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In Search of Excellence /1982-2012 Relentless! PART 9 of 23 EXCELLENCE NOW

In Search of Excellence /1982-2012 Relentless! PART 9 of 23 EXCELLENCE NOW “The 15H Theory of Everything” Tom Peters/1 January 2012/excellencenow.com.

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In Search of Excellence /1982-2012 Relentless! PART 9 of 23 EXCELLENCE NOW

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  1. In Search of Excellence /1982-2012 Relentless! PART 9 of 23 EXCELLENCE NOW “The 15HTheory of Everything” Tom Peters/1 January 2012/excellencenow.com

  2. NOTE:To appreciate this presentation [and insure that it is not a mess], you need Microsoft fonts:“Showcard Gothic,”“Ravie,”“Chiller”and“Verdana”

  3. My best shot …

  4. Over the course of the last three years, always looking for a new format for presenting my core beliefs, I’ve been having fun playing around with “Hs.” Started with three [You’ll find the original “3H” presentation at Part 23, APPENDIX II], grew to 15—each one capturing a central idea associated with Excellence, tested management practices and organizational effectiveness. This is “my best shot”— 3,500+ slides encompassing the things that matter most to me in 2012, and the things that have mattered most since the publication ofIn Search of Excellence 30 years ago.I’ve given well over … 2,500 presentations … of this material in the last three decades [in 67 countries], all using slides—clunky old glass mounts for the longest time and then PowerPoint. It’s the medium I’m most comfortable with. Hence this effort to “say it [almost] all” is offered in PowerPoint format. What’s new—completely new for me—Is an effort to achieve some sort of “life closure” and “total comprehension” via the use of very extensive annotation.Probably 100,000+ words of annotations!Combine these extensive annotations and the slides themselves and you’ve likely got 125,000 words—that is, a 500-page book’s worth of text. (The unabashed goal indeed is to move from the “catchy” idea on the slide to coherent explanatory text.) I earnestly hope you enjoy using “this stuff” half as much as I have putting it together—and find numerous things you can “steal;” that’s the whole idea!Note: I have not used the PowerPoint annotations feature, because most people, I have observed, skip over the annotations—it’s my goal, as usual, to be “in your face.”

  5. In Search of Excellence /1982-2012 Relentless!/PART 9 of 23 EXCELLENCE NOW “The 15HTheory of Everything” Tom Peters/1 January 2012/excellencenow.com

  6. RELENTLESS/H2/H. Ulysses Grant//Key IdeasHiram Ulysses Grant: NEVER TURN BACK!(Not an INCH!)Winners excel at “Plan B.”100% of people in history books: RELENTLESS to the point of near [or true] insanity.“Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em”: Never fold if you want to make a BIG DIFFERENCE.“Reasonable” people don’t turn the world upside down.Needed in 100% of employees: RESILIENCE. Hire and promote for DEMONSTRATED resilience.Horatio Nelson: OFFENSE!Seek victory rather than avoidance of defeat: Nelson’s key [and DIFFERENTIATING] trait.

  7. Dedication

  8. Dick Anderson… my U.S. Navy Seabee commanding officer in Vietnam who taught me “Can do” Bob Waterman… my joined-at-the-hip co-author, In Search of Excellence Warren Bennis… my intellectual and moral mentor 1982-present Herb Kelleher… for whom “people first” is not a slogan but a way of life Dilma Rousseff … who assures us that this will be “the women’s century”

  9. Epigraph/s …

  10. “Business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives … or it's simply not worth doing.” —Richard Branson

  11. Epigraph/s “Business has to give people enriching, rewarding lives … or it's simply not worth doing.”—Richard Branson “We have a strategic plan. It’s called ‘doing things.’ ”—Herb Kelleher “Execution is strategy.”—Fred Malek “There is absolutely nothing that beats hard work.”—Sallie Krawcheck “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” —Henry Clay “Avoid moderation.” —Kevin Roberts “You know a design is cool when you want to lick it.” —Steve Jobs “This will be the women’s century.” —Dilma Rousseff “Be the best. It’s the only market that’s not crowded.”—George Whalin

  12. Translating the Epigraphs People [REALLY] first! Action! Action! Action! Execution is strategy! Basics win!/Out work ’em! Little gestures matter most! Re-imagine! “Wow” or bust! Women’s century! EXCELLENCE! NOW!

