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2010 SHRM Pinnacle Award Winner

SHRM Michiana Chapter. 2010 SHRM Pinnacle Award Winner. Successful Practice Showcase Webinar Series. SJC Bridges Out of Poverty: Future Story Project. SHRM Michiana Chapter. Employer ’ s Experience. SHRM Michiana Chapter. High turnover rate High absenteeism Excessive Tardiness

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2010 SHRM Pinnacle Award Winner

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  1. SHRM Michiana Chapter 2010 SHRM Pinnacle Award Winner Successful Practice Showcase Webinar Series

  2. SJC Bridges Out of Poverty: Future Story Project SHRM Michiana Chapter

  3. Employer’sExperience SHRM Michiana Chapter • High turnover rate • High absenteeism • Excessive Tardiness • Excessive cell phone use • Communication breakdowns between staff and supervisors • Failure of staff to understand policies and procedures

  4. SHRM Michiana Chapter Insanity:Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. E=MC2 4

  5. SHRM Michiana Chapter

  6. SHRM Michiana Chapter St. Joseph County Bridges Out of Poverty InitiativeMission Statement Using Bridges Out of Poverty as a framework, transform St. Joseph County into a sustainablecommunityin which individuals move from generational poverty to self-sufficiency, enhancing the quality of life for everyone and creating a model for other communities.

  7. SJCBridges Five Goals SHRM Michiana Chapter • Through collaboration using a common approach, assist individuals from generational poverty to understand and adopt successful life strategies and to foster their dreams. • Mobilize the community • Identify predatory practices and practitioners and work toward their elimination. • Identify structures that perpetuate generational poverty and implement strategies to change them. • Develop sustainable organization.

  8. Living in poverty is often coping with an unstable, unpredictable environment SHRM Michiana Chapter Mental Model for Poverty

  9. SHRM Michiana Chapter United States Official Poverty Guidelines: 2008 Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (January 2008).

  10. One in 8 Americans but one in 5 in South Bend live in poverty… SHRM Michiana Chapter • 37 million Americans live below the poverty line • Of that 13 million are children • The number has grown by 6 million since 2000 2005 American Community Summary U.S. Census Bureau

  11. SHRM Michiana Chapter DEFINITION OF POVERTY • “The extent to which an individual does without resources.” • Situational Poverty: A lack of resources due to a particular event (divorce, natural disaster, etc.) • Generational Poverty: Having been in poverty for at least two generations

  12. SHRM Michiana Chapter DEFINITIONS OF RESOURCES EMOTIONAL Being able to choose and control emotional responses, particularly to negative situations, without engaging in self-destructive behavior. Shows itself through choices. MENTAL Having the mental abilities and acquired skills (reading, writing, computing) to deal with daily life; education; trade or skills. FINANCIAL Being able to purchase the goods and services of that class and sustain it. SPIRITUAL Believing in (divine) purpose and guidance; one’s cultural base. PHYSICAL Having physical health and mobility; appearance, fitness, athletic abilities. SUPPORT SYSTEMS Having friends, family, and backup resources available to access in times of need. These are external resources. RELATIONSHIP/ ROLE MODELS Having frequent access to adult(s) who are appropriate, nurturing, and who do not engage in destructive behavior. KNOWLEDGE OF HIDDEN RULES Knowing the unspoken cues and habits of a group. Also Integrity & Trust, Motivation & Persistence, Formal Language Register

  13. Different environments create different hidden rules SHRM Michiana Chapter • Hidden rules are unspoken cues and habits of a group. • Help us intelligently navigate our world. • Come from the environment we are raised. • Like language, children absorb from the environment.

