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Trends in Health and Aging

Explore health patterns and aging trends among Hispanic seniors in the United States. Analyze data on conditions like diabetes, hypertension, mental illness, and more.

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Trends in Health and Aging

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  1. Trends in Health and Aging Major Trends and Patterns in Health of Older Hispanics in the United States October 2007

  2. These slides highlight findings from the data on the Trends in Health and Aging web-site www.cdc.gov/nchs/agingact.htm There is much more information on these and other topics on the website.

  3. Suggested citation: Trends in Health and Aging website www.cdc.gov/nchs/agingact.htm, accessed at <date> Please contact us if you have any questions at nha@cdc.gov or (301) 458 - 4241

  4. Persons of Hispanic origin age 65 and over by sex, 1981-2005 Women Men 1981 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: The Bureau of the Census

  5. 0 4 8 12 Percent of persons age 65 and over among Hispanics by State, 2005 Source: Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System

  6. States with most Hispanic residents age 65 and over, 2005 Source: The Bureau of the Census

  7. Living arrangement for older Americans age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 2006 Percent Source: Current Population Survey

  8. Living arrangement for older Hispanics by age, 2006 Percent Source: Current Population Survey

  9. Educational attainment among persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 2006 Percent Source: Current Population Survey

  10. Average personal income for older Americans age 65 and over by race/Ethnicity,1976-2005 White Hispanic 2005 dollars Black 1980 1990 2000 2005 Source: Current Population Survey


  12. Self-perceived health status among non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  13. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics in fair/poor health (self-perceived) by age and type of Hispanic origin, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  14. Percent of non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) in fair/poor health (self-reported) by state and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2006 Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  15. Functional Status and Disability

  16. Percent of non-institutionalized persons who need help with personal care needs* by age and race/Ethnicity, 2005 Percent * Respondents were asked, “Because of a physical, mental, or emotional problem, do you need the help of other persons with personal care needs, such as eating, bathing, dressing, or getting around inside this home?" Source: National Health Interview Survey

  17. Percent of non-institutionalized persons who need help with routine needs* by age and race/Ethnicity, 2005 Percent * Respondents were asked, “Because of a physical, mental, or emotional problem, do you need the help of other persons in handling routine needs, such as everyday household chores, doing necessary business, shopping, or getting around for other purposes?” Source: National Health Interview Survey

  18. Chronic Conditions

  19. Percent of non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who reported selected chronic conditions by race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  20. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics with diabetes (self-reported) by age and type of Hispanic origin, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  21. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics with diabetes (self-reported) by age and place of birth, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  22. Diabetes among non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 1999-2004 Percent Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  23. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who reported diabetes by state and sex, 2004-2006 * Not reliable estimate Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  24. Hypertension among non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 1999-2004 Percent Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  25. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics with hypertension (self-reported) by age and type of Hispanic origin, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  26. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics with hypertension (self-reported) by age and place of birth, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  27. Hypertension among non-institutionalized Mexican-Americans by age and place of birth, 1999-2004 Percent Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  28. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who reported hypertension by state and sex, 2003-2005 Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  29. Serious Mental Illness among non-institutionalized persons by age and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  30. Percent of non-institutionalized persons who visited a mental health professional during the past 12 months by age and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey


  32. Total tooth loss among non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by sex and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  33. Percent of non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who had visited a dentist in the past year by race/Ethnicity, 1983-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey


  35. Obesity (BMI of 30 or higher) and severe obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) among non-institutionalizedpersons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by race/Ethnicity, 1999-2004 Percent Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  36. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics who are obese (self-reported) by age and type of Hispanic origin, 2001-2006 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  37. Percent of non-institutionalized Mexican-Americans who are obese by age and place of birth, 1999-2004 Percent Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  38. Percent of non-institutionalized Hispanics age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who are obese (BMI of 25 or higher, self-reported) by state and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2006 * Not reliable estimate Source: Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System

  39. Percent of non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) who engage in regular leisure-time physical activity by sex and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  40. Cigarette smoking status among non-institutionalized persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by sex and race/Ethnicity, 2004-2005 Current Smoker Never Smoked Former Smoker Percent Source: National Health Interview Survey

  41. Health Care Expenditures and Insurance

  42. Average health care expenditures for community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over (age-adjusted) by type of service and race/Ethnicity, 2003 2003 dollars Source: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey

  43. Percent of community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over (age-adjusted) with supplemental insurance coverage by race/Ethnicity, 2004 Percent Source: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey

  44. Mortality

  45. Leading causes of death for persons age 65 and over by race/Ethnicity, 2004 Hispanics White, non -Hispanic Black, non -Hispanic • 1. Heart diseases • 2. Cancer • 3. Stroke • 4. Diabetes • 5. Chronic lower respiratory disease • 1. Heart diseases • 2. Cancer • 3. Stroke • 4. Chronic lower respiratory disease • 5. Alzheimer’s disease • 1. Heart diseases • 2. Cancer • 3. Stroke • 4. Diabetes • 5. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis Source: National Vital Statistics System

  46. Deaths per 100,000 Hispanics* age 65 and over (age-adjusted), selected causes, 1997-2004 All deaths Deaths per 100,000 population Heart Disease Cancer Stroke * Data for Hispanic origin should be interpreted with caution due to inconsistencies between reporting Hispanic origin on death certificates and on censuses and surveys Source: National Vital Statistics System

  47. Deaths per 100,000 population by race/Ethnicity* among persons age 65 and over (age-adjusted), selected causes, 2004 Deaths per 100,000 population * Data for Hispanic origin should be interpreted with caution due to inconsistencies between reporting Hispanic origin on death certificates and on censuses and surveys Source: National Vital Statistics System

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