth”
ISAIAH 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. ISAIAH 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. ISAIAH 43:12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.
ACTS 1:6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? ACTS 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. ACTS 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
ACTS 5:30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. ACTS 5:31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. ACTS 5:32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
I TIMOTHY 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. I TIMOTHY 6:13 I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; I TIMOTHY 6:14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
We can plainly see the “Father – Word – Holy Ghost” attributes living in a Person veiled behind expressions. The invisible God made visible in the three dispensations of the Theophany. The 6th and 2nd dimensions are expressions of God’s intelligence, the 7th dimension.
We reviewed thoroughly the celestial expressions in Theophany and the record in Heaven. Now let’s move further in the process and watch these dimensions as the Person of God continues to display himself in his attributes. Let’s view heaven and earth together and see what the relationship is dimensionally as we find two witnesses in earth.
1 John 5:7-8 For there are **three that bear record in heaven**, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are **three that bear witness in earth**, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
The Heavenly record is one Person in three dispensations and the earthly witness is one person working with the elements of the earth, specifically water and blood. The Person in the heavenly is manifesting in three forms of the Theophany and the same Person is using water and blood to witness the entrance of Father, Word and Holy Ghost into the earth realms. It’s easy to see that the 7th dimensional Being is expressing himself through three forms of the 6th dimensional expression and witnessing with water and blood His entrance into the 2nd dimension.
Notice that the Heavenly is a record, it is final and binding, it is Truth, it is Life and stands as a testament in the eternal heavenlies. The water and blood speak as witnesses that Life has entered the earthly dimensions of 1) light or space and 2) matter. I am seeing more and more that “Light” is the dominant factor of the 1st dimension as everything remained without form and void until “Light” pulled together the earth and its form.
Genesis 1:2-4 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
The earth was 16 elements of cosmic light, potash and many other chemicals in particle dust and vapor form throughout space. The Spirit of God used Light to snap this globe of particles together and form the earth. Light causes friction between itself and darkness, forming the gravitational pull of 2nd dimensional substance of matter. This friction gravitated the earth particles into creation, position, and orbit. What are we talking about? We are forming the relationship between the Great Theophany Spirit and its intimacy of a relationship with earth.
Heavenly = Male attributes. Earthly = Female attributes! Heaven and earth hugged and kissed one another in the greatest uniting of all eternity. What God has joined together let no man put asunder! The Great Theophany Spirit brooded over mother earth and placed every 2nd dimensional seed of existence within her body! Even as the Pillar of Fire held every Eternal Celestial Seed within its being, so did the terrestrial earth take on every seed of the temporal bodies of flesh in the terrestrial.
Woe to the one that would try to separate heaven and earth. The heaven and earth that can’t be separated is the 7th and 6th dimensions of the Spirit and the celestial earth. The one who would try to separate God from his eternal expression is the devil and he is known as Lucifer, the Serpent, the Red Dragon, Satan, and the son of Perdition! He has always tried to put asunder the greatest unity of the universe! He is the absence of light! He was a mighty archangel walking in heavenly places plotting his deeds. He walked in the Garden of God displaying himself as a friend to Adam and Eve as the iniquity of a lie grew in his heart.
From whence cometh all wars, from the lust in our members! Jealousy finally prevailed making him imperfect. Adam and Eve walked in their perfect Spirit Man relationship of soul/theophany and their friend plotted how he could put asunder that relationship with the Spirit of God. In all that the devil accomplished with his filth and iniquity he could not separate the Theophany of that first creation from the earth. The father of lies did accomplish marring the earth and planting a seed of discrepancy that would later prove to be his undoing and death!
Satan couldn’t plant a seed in the eternal! He could only plant a temporal seed of the image of eternal in the terrestrial darkness where there was the absence of God’s Eternal Light. His act of iniquity toward Eve unleashed the greatest redemption story that has ever been told. Thus we see the 5th dimension enter the process and it is a perversion of the 6th dimension.
