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On The Eve of Revolution

On The Eve of Revolution. Chapter 3 Section 1. The French Divided. In the late 1700s, prices soared as wages decreased in Paris, France Poor people took up arms RIOTS VANDALISM. The Old Regime. Ancien Regime (ahn-cei ahn) Old order that had emerged during Middle Ages

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On The Eve of Revolution

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  1. On The Eve of Revolution Chapter 3 Section 1

  2. The French Divided • In the late 1700s, prices soared as wages decreased in Paris, France • Poor people took up arms • RIOTS • VANDALISM

  3. The Old Regime • Ancien Regime (ahn-cei ahn)Old order that had emerged during Middle Ages • People divided into estates • 1st Estate—Clergy • 2nd Estate—Nobility • 3rd Estate—Majority of population

  4. The Old Regime

  5. Clergy1st Estate • Great wealth • Church owned 10 percent of land, paid no taxes • Bishops were in nobility • Social services • Schools • Hospitals • Orphanages

  6. Nobility2nd Estate • Top government jobs • Army, courts, and church • Many did not have much income • Still had lavish life • Difficulties maintaining lifestyle • Scared of loosing privileges

  7. Bourgesoisie3rd Estate • Bourgesoisie (bour zwa zee), or middle class • Bankers, merchants, manufactures, lawyers, doctors, journalists, professors, mostly peasants • Urban Workers • Very bottom • Apprentices and industry workers

  8. The Problem • 1st and 2nd Estates paid almost NO taxes • Huge financial issues • Deficit Spending When government spends more than it brings in • Half of gov income went to paying interest! • Estates-General not effective

  9. Estates General • 1788-France nearly bankrupt • 1 vote for each estate • 3rd estate always overlooked • Tennis Court Oath • Delegates in 3rd Estate vow to represent the people of France • Renames themselves The National Assembly • Swore to “...never separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.” Swore to “...never separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.”

  10. Parisians Storm Bastille • July 14, 1789800 Parisians assembled outside the Bastille, a prison for political and other prisoners • Heard rumor about stored gun power and arms stored here • Commander at Bastille opened fire • Riots ensued • commander killed • Five prisoners released • No weapons found • Symbolized abuse by the monarchy • Bastille day known as national independence day for France

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