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Calvinism. Aka “The Reformation” in England The Protestant theological system of John Calvin E mphasizes the grace of God and the doctrine of predestination “The belief that God is able to save everyone but is unwilling to do so.”. John Calvin.

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  1. Calvinism • Aka “The Reformation” in England • The Protestant theological system of John Calvin • Emphasizes the grace of God and the doctrine of predestination • “The belief that God is able to save everyone but is unwilling to do so.”

  2. John Calvin • Fled to Switzerland during the persecutions of Queen Mary • Created the Geneva Bible • During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1558-1603, Calvinism was booming and continued through the 17th century • Combination of teachings • Augustine of Hippo • the Apostle Paul • the rest of the Biblical authors • Calvinism is composed of hundreds of doctrines and point systems (TULIP is the most common)

  3. T.U.L.I.P.“Five Points of Calvinism” • Total Depravity • extensive ruin of man’s nature after The Fall • man’s mind, body, and soul are absolutely ruined • the whole man is corrupted with sin • “All we do is evil. All we love is ourselves. We suppress God, and exalt ourselves.” • Cannot please God…ever • Unconditional Election • God freely and unchangeably picks who goes to heaven and hell by the “nature of His good pleasure” • Knows where you are going before you are born • God knows your plan, has unconditionally elected you to either go to heaven (good) or go to hell (evil) without any prior works

  4. T.U.L.I.P.“Five Points of Calvinism” • Limited Atonement • “The Atonement of Jesus Christ is not limited in its power to save, but in the extent to which it reaches and will save certain individuals.” • Jesus died for a LIMITED amount of people • Only His people are saved • Irresistible Grace • Grace is undeserved and only comes to certain people • You must accept this irresistible grace unconditionally • Heart of stone into heart of flesh

  5. T.U.L.I.P.“Five Points of Calvinism” • Perseverance of the Saints • God has “renewed the heart” of a sinner through redemption • You will continue to be saved and show forth the fruits of that salvation • Not a “license to sin” • A saved sinner only does the work of God

  6. Puritanism • Going on during The Reformation (Calvinism) • Started in the 1500’s • 1600’s = made a political stand in England, migrated to America • Felt that The Reformation was not enough • Wanted a more serious, silent view of Christianity

  7. Puritanism • In 1620, the first Puritans came to Massachusetts in the Mayflower to “purify” • Formed an allegiance with Native Americans (farming) • Lived quiet, simple lives • Did not wear colors and did NOT party • Recreation consisted of reading the Bible, praying, and listening to sermons

  8. Puritanism • Purpose: to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence • Believed in… • the absolute sovereignty of God • the total depravity of man • the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation • the importance of personal religious experience.

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