Satan tried to build a kingdom like the 6th dimension expression and it is a perverted place of 5th dimensional degradation, unrest, and filth that consists of death, hell, and the grave. Satan is a spirit and he has a soul, and that soul sinned and must be completely annihilated and that spirit must be completely put out of existence along with his plan! And what was his plan? It is clear, the separation of heaven and earth! Woe to the one that would try to separate heaven and earth.
Our Husband, the Lord Jesus, is the all knowing conservationist. He is the Chief Ranger riding in authority of his White Horse in Revelations 19. He has lost nothing! All that are thine are mine and I have lost none, I will raise them up at that day! Heaven and earth are not disconnected as the Son, Jesus Christ, gave his life for the purpose of not being split asunder. Now we are viewing the truth about the dimensions and how they work as a relationship. We see the 7th, 6th, and 2nd dimensions working together as a Person with two witnesses. We see the 5th dimension as our accuser and liar against us, holding our perversion in life as evidence.
Now we begin to understand the “fallen time factor”. The perversion of the 5th dimension immediately expressed a temporal life form of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This perverted life form has the “fallen time factor” that started in Genesis 3 and ends at the complete restoration of the earth. Now we see the “good and evil” factor coming into view and only by iniquity, lies and deceit from the father of liars. The Tree of Life is 7th & 6th dimensional eternal Life. The tree of knowledge is the 5th & 3rd dimensional perversions of life and time.
Remember, the 6th dimension is Perfect Life expressed, Christ. The 5th dimension is a perversion or copy of that life in a mutated form of temporal nature. The 3rd dimension immediately trapped that life form by a curse of death. The Devil has been quarantined until he is deleted completely! Time is a measurement of two things, death and redemption! Death is a temporal perverted attribute and redemption is an eternal attribute, thus temporal and eternal time come into view. The 3rd dimension of “Time” placed a measurement of death on the devil and all of his works and
we see time pushing all temporal perverted things into their position for annihilation. And we have two witnesses against our accuser as he is trying to keep us here in this house of hell. Our witnesses are water and blood! Water and blood are truly one and the same. The only difference is that the water carries life to the natural earth and the blood carries life to the person. We now understand it as “Water – Life to the earth”, “Blood – life to the person”, and “Spirit – Life to the Heavenly”. Water and blood witnessing that Life is in the house!
The witnesses are true! The earth shows in its creation that it was put here as a witness, the female, the mother of us all! Melchisedec is the only one who had no mother! He wasn’t created, on the contrary, he created it all. The earth was created and will pass through the three stages as it moves back into its original position before the terrestrial creation of perversion and the fall. The first earth age was the “Water Earth Age”.
Water was in the atmospheres above the earth and water was in the ground beneath the earth. It was engulfed in water from its creation. In the Garden of Eden, and through the first 2000 years from Adam to Noah, the “Water Age” dominated and then its water broke. The waters gushed out of the springs of the deep within the earth! Also, the water gushed down from the atmospheres and the earth was engulfed in a watery baptism that ended the first earth age in a watery baptism of cleansing and death.
It appeared that we had moved away from God into separation but in fact we moved from a “Water Covenant” to a “Blood Covenant” and were further long to the awaited completion of our redemption plan! The kinsman redeemer started coming into view as God personally identified us in the Royal Seed of Abraham. The law uncovered our need for a redeemer and the fact that it was blood that caused the redeeming process. And it was “The Blood of God” that would complete the redeeming process. Water had given its witness and the Blood was now speaking!
As Noah’s lone natural seed of his family crossed the tides of the judgment in the ark he was certainly a natural type of the blood speaking. The blood of Cain’s Seedhad been wiped awayat the antediluvian flood cleansing the earth of a second thought (in type). The blood of creation was speaking loudly as a purging substance of all human life outside the first man Adam. Certainly this happening is the pre-figure of only one Seed remaining on the new earth as nothing will pass through the judgments except for the Seed of Christ.
We left the first “Earth Age of Water” and entered the second age of the “Blood Earth Age”. The earth was bearing witness that the Spirit of God was redeeming, speaking and taking back the rights of inheritance. We Moved from the water covenant to a blood covenant and did as Paul said, “Changed from glory to glory”. 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
The 2nd dimensional substance was bearing two witnesses that a supernatural faith substance of the 6th dimension had redeemed it and immortality had taken over until the Theophany moved back into its original position. Faith in the blood of God! Watch the “Second Earth Age of Blood” culminate as Abraham was separated out by God and given circumcision as a sign in his personal body. A cutting away of flesh and blood! Watch Moses give the laws of God, which absolutely personalized the sin of all individuals in Israel.
