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CEOS 2019 Working Day Objectives & Themes Discussion

Discussing existing & potential collaborations among CEOS entities, leadership transition, restructuring proposals, user outreach, & more for successful CEOS activities.

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CEOS 2019 Working Day Objectives & Themes Discussion

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  1. CEOS SIT Chair Introduction and Scene-setting Committee on Earth Observation Satellites • Steve Volz, NOAA, CEOS SIT Chair • CEOS 2019 VC/WG/AHT Working Day • Session 1, Agenda Item 1.1 • Fairbanks, Alaska, USA • 10 September 2019

  2. 2019 CEOS VC/WG/AHT Working Day Objectives To provide: An opportunity for the CEOS Virtual Constellations (VCs), Working Groups (WGs), and ad hoc Teams/WGs (AHTs/AHWG) to discuss and identify areas of existing and potential collaboration, including all areas of CEOS activities – VCs, WGs, and AHTs/AHWGs. An opportunity to build better overall knowledge and understanding between VCs, WGs, and AHTs/AHWGs. All discussions during the Working Day will focus on follow-up and continuity of themes initiated at SIT-33 and pursued at the 2018 SIT TW, 32nd CEOS Plenary, and SIT-34.

  3. Continuity of 2018-2019 SIT Chair Themes • Throughout the past 18 months, we have discussed potential changes in leadership transition for the Virtual Constellations (VCs), enhanced coordination among VCs and between VCs, Working Groups (WGs), and ad hoc Teams (AHTs), and a path to maturation for the AHTs. • At SIT-34, we spent considerable time discussing these items and the Concept Paper for Restructuring CEOS Virtual Constellations and Creation of a New Working Group Addendum to Strategic Directions and Partnerships for CEOS Discussion Paper, V1, both still relevant documents. • At the 2019 SIT Technical Workshop, we will present results from the two Study Teams created at SIT-34 in response to discussions from the Concept Paper – Working Group Study Team (WGST) and Ocean Virtual Constellation Merger Study Team (OVCMST) – and review proposals for recommended way forward for presentation at 33rd CEOS Plenary.

  4. Selected Synopsis from the 2018 Discussion Paper: • Focus on ensuring tangible outcomes from, and sustainable commitment to, our VCs and WGs • Maximizing the value of VC and WG output for CEOS objectives (e.g., ECVs and SDGs) and for individual CEOS Agency objectives • Highlight to Principals an ensure the necessary support for our existing thematic teams to flourish and to deliver • Clearer overall CEOS observing system assessment and desired observing strategies– and known contribution from each CEOS Entity • AHTs to reflect and report on group trajectory and lifecycle, taking into account the outlook and evolution of long-term sustained operations and expectations levied on CEOS and Member Agency participation. • Strategic Directions and Partnerships for CEOS Discussion Paper • 21 March 2018

  5. Propose for discussion and consideration: a restructure of the CEOS Virtual Constellations: • Merge the four current ocean-related VCs into a single Ocean VC focused on creating an integrated and coordinated multi-variable picture of oceans. • Merge AC-VC and P-VC into an Atmosphere VC. • LSI-VC already follows this model, looking at a “family” of variables for integrated picture of the land, and is proposed to become the Land VC. • Propose a VC leadership rotation cycle. • Propose a two-year initiation cycle for standing up new AHTs. The two-year initial cycle will allow for defining the objective, evaluating the merit and value of the objectives, and determining the appropriate path forward for continued support within CEOS. All other aspects of the AHT reporting process will remain, including annual reporting at Plenary. • Propose for discussion and consideration: Establish a new Working Group focused on Information Provision, to coordinate all activities related to user outreach and applications (e.g., forests, agriculture, freshwater, land degradation, urban, biodiversity, and more in the future). Concept Paper for Restructuring CEOS Virtual Constellations and Creation of New Working Group – March 2019

  6. Fifteen telecons with all VCs, WGs, and AHTs/AHWG + SEO and SIT Chair (SIT Chair Team) from late July to mid-August • Some main points from telecons • Lack of multi-agency participation and leadership in many CEOS entities • External users basic data requirements (what observations and resolutions are actually required) are often lacking in specific requests for CEOS support • Regarding reorganization – Concern about losing visibility with Principals ifVCs are merged into larger group • Observed that we seem to be addressing the same issue and want to find a solution but the status quo mechanisms are not helping find the solution • Viscosity increases with mass • Participants wanted indicator or priority for CEOS activities – show investments from other agencies VC/WG/AHT Tag-up Telecon Outcomes

  7. Unless long-term mechanism is identified, ad hoc activities are vulnerable and may not continue • Need for defined deliverables, outputs, and continuity for success • Need to make mature elements accessible and usable • Is there a need to identify mission follow-ons? To create a constellation roadmap for the future? • Returns on Investment (RoI) for some CEOS entities are not clear to some CEOS Agencies which means there is little support from Agencies • Would be beneficial to codify RoIs for VCs/WGs/AHTs to highlight Agency contributions and benefits • Perhaps identify a couple of projects where CEOS can contribute and gain a quantifiable RoI • CEOS needs to be clear and tailor what we are providing to audiences; we may be sending the same information but level of understanding varies by user; user engagement sometimes devolves to “users look like me” which is not likely to be true VC/WG/AHT Tag-up Telecon Outcomes – con’t

  8. Topical Team on Roles and Responsibilities It was felt that the “added value” of CEOS is most evident when it responds to such external requirements, and the availability of a suitable set of external requirements should be considered as a pre-requisite for the formation of most CEOS mechanisms (both permanent and ad hoc). Noted that where external requirements are under construction, care needs to be taken to ensure that CEOS’ primary role is one of responding to requirements, rather than formulating such requirements VCs should always aim to have an externally validated user requirements set against which their coordination activities are aligned/referenced. Recommendation: Plenary exercises stricter discipline on the handling of ad hoc initiatives through better use of standing CEOS mechanisms and adherence to a lifetime of one year. CEOS has not effectively taken recommendations from CEOS Self Study into consideration over past six years. – will it be different this time? CEOS Self Study circa 2013 Historical Context

  9. Day will be divided into two main sessions: Morning session, which will focus on the proposed organizational and governance changes, including outcomes from the Working Group and Ocean Virtual Constellations Merger Study Teams (WGST and OVCMST, respectively), review of proposed governance changes Afternoon session that will focus on cross-cutting issues such as data exploitation/use and architecture, proposal for coastal observations strategy, coordination in carbon and greenhouse gas strategies, and other business. Agenda

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