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"This icon is 32 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. It contains a total of 1024 pixels."

Pixel. Definition: Short for Pic ture El ement, a pixel is a single point in a graphic image. All digital images are composed of thousands or even millions of pixels. "This icon is 32 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. It contains a total of 1024 pixels.".

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"This icon is 32 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. It contains a total of 1024 pixels."

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  1. Pixel Definition: Short for Picture Element, a pixel is a single point in a graphic image. All digital images are composedof thousands or even millions of pixels. "This icon is 32 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. It contains a total of 1024 pixels." The picture of the Alamo in your Texas history movie maker project is blurry so in order to create a clearer sharper picture, you increase the number of pixels that are in the picture.

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