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Early Years: Curriculum for Excellence

Early Years: Curriculum for Excellence equality diversity inclusion bullying prejudice stereotypes Diana Dodd Principal Officer Equalities 1 October 2014. Aims. To support your centre’s Early Years Equality/Anti-Bullying Policy

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Early Years: Curriculum for Excellence

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  1. Early Years: Curriculum for Excellence equality diversity inclusion bullying prejudice stereotypes Diana Dodd Principal Officer Equalities 1 October 2014

  2. Aims • To support your centre’s Early Years Equality/Anti-Bullying Policy • To provide information on our legal equalities duties • To add focus on gender-stereotyping • To encourage discussion and reduce anxiety about sensitive issues

  3. Curriculum for Excellence Every child and young person is entitled to expect that their learning environment will support them to: Acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination Develop their self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others Experience personal achievement and build resilience and confidence Understand and develop physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and social skills Understand that adults in the school community have a responsibility to look after and listen to their concerns

  4. Public Sector Equality Duty We need to: • Eliminate Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation • Advance Equality of Opportunity • Foster Good Relations

  5. Who is protected from discrimination?

  6. Protected Characteristics

  7. Protected Characteristics

  8. Protected Characteristics

  9. Protected Characteristics

  10. Protected Characteristics

  11. Protected Characteristics

  12. Protected Characteristics

  13. Some Examples • A child is refused a nursery place because his parents are a lesbian couple. This is direct sexual orientation discrimination by association because of the child’s association with his parents. • A disabled child has diabetes and has additional support with reading blood sugar levels and insulin injections. However, this support is not available for a forthcoming trip which places her at a substantial disadvantage. The school has a duty to make an adjustment to provide the support, if reasonable and a duty to think ahead! • The behaviour of a child with autism may be very challenging. A record should be kept of all the adjustments made to manage the behaviour to prevent discrimination arising from a disability. • The nursery school provides separate activities for boys and for girls. Need to be aware of ‘gender stereotyping’ and to protect (those few) children who are born without a specific gender (also known as intersex).

  14. So what do we do about gender-stereotyping? In pairs, consider for a few minutes all the things you already do to challenge gender-stereotyping in your centre

  15. Some Ideas Toys DO make sure there are plenty ‘gender neutral’ toys available. Role Play If boys dominate e.g. the computer space, try some girls-only sessions. (The boys will complain but research shows they are more willing after this to take turns) Are the girls exclusive with the home corner? (as above) Try other role-play scenarios, like working in a tropical fish shop, office or hairdresser Language DO keep it open and non-judgemental when talking about differences Parents Don’t provide activities for fathers and mothers that are always exclusive.

  16. All it takes for wrong to persist in the world is for good people to do nothing.

  17. In groups or pairs, see what you think of each one. Do you have an alternative? Can we be non-judgemental? Coloured  The Disabled Chinky Bully Homosexual  Paki Spastic Brainstorm Gypsy Slut / Stud Suggested alternatives are in the handouts

  18. Suggested Alternatives Coloured  Black or minority ethnic The Disabled People with disabilities (People first) Chinky Chinese (or Vietnamese or Thai or ?) Bully Someone who bullies Homosexual  Gay or lesbian. Perhaps even bisexual? Paki Pakistani (or Indian or Bangladeshi or ?) Spastic Someone with cerebral palsy Brainstorm Nothing wrong with this. A hoax as confirmed by the Epilepsy Association. No need for ‘thought showers’ Gypsy May be okay. Best to ask what people prefer Slut/Stud None, so I wouldn’t use it.

  19. YOU are in a fantastic position to advance equality for the longer term • AVisionoftheFuture • Bullying and picking on someone’s identity no longer happens. Parents, carers and children are emotionally literate. • All children grow up with ideas about their future life chances - not based on limited ideas of their gender, race, class, ability • Children with disabilities are as happy in mainstream schools at least as much as everyone else • Parents, carers and staff accept there are unlimited ways for girls and boys to express their gender – or not! • All staff and volunteers are Equalities Champions

  20. FURTHER CPD available on this – see CF2109 and CF2113Palette of Responses, e.g. Organisational Questioning Confronting Helping/educational

  21. Palette of Responses • Organisational– states your organisation’s position, the local authority policy or the legal position • Questioning – “what do you mean by that?” “why do you say this?” “If that pen is gay, does it mean its attracted to this pen?” • “How would it be if your brother was disabled and you heard that?” • Confronting - “are you saying that being Asian is not good?” “are you aware that this could be very hurtful?” “did you really mean to say that?” • Helping/Educational– “I don’t want to label you but that sort of language might be considered racist” “Can we look at some of the facts about this?”

  22. Bullying and Prejudice • Bullying is an abuse of power that is defined by its effects. People who are bullied are upset by something someone else has done or said to them or about them. They are likely to fear that this will happen again and feel powerless to stop it. Bullying is also a breach of childrens’ rights under several articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. • Calling it Bullying behaviouris more useful than ‘bully’ as labels tend to stick. Similarly with ‘victim’.

  23. FURTHER INFORMATION AND RESOURCES • Unlearning Discrimination in the Early Years – Babette Brown (winner of Guardian Jerwood Award) • Good Practice in the Early Years by Janet Kay (P95 in Google Books) • http://www.teachnursery.com/a-unique-child/view/gender-stereotyping-in-the-early-years • http://www.equalityhumanrights.com • www.lgbtyouth.org.uk • www.stonewallscotland.org.uk/scotland/ • http://www.respectme.org.uk/ • http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/p/genericresource_tcm4747991.asp • Gender Dysphoria and Intersex • http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Gender-dysphoria/Pages/Introduction.aspx • http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germany-becomes-first-country-in-europe-to-give-third-sex-option-for-babies-of-indeterminate-gender-8917764.html • City of Edinburgh Council Children and Families Service • Principal Officers Equalities (job share): Diana.dodd@edinburgh.gov.uk Julia.Sproul@edinburgh.gov.uk • EAL Service for CPD on equality and inclusion for bilingual learners and Gypsy Travellers

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