  14. SHRM Michiana Chapter POWER POVERTY Power linked to personal respect Ability to fight Can’t stop bad things from happening MIDDLE CLASS Power/respect separated Responds to position Power in information and institutions WEALTH Power in expertise, connections Power in stability Influences policy and direction

  15. SHRM Michiana Chapter TIME POVERTY Present most important Decisions made for the moment based on feelings or survival MIDDLE CLASS Future most important Decisions made against future ramifications WEALTH Traditions and history most important Decisions made partially on basis of tradition/decorum

  16. What would it look like if we were all using the same approach? SHRM Michiana Chapter Agency Partners Employers Getting Ahead Graduate Bridges Strategies & Concepts Michiana SHRM Civic and Faith Community

  17. SHRM Michiana Chapter Future Story Project St Joseph County Bridges out of Poverty South Bend, IN “Core 10” Employers: employ GA grad. Receive support from our Employment Specialist and training in the Bridges concepts. 15-25 Getting Ahead graduates: employed by “Core 10” business. Employment Specialist assists grad in connecting with critical resources to stabilize their environment and build resources. The Goal: self-sufficiency for the individual & their family a productive employee workplace improvements a business sector engaged in solving poverty efficient use of agency resources savings to the community

  18. SHRM Michiana Chapter Future Story Project St Joseph County Bridges out of Poverty South Bend, IN Bridges Training: 1200+ Community Members Getting Ahead (GA): 300+ Graduates Partner Agencies: 11+, starting on-site work GA Employers: School District of South Bend, City of South Bend, Memorial Hospital, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Better World Books, Martin’s (supermarket), MOSAIC Supporters: Michiana SHRM, SJC Chamber of Commerce, Mayor’s Office (So Bend & Mishawaka), County Commissioner We are all working together to create a Future Story for our graduates and our community.

  19. SHRM Michiana Chapter Future Story Project St Joseph County Bridges out of Poverty South Bend, IN Based on successes at Cincinnati Works, Cascade Engineering & Working Bridges • Emphasize efforts after point of placement • Employment Specialist helps intervene & build resources • Link with other community resources • Look for gaps that need to be filled • Emphasize relationship building • Develop Bridges education for employers • Build in advancement and education using Hidden Rules • Look for change within companies • Build community-wide commitment • Strong research, evaluation and documentation

  20. David ShiplerThe Working Poor: Invisible in America SHRM Michiana Chapter • Breaking out of poverty requires the line-up of extraordinarily favorable conditions for the individual AND • Bold actions of the private sector who “reach far beyond their mandates, create connections of services, and become portals through which the distressed could pass into a web of assistance.”

  21. WhySHRM and SJC Bridges? SHRM Michiana Chapter • 250 key players in one organization. • Can affect change in organizations AND community. • Strong understanding of needs of employees & employers, already familiar with concerns like attendance & communication • Powerfully engaged in community

  22. SHRM& SJC Bridges SHRM Michiana Chapter • Monthly Networking Meeting • Sponsoring Graduates at SHRM meetings • Providing Bridges training for employers • Cascade Engineering

  23. SHRM Michiana Chapter

  24. SHRM Michiana Chapter Cascade Engineering Welfare to Career W2C • Started at Cascade Engineering in 1999 • Partnering with local social service agencies • Assist individuals who wish to get off welfare and out of poverty (unemployed and underemployed) • Nationally recognized program • Average 40% of W2C employees get off welfare. • W2C turnover (annual) • 61.9% in 2000 to 20.4% in 2008 (National average is about 70%) • 2004 Savings to State of MI: $975,000* • 103 participants • 27 people completely off welfare • Reduced non-W2C turnover • 42% in 2000 to 8.6% in 2008 ($3M to $434,000) • 473 participants through the program and left Cascade Engineering* • 36% are employed somewhere else. • 30% are receiving no state assistance. (141 people)*Department of Human Services

  25. Changes SHRM Michiana Chapter • Focus on better education for members, so they understand how they can implement changes in organization. • Sharpen our communication. This is not a social service issue, it’s not an SJC Bridges issue. This is a business and HR issue. • It affects who is available to hire. • It affects the retention of new hires • It affects the stability of departments & organizations.

  26. WhereWe Are Going SHRM Michiana Chapter • Sponsoring another networking meeting • Bringing in a national Bridges consultant for annual conference and Executive Leadership Forum • Engage grads further in process to come to SHRM luncheons • Mentoring • Chamber networking event (ally with a grad to connect with community)

  27. SHRM Michiana Chapter SHRM Pinnacle Award http://www.shrm.org/Communities/VolunteerResources/ResourcesforChapters/Pages/award_info.aspx

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