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WINNER OF THE IT Innovator Award. Press the Enter button to continue….
WINNER OF THEIT Innovator Award Press the Enter button to continue…
Westminster Homecare demonstrated the innovative use of information technology to deliver and maintain consistently high levels of service to our service users, through testimonials and a summary of the IT innovations Mark Thomas has implemented over the past year. Infrastructure Changes We have implemented a country wide Virtual Private Network linking all our branch computers systems. Migrated four differentRostering Systems to one system. A centralising Rostering system database has enabled disaster recovery plans like “Branch Buddying” - allowing offices to support each other. We use Remote Access technology so that selected users can access our systems from home. Innovative Technology Care Worker Monitoring We are a leading provider in the use of electronic call logging for monitoring of care delivery, and probably have the largest number of contracts with local authorities that use electronic call logging. Two contracts use logged data as the basis for payroll and electronic billing. Critical Service Users Monitoring and Alerts We use CM2000 to monitor visit delivery times to vulnerable service users. If the care worker does not login within 15 minutes of the scheduled times – an alert is raised via computer popup message or text messaging. On-line Services to Care Workers and Customers Westminster Homecare developed (in-house) the following web services, in response to increasing demand: Care staff – can securely, access their on-line account, offering them the ability to print the latest Rostering schedules, print historical pay listings, and check, prior to payroll, their pay detail report. Service Users - specifically concerned family members, can login to our secure on-line service and see latest planned care schedules (showing who’s visiting and when). The following testimonials will further demonstrate the business benefits of our IT innovations. Press the Enter button to continue…