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ESL Overview

ESL Overview. August 23, 2012. ELLs at CV are a diverse group. National origin Educational background Attitudes about school Experience with technology Speaking ability can be deceptive; some “fluent” speakers cannot read or write well in any language.

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ESL Overview

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  1. ESL Overview August 23, 2012

  2. ELLs at CV are a diverse group National origin Educational background Attitudes about school Experience with technology Speaking ability can be deceptive; some “fluent” speakers cannot read or write well in any language. Learning disabilities can be hard to diagnose and treat.

  3. Placement of ELLs • English Language Learners are placed in ESL classes at CV based on language ability rather than age or grade level. • Before creating a schedule, all incoming ELLs are tested in 4 areas: • Speaking • Listening • Reading • Writing • Test instrument: WIDA Access Placement Test WAP-T

  4. WIDA Consortium • World-Class Instructional Design & Assessment • A consortium of 26 states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners • Provides training to ESL professionals for test administration. Recertified annually.

  5. WAP-T and ACCESS tests • WAP-T is a placement test, given on arrival at CVSD. • ACCESS is a language proficiency test given annually in February. Results…theoretically in May • Social and academic proficiency in English • Social and instructional English in a school context • Content based: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies • Addresses all 4 language domains: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

  6. WIDA Scoring Components Scores range from 0.0 to 6.0 in 4 domains: • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing Composite Scores, from 0.0 to 6.0: • Oral Language : 50% Listening + 50% Speaking • Literacy : 50% Reading + 50% Writing • Comprehension : 70% Reading + 30% : Listening • Overall : 35% Reading + 35% Writing + 15% Listening + 15% Speaking

  7. Levels of ESL Instruction at CVHS 1 – Entering: WIDA scores from 0.0 to 1.9 2 – Beginning: WIDA scores from 2.0 to 2.9 3 – Developing 1 & 2: WIDA scores from 3.0 to 3.9 4 – Expanding: WIDA scores from 4.0 to 4.9 5 – Bridging: WIDA scores from 5.0 to 5.9+ 6 – Reaching / Exit ESL Exited students are monitored for 2 years Think of it as “Training Wheels”

  8. Give them the support they need

  9. Monitored Students • We are required by law to monitor the progress of Exited ESL students in core classes for 2 years. • Roles & Responsibilities: • ESL Dept: sent out Post-Exit Monitoring forms at the end of every marking period • Core Class Content Teachers: complete and initial the monitoring Form; return it promptly to ESL Dept. • Co-Responsibility: collaborate as needed to respond to language needs of struggling ELL students.

  10. The Monitor Form • Complete report card grades and comments sections • Complete 10 performance ratings (communication, participation, autonomy…) • Have ESL strategies been implemented to respond to language needs of former ELL? • Do you recommend that this student be reclassified as an ELL?

  11. ELLs in the Communications Classroom • Their background knowledge in Literature, Poetry and Drama may be limited or non-existent. • They may need more time and teacher support to process complex reading assignments. • They will likely need guidance, support and models for higher level academic writing tasks. • They may need encouragement to speak in class (participation and oral presentations). • Written supports, outlines, study guides are all helpful to support their listening ability.

  12. Expect great things from them!

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