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NYS ESL PROGRAM OVERVIEW. What is ESL?. An English as a Second Language program is a free-standing language arts program for English Language Learners. (not a support service)
What is ESL? • An English as a Second Language program is a free-standing language arts program for English Language Learners. (not a support service) • ESL teachers are Language Development Experts who teach reading, writing, listening , speaking, culture plus content-area vocabulary and key concepts. They are experts in academic vocabulary, scaffolding, co-teaching strategies and community resources for ELLs. • If you think of the variety of Foreign Language teachers and ELA teachers, you can compare them most closely to the ESL teacher. • One of the differences between a teacher of a foreign language and an ESL teacher is that most students taking foreign language, at least in the US, share the common language of English. ELLs don’t necessarily share a common language.
ESL Student Identification • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/bilinged/pub/LEPproc.pdfELLIdentification Chart • When a new ESL student enters a school district: • The parents complete a “Home Language Questionnaire” and ESL teacher administers Informal Interview Questions: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/bilinged/pub/hlq.html • The student is tested by the ESL teacher using a NYSITELL Exam (beginning / February 1, 2014), if indicated. http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nysitell
Parent Letters & Conferences • Principals mail parent letters home each September telling parents that their child is enrolled in an ESL program. • Sample Parent Letter http://www.ocmboces.org/tfiles/folder732/Sample%20Parent%20Letter%20-%20154%20new.pdf • ESL parents participate in a Fall ESL Parent Orientation and parent conferences held during the year.
Update-ESL Progression Levels http://www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-bilingual-common-core-initiative Currently 4 Progression Levels: • Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient 5 New Proposed Progression Levels: • Entering, Emerging, Transitioning Expanding, and Commanding • http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2013Meetings/February2013/213p12d3.pdf
NYS Assessments • All ESL students must take and pass the *ELA, Math, and Science assessments-with accommodations. • *NYS now requires ESL students with more than one year in US schools by April 1, to take both the ELA assessment-with accommodations, and the NYSESLAT. • All students must take the Regents exams-with accommodations. • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/schedules/home.html2013-14 Exam Dates
State Assessments & Regents Accommodations For Students • Extended time (1 ½ time) • Use of bilingual glossaries or electronic translators • Tests translated into Chinese, Haitian, Creole, Russian, and Spanish (by NYSED) • Allowing simultaneous use of English and native language versions of the test *(if desired by student). • Test translated by an interpreter, if it is a rare language. • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/ac-general/archive/flep-accommodations10-08.pdf
NYSED Bilingual Glossaries • Developed by NYSED in several languages for use in state exams and in classrooms. • Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Bosnian, French, Korean, Polish, Bengali, Serbo-Croatian • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/bilinged/bilingual_glossaries.htm
Foreign Language Credit • ESL students can earn up to five (5) units of credit for schooling in their home language from age 11. Students must produce a transcript/grades that show they were attending school from the age of 10 + and be passing: • 3 units at age 11 • 4 units at age 12 • 5 units at age 13 or older • www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/lote/documents/lote-qa.pdfSee item #31
Credit for ESL Class • High School ESL students can earn graduation credits for ESL class. • Each district can decide the specifics regarding ESL credits earned.
Annual NYSESLAT Exam • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/assessment/nyseslat/2013 NYSESLAT Guide • Includes testing in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening taken over a 4 day period. • Six testing levels: K, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-12 • Exams are given in April & May. • The scores arrive in July. • Test results are used to determine the required minutes of ESL per week: • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/docs/LAPtable12-09.pdfESL Time Requirements
NYS Blueprint for ELLs Success • In April 2014, NYS issued a press release regarding the new NYS Blueprint for ELLs Success: • http://www.oms.nysed.gov/press/ELLBlueprint.html NYSED “Blueprint” Press Release • http://usny.nysed.gov/docs/blueprint-for-ell-success.pdf Blueprint for ELLs Success • http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2014/January2014/114p12d2.pdf Board of Regents “Blueprint” Update, January 2014
NYS Seal of Biliteracy • Governor Cuomo Signed Bill in 2012 to Recognize High School Graduates Who Demonstrate Proficiency in Multiple Languages • The seal will be attached to diplomas and transcripts of graduates who excel in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in multiple languages • The purpose of the seal is to increase the prospect of a student’s future employment and educational success • The Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies will implement the State Seal of Biliteracy Program in two phases: • Beginning with a one year Pilot Implementation Program (during the 2014-15 academic year) Followed by a full implementation program.
Threefold Challenge of ESL Students • Grasping knowledge, skills, and attitudes specific to the subject areas • A better command of the English language • An ability to interact with others and function within the social environment of the school
How Can Parents Help? • Make reading part of the child’s daily routine. Read to children in either English or in his/her native language. • Take your child to the library and encourage the child to borrow books. • Schedule time every day for the child to do homework and provide a quiet place. • http://www.colorincolorado.org/guides/readingtips/Reading Tip Sheets for Parents • http://www.colorincolorado.org/guides/teachertips/Teacher Tip Sheets
BICS • Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) • Can be acquired in fewer than two years. • If only an oral assessment is done, the student may appear as commanding the English language. • http://www.unco.edu/doit/Model%20Courses/EDI%20112_Introduction%20to%20BICS.pdfIntroduction to BICS and CALP
CALP • Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency Skills (CALP) • Skills needed to succeed in areas such as reading, writing, math, science, & social studies • CALP will often require five-ten years for ESL student to perform at grade level
How Long Can a Student Receive ESL Services? • Up to three years unless; • An annual extension is requested from the Commissioner for up to six years. Then student become a Long-Term LEP. • If a student scores as Commanding on the NYSESLAT, he/she exits ESL and performance is monitored for two years.
Comprehensible Inputhttp://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/comprehensible_input_output_70140.php • Understandable messages, called comprehensible input, are not communicated by words alone. • Use multisensory input: visuals, realia, drawings, gestures, role-plays, graphic organizers. • Model, demonstrate, restate and simplify language; introduce key vocabulary before the lesson.
ESL Resources (cont.) • English Language Learner Overview, 2014 http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2014/January2014/P12ELLUpdate.pdf • ESL Program Components, Policies and Procedures http://www.oswego.org/webpages/lstevens/index.cfm?subpage=10079 • Common Core and ELLs http://www.oswego.org/webpages/lstevens/index.cfm?subpage=8258 • NYS Bilingual Common Core Initiative http://www.engageny.org/resource/new-york-state-bilingual-common-core-initiative
Cont. • Academic Vocabulary http://www.fresno.k12.ca.us/divdept/sscience/Vocabulary/EnglishVocabulary.pdf • NYSUT Parent Guides http://www.nysut.org/files/research_110412_R337_11_ELL_brochure.pdf • Parent Guide to the NYSESLAT http://www.p12.nysed.gov/apda/nyseslat/brochure/home.html • Parent Guide to the Common Core http://www.pta.org/4446.htm • For Teachers & Students http://www.monroe2boces.org/professionalDev.cfm?subpage=2266