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Break the Silence: The Sacredness of Life

Discover the divine purpose of life and the importance of protecting it. Learn about abortion, pro-life arguments, and how to support life-affirming choices. Explore resources and ways to make a difference.

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Break the Silence: The Sacredness of Life

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  1. Breaking The Silence • Why Life Is Sacred (Part 2) • Psalm 8 (Jan. 29, 2017)

  2. Divine Reason For Life • God’s purpose for human beings is to expand His divine family with “sons and daughters” (2 Cor. 6:18)

  3. Divine Reason For Life Birth Of Children Creator “Ever-living” Spiritual Family REPRODUCTION GOD Resurrection

  4. Divine Reason For Life • Genesis 1:26-28 • Birth Of Children • Hebrews 2:5-13 • “Spiritual Family”

  5. 3 Basic Sins In The Bible • Idolatry • Immorality • Injustice

  6. Abortion Is A form Of Idolatry • Leviticus 18:21 • Molech (a god of the Ammonites & Cannanites • “Child sacrifice”

  7. Why Women Have Abortions

  8. Pro-Abortion Arguments • #1. The pre-born isn’t really human

  9. Pro-Abortion Arguments • Fact #1: Every abortion ends the life of an innocent human being. • Jeremiah 1:5 • Psalm 139:13-15

  10. 3 times in modern history, the word “person” has been redefined…

  11. Why Life Is Sacred

  12. Pro-Abortion Arguments • #2. You have no right telling a woman what she can do with her body. Women have the right to choose.

  13. Pro-Abortion Arguments • Fact #2: Beginning at conception, every pregnancy involves two or more bodies.

  14. Pro-Abortion Arguments • Fact #2: • Different: • Genetic code • Blood type • Gender • Race

  15. Pro-Abortion Arguments • Fact #2: • Different: • Live/die Die/Live • Locally disabled immune system • Death Row

  16. What Can We Do? • Points of possible agreement • Reducing unwanted pregnancies • Killed the innocent life is totally wrong • Every child is wanted child • Choice, right, Life, all people are equal even a fetus • Being a mother is simply one more option for women • Guaranteeing genuinely free and informed choice • Providing a loving home for all children • Encourage pregnant friends to choose life • Get involved with a pro-life group

  17. How can you help? • Pray • Volunteer / Serve • Give $ • Take a tour • Know the location and phone # of Pregnancy Resource Centers

  18. Resources • 1. Maafa21.com (also blackgenocide.org) • 2. Georgia Right to Life (grtl.org) & facebook • 3. Abortionno.org (very graphic from the start) • 4. Abortion73.com • 5. Abortionfacts.com • 6. Toomanyaborted.com • 7. Song: “Beautiful Life” (by Trip Lee) • 8. Book: Why Prolife? By Randy Alcorn • 9. 180movie.com (compares abortion & to the Jewish Holocaust) • 10. abortiondecision.com (Pregnancy Resource Center Medical Clinic) (Douglasville, GA)

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