  13. Our Story …

  14. MORAL Basis for EnterpriseOrganizations Exist to SERVE.Leaders Exist to SERVE.FIRST THINGS before FIRST THINGS: “To Do”A. Build the ABSOLUTE BEST Cadre of 1st LINE MANAGERS … or BUST!B. Cross-functional EXCELLENCE: OBSESS on the SOCIAL Factors! C. EXCELLENCE in LISTENING = Differentiator #1: IMPLEMENT It Now! D. TRILLION$$$ at Stake: DOMINATE the Boomer+ Market!E. MEETINGS = Leadership/“Culture change” Tool #1. Headlines from the 15 “Hs”1. FANATIC about EXECUTION! SWEAT & SWEAT (& SWEAT) the Details! 2. Never RELENT! Keep MOVING! OFFENSE!3. You = Your CALENDAR! ENTHUSIASM Trumps All! Best STORY Wins! 4. NO STONE UNTURNED: “Small” Courtesies Move MOUNTAINS!5.People FIRST. (And 2nd & 3rd & 4th & …)6. BRAND YOU World! “DISTINCT or Extinct.” NO OPTION. 7. ACTION. NOW. “Blame NOBODY. Expect NOTHING. Do SOMETHING.”8. You = [All] Who You HANG OUT With: CHOOSE STRATEGICALLY! 9. MAXIMIZE-Measure-Obsess on TGRs/“Things Gone RIGHT”!10. Scintillating EXPERIENCE: Make EVERY Contact MEMORABLE!11. Great DESIGN Differentiates Anything-Everything DRAMATICALLY!12. Seek MONOPOLY-Through-OUTRAGEOUS-Commitment-to-EXCELLENCE!13. WOMEN Buy! WOMEN Roar! WOMEN Rule!14. Satisfaction+++: Make EVERY Customer a … RAGING SUCCESS!15. No less than … 100% “WOW”! WEIRD STUFF COMING!

  15. All you need to know …Hilton (Conrad Hilton) Hiram/Horatio I (Hiram U.S. Grant/Horatio Nelson)Howard/Homer (Howard Schultz/Homer) Henry I (Henry Clay)Herb (Herb Kelleher)Helgesen/Horatio II (Sally Helgesen/Horatio Alger)Henry II/Hayek (Henry Ross Perot/F.A. Hayek)Hamel (Gary Hamel)Hill (Vernon Hill)Harley (Harley Davidson)Handy (Charles Handy)Hartville (Hartville Hardware)Heather/Helen (Heather Schultz/Helen Greiner)Hewlett (Bill Hewlett/Hewlett-Packard)Hsieh/Hillis (Tony Hsieh/Danny Hillis)

  16. All You Need to Know:The 15H Theory of Everything*Conrad Hilton/EXECUTION is Strategy!/Sweat the details! *Hiram (U.S.) Grant/Horatio Nelson/RELENTLESS!/OFFENSE!*Howard Schultz/Homer/Your CALENDAR Knows!/Best STORY Wins!*Henry Clay/BIG payoff from SMALL COURTESIES!*Herb Kelleher/It’sAlwaysAllaboutthePEOPLE!!!!!!!!!*Sally Helgesen/Horatio Alger/It’s a BRAND YOU World!/Distinct or extinct! *H. Ross Perot/F.A. Hayek/WHOEVER TRIES THE MOST STUFF WINS!*Gary Hamel/You ARE who you SPEND TIME with! *Vernon Hill/“TGRs”! [Things Gone RIGHT]/Little BIG Things!*Harley Davidson/EXPERIENCE It!/Every Moment MEMORABLE!*Charles Handy/Design Is EVERYTHING!/ Everything is DESIGN! *Hartville Hardware/MONOPOLY through EXCELLENCE!*Heather Schultz/Helen Greiner/WOMEN Buy!/WOMEN Roar!/WOMEN Rule!*Hewlett Packard/Make Our Customer a RAGING SUCCESS!*Tony Hsieh/Danny Hillis/OnlyWOW!/We Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!!

