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Ocean Color Data Processing System: Status 2 November 2006

Ocean Color Data Processing System: Status 2 November 2006. NASA’s Goal. To make available the highest quality ocean color (and sst) data to the broadest user community in the most timely and efficient manner possible. Requirements for Success. Expertise:. Requirements for Success.

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Ocean Color Data Processing System: Status 2 November 2006

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  1. Ocean Color Data Processing System:Status2 November 2006

  2. NASA’s Goal To make available the highest quality ocean color (and sst) data to the broadest user community in the most timely and efficient manner possible.

  3. Requirements for Success • Expertise:

  4. Requirements for Success • Expertise: internal • highly integrated project structure with all elements co-located - continuous communication.

  5. Requirements for Success • Expertise: internal and external • highly integrated project structure with all elements co-located - continuous communication. • Strong links with mission-specific expertise (MCST) and research community (algorithms, validation data, new products)

  6. Requirements for Success • Expertise • Infrastructure • flexible data processing system that constantly upgrades procedures, technologies and equipment

  7. Requirements for Success • Expertise • Infrastructure • flexible data processing system that constantly upgrades procedures, technologies and equipment SCIENCE drives the system rather than the SYSTEM driving the science

  8. Distribution Servers (ftp) 6 storage nodes (2xx) 25.5 TB 1 server 250GB Distribution Servers (web) Production: large server 3 TB 3 processing nodes (2xx, 3xx) 46 storage nodes (2xx, 25x) 303 TB Development: 2 superstore nodes 10 TB Ingest Servers 2 SeaSpace groundstations 78 GB 9 storage nodes (1xx,2xx) 16.6 TB Cal/Val & QC Systems Processing Cluster 34 processing nodes 1.5 TB 9 storage nodes 17.1TB Extreme Networks Black Diamond 6816 Gigabit Ethernet switch 280 ports Mission Operations Systems Database Server Production: 1 large server 876 GB Development: 1 superstore node 5.8TB Development Servers 1 processing node 2 storage nodes 2.4 TB Testing Cluster 8 test nodes (1xx) 480GB 7 processing nodes (2xx) 365GB 2 storage nodes 2.4 TB User Desktops Backup Servers 1 large server 876 GB+2 TB tape 13 storage nodes 15.6 TB Network Support Systems Ocean Color Processing System Overview

  9. Software process Hardware system Database table Ancillary input data Operational MODIS-Aqua Data Flow (NRTPE) Terra and Aqua NASA EDOS System Granules not received from NOAA realtime flow October 30, 2006 Full-resolution day- and nighttime via SEN (~60 GB per day/mission) NOAA Realtime System User Community MET MET, Ozone, and OISST data are dynamically selected for each L1A granule Ozone MODISA L2 table Ocean Color Ingest MODAPS L0 Archive L1B-L2 (MSl12) Ocean Color Web Server OISST Archive - Distrib Server Sensor CAL L1A-L1B (MOD_PR02) Ingest queue table Sensor attribs Browser CGI / httpd MODISA L3-bin table L3BIN (l2bin) Atm corr Archive - Distrib Server ATT/EPH Ingest process Archive - Distrib Server MySQL DB Geo-Location (MOD_PR03) MODISA atteph table MODISA L3-map table Product meta data are populated from production DB L3MAP (smigen) Archive - Distrib Server L0 Ingest process Archive - Distrib Server Archive - Distrib Server L0-L1A (MOD_PR01) MODISA L0 table MODISA L1 table Missing L0 process MODAPS L0 Archive

  10. Requirements for Success • Expertise • Infrastructure • Data • Most efficient and ultimately most cost effective when source data is available online for all needs including processing, reprocessing, evaluation testing, distribution.

  11. Current Source Data Holdings CZCS: Volume = 582.72 GB 1978-1986 Files = 15499 OCTS: Volume = 137.62 GB 1996-1997 Files = 7641 SeaWiFS GAC: Volume = 935.48 GB 1997-presentFiles = 51077 SeaWiFS MLAC: Volume = 6.70 TB Files = 39257 SeaWiFS LAC: Volume = 358.90 GB Files = 42231

  12. Current Source Data Holdings MODIS/AQUA Level 1A Subset 7/02 - now Volume = 19 TB Files = 449823 MODIS/AQUA Level-0 (approx 20TB / year) Volume = 58 TB Files = 332765 MODIS/TERRA Level 1A Subset 1/05 - now Volume = 8 TBFiles = 183623 MODIS/ TERRA Level-0 - since August 2006 Volume = 5 TBFiles = 27374

  13. Requirements for Success • Expertise • Infrastructure • Data • Communication

  14. OceanColor Web oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov Consolidated data access, information, services and community feedback

  15. Requirements for Success • Expertise • Infrastructure • Data • Communication • Intuitive and efficient data distribution

  16. Requirements for Success • Expertise: internal and external • Infrastructure • Data • Communication • Intuitive and Efficient data distribution • Community access to data processing/analysis tools

  17. 1- Extensive user support with over 500 sites, active online Forums. > 3000 posts 2- SeaDAS ported to the Macintosh OS X including new Intel architecture. Also runs on Linux, Sun, SGI 3- Redesigned GUI and website are now much more user-friendly 4- New simple online installer and four SeaDAS ftp mirrors (Australia, Brazil, Japan, UK) 5- SeaDAS-lite option for display/analysis only (~50MB download) 6- Modis Direct Broadcast And High Resolution processing module. 7- User training workshops

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