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UML for ODP viewpoint specifications

Overview of RM-ODP framework for open distributed processing system specifications and detailed concepts for enterprise, information, computational, engineering, and technology viewpoints.

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UML for ODP viewpoint specifications

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  1. UML for ODP viewpoint specifications Bryan Wood Convenor, JTC1/SC7/WG19 Bryan.Wood@Open-IT.co.uk ITU-T/SG 17 Geneva, 27 November 2002

  2. Standardization for Open Distributed Processing (ODP) • Initiated in JTC 1/SC 21 (Open Systems Interconnection, Database and Open Distributed Processing) and ITU-T SG7 (Data networks and open system communications) • Now the responsibility of JTC 1/SC 7 (Software and System Engineering) and ITU-T SG 17 • Close collaboration with the Object Management Group (OMG) • OMG PAS submissions in the context of ODP standardization • RM-ODP a specification framework for domain groups • ODP concepts reflected in MDA

  3. What is RM-ODP? Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing ( ISO/IEC 10746 | ITU-T Rec. X.901-5) • Part 1 : Introduction • Part 2: Foundations • precise object modelling concepts • Part 3: Architecture • viewpoints, viewpoint specifications and transparencies • Part 4: Architectural semantics • formalism • Part 5: QoS in ODP (under development)

  4. What is RM-ODP? A framework for ODP standardization and system specification covering all aspects of distributed systems - “enterprise”, system, technology • comprehensive and coherent object-oriented modelling concepts • viewpoints • viewpoint specifications

  5. Modelling concepts • Underlying concepts • entity, abstraction, system, architecture… • Basic modelling concepts • action, object, environment (of an object), interface, location (in space/time) … • Specification concepts • composition/decomposition (of objects), type (of an <X>), <X>template, role …

  6. More modelling concepts • Organisational concepts • configuration (of objects), <X> domain… • Policy concepts • contract, QoS, environment contract, prescriptions on behaviour (obligations, permissions, prohibitions), policy …

  7. Viewpoints • Different abstractions of the same system • reflect different concerns • expressed in terms of specific viewpoint concepts • Powerful mechanism for dealing with the complexity of distributed systems

  8. Information Enterprise Computation Engineering Technology Different Concerns System

  9. Viewpoint Specifications • Descriptions of different viewpoints on a system • related and mutually consistent • Using specific viewpoint languages • based on the foundation modelling concepts

  10. - business context - business processes Enterprise Viewpoint specifications

  11. The enterprise specification • Specifies the roles played by an IT system in its organisational environment • An object model of a social/commercial organisation in terms of: • enterprise objects • community (of enterprise objects) • objectives • structure (roles) • behaviour • policy

  12. - business context - business processes Enterprise - information - changes to information - constraints Information Viewpoint specifications

  13. The information specification • Specifies system behaviour abstracted from implementation • An object model of the IT system describing the information and processing of information in terms of: • information objects • invariant, static and dynamic schema • behaviour: actions • actions: changes of state • activities (use cases): sequences of actions

  14. - business context - business processes Enterprise - information - changes to information - constraints Information - object configuration - interactions between objects at interfaces Computational Viewpoint specifications

  15. The computational specification • Specifies computational objects - units of distribution and portability • An object model of the IT system describing the structure of processing in terms of: • computational objects (interfaces and invocations) • interfaces: operations supported • invocations: operations invoked • activities: sequences of invocations • computational binding

  16. - business context - business processes Enterprise - information - changes to information - constraints Information - object configuration - interactions between objects at interfaces Computational - e.g. realisation in CORBA - use of ORB - use of CORBA services Engineering Viewpoint specifications

  17. The engineering specification • Specifies the mechanisms and services that provide the required distribution transparencies and QoS constraints. • An object model of the system describing the infrastructure supportingthe computational structure • infrastructure objects • basic engineering objects

  18. The technology specification • Specifies the procurable pieces from which the system is built. • An object model of the system describing the configuration of hardware and software components that comprise the system

  19. - business context - business processes Enterprise - information - changes to information - constraints Information - object configuration - interactions between objects at interfaces Computational - e.g. realisation in CORBA - use of ORB - use of CORBA services Engineering Technology - hardware and software components A System specification

  20. UML for ODP viewpoint specifications A proposed standardcovering: 1) the expression ofa system specification in terms of RM-ODP viewpoint specificationsusing defined UML/UML extensions and concepts (e.g. structuring rules, technology mapping, relationship with MDA etc.); 2) relationships between the resultant RM-ODP viewpoint specifications; 3) relationships between RM-ODP viewpoint specifications and model driven architectures such as the OMG MDA

  21. Why UML for ODP viewpoint specifications? • RM-ODP defines concepts and framework for system specification • RM-ODP does not define notation for specification (modelling) • UML defines notation for specification (modelling) • UML does not define concepts and framework for system specification

  22. Why a Specification Framework? • Needed by system specifiers • Needed for communication between system specifiers • Needed for communication between stakeholders and implementors • Needed for a stable business functionality description • independent of technology and technology change • Needed for mission critical business systems

  23. Sources • UML profile for Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) • European research projects: • Synapses - developing a distributed architecture bsaed on the RM-ODP to enable healthcare • COMBINE - investigating the organisation and process for component-based system developed • Japanese Association of Healthcare Information System Industry (JAHSI) of a Japanese Hospital Information Reference Enterprise Model • Industrial Practice

  24. Timetable - Targets • Start of Project May 2003 • SC7 WD May 2004 SC7 meeting • 1st CD Dec 2004 • FCD May 2005 SC7 meeting • FDIS Dec 2005 • IS May 2006 SC7 meeting

  25. Questions ? - SG 17 interest?

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