  17. The BIG 15.11. EXECUTION is strategy!SWEAT & SWEAT the DETAILS! 2. Never RELENT! Keep MOVING! OFFENSE!3. You = Your CALENDAR.NEVER LOSE TOUCH! STORY Time!4. OBSESS: “Small” Courtesies Move MOUNTAINS!5. People FIRST.(And 2nd & 3rd & 4th & …)6. BRAND YOU. Stand Out or Stand Down. NO OPTION.7. “Ready. FIRE! Aim.” TRY It … NOW! FAIL FORWARD FAST!8. You BECOME Who You HANG OUT With: CHOOSE WISELY! 9. OBSESS: “THINGS GONE RIGHT”! POWER: Little BIG Things!10. Make EVERY Contact a MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE! 11. Everything is DESIGN! Design is EVERYTHING! 12. MONOPOLY-Anywhere-Everywhere-Through-EXCELLENCE!13. WOMEN Buy!WOMEN Roar!WOMEN Rule!14. “Satisfaction++”: Every Customer a … RAGING SUCCESS!15. 100% “WOW”!WE AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET!

  18. The BIG 15.21. EXECUTION!2. RELENTLESS!3. IN TOUCH! 4. “Small” COURTESIES!5. People FIRST.6. BRAND YOU! 7. TRY IT!8. “HANG OUT” Power! 9. “Things Gone RIGHT”!10. 100% MEMORABLE Moments! 11. DESIGN!12. MONOPOLY-Through-EXCELLENCE!13. WOMEN Buy!WOMEN Roar!WOMEN Rule!14. CUSTOMER “SUCCESS”! 15. 100% “WOW”!

  19. H2

  20. All you need to know …HiltonHiram/Horatio IHoward/HomerHenry IHerbHelgesen/Horatio IIHenry II/HayekHamelHillHarleyHandyHartvilleHeather/HelenHewlettHsieh/Hillis

  21. All You Need to Know:The 15H Theory of Everything*Conrad Hilton/EXECUTION is Strategy!/Sweat the details! *Hiram (U.S.) Grant/Horatio Nelson/RELENTLESS!/OFFENSE!*Howard Schultz/Homer/Your CALENDAR Knows!/Best STORY Wins!*Henry Clay/BIG payoff from SMALL COURTESIES!*Herb Kelleher/It’sAlwaysAllaboutthePEOPLE!!!!!!!!!*Sally Helgesen/Horatio Alger/It’s a BRAND YOU World!/Distinct or extinct! *H. Ross Perot/F.A. Hayek/WHOEVER TRIES THE MOST STUFF WINS!*Gary Hamel/You ARE who you SPEND TIME with! *Vernon Hill/“TGRs”! [Things Gone RIGHT]/Little BIG Things!*Harley Davidson/EXPERIENCE It!/Every Moment MEMORABLE!*Charles Handy/Design Is EVERYTHING!/ Everything is DESIGN! *Hartville Hardware/MONOPLY through EXCELLENCE!*Heather Schultz/Helen Greiner/WOMEN Buy!/WOMEN Roar!/WOMEN Rule!*Hewlett Packard/Make Our Customer a RAGING SUCCESS!*Tony Hsieh/Danny Hillis/Only WOW!/We Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet!!

  22. Relentless!

  23. “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything,not to turnback,or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.”—Grant* *Ulysses Simpson Grant (U.S. Grant) was actually HiramUlysses Grant

  24. “This [adolescent] incident [of getting from point A to point B on horseback in the face of incredible obstacles—to see a girlfriend] is notable not only because it underlines Grant’s fearless horsemanship and his determination, but also it is the first known example of a very important peculiarity of his character:Grant had an extreme, almost phobic dislike of turning back and retracing his steps.If he set out for somewhere, he would get there somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be one the factors that made him such a formidable general. Grant would always, always press on—turning back was not an option for him.”—Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant

  25. The 2nd“H” is General Ulysses S. Grant, whose real name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. (It’s a long story.) Grant, who Teddy Roosevelt called one of the three greatest Americans along with Washington and Lincoln, was above all known for always being on the move, refusing to ever turn back—and going and going until he achieved his objective. The word that comes to mind is my more or less favorite word in the English language: RELENTLESS.

  26. Re-lent-less

  27. The Fact is, I more or less find that “relentless” is the answer to … pretty much everything of significance … that is accomplished! (Not very helpful, but nonetheless true.)

  28. “It is no use saying ‘We are doing our best.’You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.”—Winston Churchill

  29. More of the same. “He tried his best”/“I tried my best” is simply inadequate. (Per Churchill.) (And me.)

  30. “Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em” = Pure crap!

