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Explore the glorified themes of the Italian Futurism movement, encompassing speed, technology, youth, violence, and modern objects like cars and airplanes. Originating in Italy with key figures such as Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the movement spread to Russia, England, and beyond. Futurism influenced art forms from painting and sculpture to literature and architecture.
Futurism Italy annasuvorova.wordpress.com
glorifiedthemesassociatedwithcontemporaryconceptsofthefuture, includingspeed, technology, youthandviolence, andobjectssuchasthecar, theairplaneandtheindustrialcity • waslargelyanitalianphenomenon, thoughtherewereparallelmovementsin Russia, England andelsewhere • practicedineverymediumofart, includingpainting, sculpture, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, urban design, theatre, film, fashion, literature, music,arhitecture, ect. annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Keyfiguresofthemovement • FilippoTommaso Marinetti • Umberto Boccioni • Carlo Carra • Gino Severini • GiacomoBalla • Antonio Sant’Elia • TulioCrali • Luigi Russolo annasuvorova.wordpress.com
FilippoTommaso MarinettiFuturist Manifesto • 5 February 1909 inLagazzettadell'Emilia • anarticlethenreproducedintheFrenchdailynewspaperLe Figaro on20 February1909 • Hewassoonjoinedbythepainters Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra, GiacomoBalla, Gino Severiniandthecomposer Luigi Russolo annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913 ManifestoofFuturistPaintersbybyUmbertoBoccioni, CarloCarra, LuigiRussolo, GiacomoBallaandGinoSeverini (1910) annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto BoccioniThe City Rises, 1910 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto BoccioniThe Street Enters the House(La Strada Entra Nella Casa), 1911 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto BoccioniThe States of Mind. The Farewells, 1911 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto BoccioniElastic, 1912 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Umberto BoccioniSynthèse du dynamismehumain(Synthesis of Human Dynamism), 1913sculpture destroyed annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Carlo CarràFuneral of the Anarchist Galli, 1911 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Gino SeveriniDynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin, 1912 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Antonio Sant'EliaA perspective drawing, 1914 annasuvorova.wordpress.com
Antonio Sant'EliaPerspective drawing from La Città Nuova, 1914 annasuvorova.wordpress.com