The laws called for the blood of animals for a covering and animal blood was spilled throughout the streets of the cities like never before. A Levitical Priesthood was formed to give service for the people by continually spilling the blood of animals for their sin. The “Blood Age” came to its full witness when the sin of man was revealed and man realized that flesh and blood could not give him inheritance of heaven and earth. Man needed something else and that sacrifice had already been prepared for mans deliverance into the “Third Earth Age”!
Jesus Christ was born on this wise, “The Angel of the Lord came to Mary and said that the Holy Ghost would overshadow her and she would have a child of the Holy Ghost.” Mary did not have a sexual act with man to produce Jesus. The bloody laws of Moses declared that a Kinsman Redeemer without sin had to meet the requirements of the redemption plan. God’s own law required a sacrifice that couldn’t be produced by man. Therefore, God prepared Himself a body by the Spoken Word.
The Spoken Word body of Jesus Christ produced the requirements of the law through the sinless one dying! A sinless sacrifice was required and God delivered the product through Jesus Christ! The resurrection of that body made him the head of this new race. The earth is the mother of us all and she had come through a lengthy blood issue in the “Second Earth Age”. The earth is like the little woman (mother) that came to Jesus with the blood issue and touched the hem of his garment. The Lord Jesus stopped the blood issue immediately for the woman! The Lord Jesus stopped the bloody earth age immediately. He entered “ONCE” giving us eternal redemption!
Water and blood had given their witness in the earth and then come the entrance of the Spirit of God into the earth! What God had desired for 4000 years had now been accomplished! The work of the Lamb in His Lamb’s Book before the foundation of the world had now come to its fulfillment in the dimensions of time. Water and Blood witnessed to the truth that God had cleansed mother earth of her sin.
The earthwas made a fit place for the Holy Ghost to come and live in again! Know ye not that ye are the temple of God wherein dwells the Holy Ghost and you should keep your temple holy? There are not many temples but one temple, even Jesus Christ of which we are! 1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 The baptism of Fire on it only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for His meek to live in. See? Oh. Like He did us, this creation to live in, before He could come in it, He had to give us the baptism of Fire; then the Holy Ghost come in and live: baptism of Fire. Then, when you get that baptism of Fire, then the Holy Ghost can come in. What if it does? It burns up everything contrary to the Word out of you.
Satan is destroyed in you (that 5th dimensional connection) by the brightness of the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is the glorious entrance of the Spirit of God reaching into the elected and prepared ground of your earth dimension. He quickens that Seed of foreknowledge that was predestinated by God. When the baptism quickened that little speck of Life within the bowels of your earth the call of the “Deep crying to the Deep” was met. A Spirit Man Theophany came forth and it was a total uniting of Soul, Theophany and that uniting moved this earthly body to take on immortality until it goes back to the dust upon the exit of the Theophany being. All had taken their rightful positions! We heard from our Theophany and united with the call!
Jesus quickly entered us into Life beyond the first and second “Earth Ages” of water and blood. It is a new creation covenant and it is the QUICKENING SPIRIT. Jesus changed forms at the cross and resurrected, releasing his Quickening Spirit upon the Bride of Christ in Acts 2. The resurrection of the Predestinated Bride Seed started unfolding as each individual came forth to take their position in the Body of Christ at their designated time. The Gospel Son-light has been calling our predestinated seed Life from the earth in resurrection since Acts 2. The wife of Christresurrects in each age as she receives the word of her age.
The great Theophany Spirit calling his children from the dust of their earthly bodies to manifest the word of their age and receive their glorification by experience. The resurrection was completed on Sunset Mountain as we all had resurrected, received our body change and was raptured to Sunset Mountain in the Great Cloud of Christ’s second coming. It is the 7th/6th dimensions of Zoe calling forth children from the 2nd dimension.