  31. I get the point. But … Nobody butnobody(butnobody ) made it into a history book who “knew when to fold ’em.” Those who grace the pages of history books had an idea to which they were committed with abiding passion—and an idea invariably opposed by the reigning hierarchs. Their answer was, in effect, to “outlast the bastards.” Tactical retreats? Occasionally necessary. But fold ’em? Never. (Though I’m in fact certain that General Grant would never have acknowledged for a second the notion of “tactical retreats”!)

  32. “Whenever anything is being accomplished, I have learned, it is being done by a monomaniac with a mission.”—Peter Drucker

  33. "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.” —GB Shaw, Man and Superman: The Revolutionists' Handbook.

  34. Marie & Paul Curie Discovered radium through radioactivity. Needed to isolate the substance itself as proof of existence. Sorbonne gives them old shed. FOUR years. 400 tons of water. 40 tons of corrosive chemicals.28 March 1902.Extract 1/10thgram of radium chloride.

  35. Never fold! Least reasonable persons I’ve met? #1 STEVE JOBS. #2 RICHARD BRANSON. Jobs fold? Never. Branson fold? Never.

  36. “Success seems to be largely a matter of hangingon after others have let go.”—William Feather, author, entrepreneur

  37. “incredible power of endurance”—political colleague, on Nicolas Sarkozy, repeatedly written off by the public and the celestial powers of French politics.

  38. This speaks to another “R” word I love, relentless’ twin brother … RESILIENT. That is … bloodied but unbowed. Resilience is a trait that should be explicitly sought in every new hire—and then trained. Some of those who escaped the Twin Towers on 9/11 had been well trained, and hence reacted without thinking, which is the key under stress. (Interestingly, research shows that the most “heroic” soldiers are the ones who are best trained, not the ones who are, say, the most patriotic!)

  39. “If Richard [Holbrooke] calls and asks you for something, just say ‘Yes.’ If you say ‘No,’ you’ll eventually get to yes, but the journey will be very painful.”—Henry Kissinger on the late diplomat-problemsolver Richard Holbrooke

  40. Holbrooke had extraordinary successes during his distinguished diplomatic career. Kissinger, hardly a pushover, speaks to what was arguably Holbrooke’s #1 success trait—bloody mindedness, an unyielding refusal to give up regardless of the odds and regardless of the personal cost. It was, effectively, impossible to wear him down—so, as Kissinger says, your best bet was not to waste inordinate time trying!

  41. 72/1/5

  42. Success =Elizabeth Cady Stanton(1815-1902), Lucretia Mott, Martha Wright, Mary Ann McClintock, Jane Hunt (07.13.1848/Seneca falls, ny) +72 years, 1 month, 5 days (08.18.1920/nashville, tn)

  43. My hero, the Mother of Women’s Suffrage in America, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, from Elisabeth Griffin, In Her Own Right: The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton :“She was defeated again and again and again, but she continued the struggle with passionate impatience.” “She had survived her husband, outlived most of her enemies, and exhausted her allies. Her mind remained alert, her mood optimistic, and her manner combative.”

  44. Consider the women’s suffrage movement in the USA. Born, effectively, at Seneca Falls, NY, on 13 July 1848; came to fruition on 18 August 1920 when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified by Tennessee. (The ratification vote in TN was the 909th and last election campaign associated with suffrage.) “Hanging in” can mean … DECADES. Relentless! Resilient!

  45. Me … for what it’s worth.

  46. Don't talk much to myself, but one mantra I chant aloud:"One step at a time." Don't be overwhelmed by anything, just-take-the- next-damn-step.

  47. H2.1

  48. Resilient!

  49. Relentless.Resilient.

  50. “HROs [High Reliability Organizations] do not ignore foresight and anticipation, but they are mindful of its limitations. Under the assumption that uncertainty is irreducible and that the sources of harm are limitless, HROs invest more of their resources to help people contain and bounce back from unexpected events after they begin to occur.” —Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe, Managing the Unexpected (some tactics: fill in for one another, adhocracy—K.I.S.S., transparency, incipient command structure, post-hoc analysis, act>think rather than think>act, informal networks of extraneous resources at the ready, boss is whoever is closest to the problem, expertise>rank)

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