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Urban Water Conservation Under 2009 Legislation

Urban Water Conservation Under 2009 Legislation. Ryan S. Bezerra February 8, 2013. 2009 Water Legislation. Feb. 28, 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger’s letter to Legislature identifies conservation as part of comprehensive Delta package.

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Urban Water Conservation Under 2009 Legislation

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  1. Urban Water Conservation Under 2009 Legislation Ryan S. BezerraFebruary 8, 2013

  2. 2009 Water Legislation Feb. 28, 2008 Governor Schwarzenegger’s letter to Legislature identifies conservation as part of comprehensive Delta package On November 4, 2009, the Legislature passes a conservation bill – SB 7 – as part of package of water bills that include Delta reforms and water bond

  3. Option 1(Water Code 10608.20(b)(1)) 20% reduction from base gpcd • Flat 20% reduction in per capita water use from baseline

  4. 55 gpcd indoor • Total of specific efficiency measures: • 55 gpcd indoor use • (b) Implementation of model landscape ordinance • (c) 10% reduction in CII water use Option 2(Water Code 10608.20(b)(2)) + Model ordinance outdoor + 10% CII reduction

  5. Option 3(Water Code 10608.20(b)(3)) • Option 3 agencies must achieve 5% reduction except • No reduction if use below 100 gpcd DWR regional target from draft 20x2020 plan (April 2009) Supplier base gpcd

  6. Option 4(Water Code 10608.20(b)(4)) Previous conservation Climatic differences DWR report to Legislature by 12/31/10 Different levels of CII Density differences Regional plant needs Regional flexibility

  7. Option 4 • Developed by Dept. of Water Resources (DWR) • Targeted for 20% statewide if everyone used • Outdoor used as gap-filling factor • Final report: http://www.water.ca.gov/wateruseefficiency/sb7/docs/U4-LegReport-2011.pdf

  8. 2015 and 2020 Targets(Water Code 10608.12(j), 10608.24(a)-(b)) Baseline gpcd 2015 gpcd 2020 gpcd Achieved Achieved 2015 Mid-point Planned 2020 target 2020 target

  9. Baseline – Gross Water Use(Water Code 10608.12(g)) Water in distribution system Long-term storage Delivery to other suppliers Base gross water use Recycled water Ag use Can exclude process water from gross water use if a “substantial percentage of industrial water use” to avoid “disproportionate burden on another customer sector” (Water Code 10608.24(e))

  10. Baseline – Time Periods(Water Code 10608.12(b)) 2004 1994 Default 2000 2010 1989 2004 10% recycled in 2008 1995 2010 2002 2007 5% Option 3 2005 2010

  11. Target vs. Compliance SBX7 7 contains detailed rules onlyfor setting conservation targets SBX 7 says that a supplier can meet its conservation target through combination of measures, but no “disproportionate burden” on any sector (Water Code 10608.26(b)) Indoor compliance Indoor target Outdoor compliance Outdoor target CII target CII compliance

  12. Results – 2010 Plan Targets • April 2012 report by DWR identifies how many agencies chose various options and how much conservation urban water suppliers have targeted for 2020 www.water.ca.gov/urbanwatermanagement/docs/Report%20to%20Leg%20on2010%20UWMPs-6-25-2012.pdf

  13. Future – DWR 2016 20x2020 Report(Water Code 10608.42) • By Dec. 31, 2016, DWR report on overall state progress toward 20% gpcd reduction and recommend next steps Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 DWR 2016 report Where is Cal. on 20x2020?

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