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CSE 589 Part III. The computer is useless It can only answer questions. -- Pablo Picasso. Dynamic Programming Summary. 1. Formulate answer as recurrence relation or recursive algorithm 2. Show that number of values of recurrence bounded by poly
CSE 589 Part III • The computer is useless • It can only answer questions. • -- Pablo Picasso
Dynamic Programming Summary 1. Formulate answer as recurrence relation or recursive algorithm 2. Show that number of values of recurrence bounded by poly 3. Specify order of evaluation for recurrence so have partial results when you need them. • DP works particularly well for optimization problems with inherent left to right ordering among elements. • Resulting global optimum often much better than solution found with heuristics. • Once you understand it, usually easier to work out from scratch a DP solution than to look it up.
Readings • Max Flow • Skiena, Section 8.4.9 • CLR, chapter 27 • Network Flows, Theory, Algorithms and Applications, by Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin, chapter 6 ++
4 3 5 3 7 4 7 s t 1 4 6 6 5 Maximum Flow • Input description: a graph (network) G where each edge (v,w) has associated capacity c(v,w), and a specified source node s and sink node t • Problem description: What is the maximum flow you can route from s to t while respecting the capacity constraint of each edge?
Max-flow outline: • properties of flow • augmenting paths • max-flow min-cut theorem • Ford-Fulkerson method • Edmonds-Karp method • applications • variants: min cost max flow
3/4 3/3 5/5 2/3 3/7 2/4 7/7 s t 1/1 3/4 4/6 2/6 Properties of Flow: f(v,w) -- flow on edge (v,w) • 0<= f(v,w) <= c(v,w) : the flow through an edge cannot exceed the capacity of an edge • for all v except s,t S uf(u,v) = S w f(v,w): the total flow entering a vertex is equal to total flow exiting vertex • total flow leaving s = total flow entering t. Not a maximum flow! Notation on edges f(v,w)/c(v,w) 4/5
3/4 3/3 5/5 2/3 3/7 2/4 7/7 s t u 1/1 w 3/4 5/6 3/6 5/5 v An augmenting path with respect to a given flow f is a Directed path from s to t which consists of edges from G, but not necessarily in same direction. Each edge on path is either: • forward edge: (u,v) in same direction as G and f(u,v) < c(u,v). (c(u,v)-f(u,v) called slack) => has room for more flow. • backward edge: (u,v) in opposite direction in G (i.e., (v,u) in E) and f(u,v) >0 => can borrow flow from such an edge. augmenting path s-w-u-v-t
Using an augmenting path to increase flow • If all edges are forward => move flow through all of them. amount of flow can push = minimum slack • Otherwise, push flow forward on forward edges, deduct flow from backward edges. 3/4 3/3 5/5 2/3 5/7 4/4 7/7 s t u 1/1 w 1/4 5/6 5/6 5/5 v
Augmenting Path Theorem:A flow f is maximum iff it admits no augmenting path • Already saw that if flow admits an augmenting path, then it is not maximum. • Suppose f admits no augmenting path. Need to show f maximum. Cut -- a set of edges that separate s from t. Capacity of a cut = sum of capacities of edges in cut. Prove theorem by showing that there is a cut whose capacity = f. A = vertices s.t. for each v in A, there is augmenting path from s to v. => defines a cut. Claim: for all edges in cut, f(v,w)=c(v,w) => value of flow = capacity of cut defined by A => maximum.
=> CelebratedMax-flow Min-Cut Theorem • The value of a maximum flow in a network is equal to the minimum capacity of a cut. • The Integral Flow Theorem If the capacities of all edges in the network are integers, then there is a maximum flow whose value is an integer.
Residual Graph w.r.t. flow f • R=(V,E’) an edge (v,w) in E’ if either • it is forward edge • capacity = c(v,w)-f(v,w) • or it is a backward edge • capacity = f(v,w). • (assuming edges in only one direction) • An augmenting path = a regular directed path from s to t in the residual graph.
Ford-Fulkerson Method (G,s,t) Initialize flow on all edges to 0. While there is a path p from s to t in residual network R d= minimum capacity along p in R augment d units of flow along p and update R Running Time? M M t s 1 M M
Edmonds-Karp • If implement computation of augmenting path using breadth-first search, i.e., if augmenting path is a shortest path from s to t in residual network, then the number of augmentations O(|V||E|). • The shortest-path distance from v to t in R is non-decreasing. • The number of times an edge (u,v) can become critical, i.e., residual capacity of (u,v) = residual capacity of augmenting path, is O(|V|).
v w t The shortest path distance from v to t in Rf is non-decreasing. Proof by contradiction: Consider first time SP (in residual graph) to t decreases from some node v. Let v be the closest such node to t. SP in f’ from v to t begins with edge (v,w) d’(v)=d’(w)+ 1. Claim: f(v,w)=c(v,w). If not (v,w) in Rf d(v) <= d(w)+1 <= d’(w)+1 = d’(v). Contradiction.
s v w t Shortest paths non-decreasing, cont. Therefore (w,v) in Rf, and in order for (v,w) in Rf’, augmenting path must be: => d(v) = d(w)-1 <= d’(w)-1 = d’(v)-2 => d(v) <= d’(v). Contradiction.
s v w t s v w t Lemma: between any two consecutive saturations of (v,w), both d(v) and d(w) increase by at least 2. In first saturation, increasing flow along augmenting path, and d(v)= d(w)+1. Before edge can be saturated again, must send flow back from w to v. => d’(w)= d’(v)+1. In next saturation, again have d’’(v)=d’’(w)+ 1. => d’’(v)= d’’(w)+1 >= d’(w)+1 >= d’(v)+2 >= d(v)+2.
=> Running time of Edmonds-Karp is O(m2n) • Corollary 1: An edge (v,w) can be saturated at most O(n) times. • Corollary 2: The total # of flow augmentations performed is O(mn) • Since each augmentation can be performed in O(m) time => O(m2n) time. • Can be improved to nearly O(mn) with super-fancy data structures.
Fastest max-flow algorithms:preflow-push • Flood the network so that some nodes have excess or buildup of flow • algorithms incrementally relieve flow from nodes with excess by sending flow towards sink or back towards source.
Some applications of max-flowand max-flow min-cut theorem • Scheduling on uniform parallel machines • Bipartite matching • Network connectivity • Video on demand
Scheduling on uniform parallel machines • Have a set J of jobs, M uniform parallel machines. • Each job j has processing requirement pj, release date rj and due date dj. dj >= rj +pj • A machine can work on only one job at a time and each job can be processed by at most one machine at a time, but preemptions are allowed. Scheduling problem: determine a feasible schedule that completes all jobs before their due dates or show that no such schedule exists.
Bipartite Matching • Input: a bipartite graph G=(V,E) • Output: Largest-size set of edges M from E such that each vertex in V is incident to at most one edge of S
Network Connectivity • What is the minimum number of links in the network such that if that many links go down, it is possible for nodes s and t to become disconnected? • What is the minimum number of nodes in the network such that if that many nodes go down, it is possible for nodes s and t to become disconnected?
Video on Demand • M storage devices (e.g., disks), each capable of supporting b simultaneous streams. • k movies, one copy of each on 3 disks. • Given set of R movie requests, how would you assign the requests to disks so that no disk is assigned more than b requests and the maximum number of requests is served?
Other network flow problems:1. With lower bounds on flow. • For each (v,w): 0 <= lb(v,w) <= f(v,w) <= c(v,w) • Not always possible: s v t (5,10) (2,4)
Other network flow problems:2. Minimum flow • Want to send minimum amount of flow from source to sink, while satisfying certain lower and upper bounds on flow on each edge.
Other network flow problems:3. Min-cost max-flow • Input description: a graph (network) G where each edge (v,w) has associated capacity c(v,w), and a costcost(v,w). • Problem description: What is the maximum flow of minimum cost you can route from s to t while respecting the capacity constraint of each edge? The cost of a flow : Sf(v,w)>0cost (v,w)f(v,w)
Classical application:Transportation Problem • Firm has p plants with known supplies, q warehouses with known demands. • Want to identify flow that satisfies the demands at warehouses from available supplies at plants and minimizes shipping costs. • Min cost flow yields an optimal production and shipping schedule.
r1 Example: Fiat makes Uno and Ferrari’s. p1/Uno r1/Uno Plant 1 r2/Uno p2/Uno t s t r2/F20 Plant 2 p2/F20 r2 r2/F500 p1/F500 cost 0 production cost shipping cost 0 0 capacity imposed cap supply of plant max production by dist’n channel model demand Retailer demand
Disk head scheduling • Have disk with 2 heads, and sequence of requests to read data on disk at locations l1,….,ln. • How to schedule movement of disk heads so as to minimize total head movement?