Capitalization projects 2012Priority-Objective 3-1Axe 3: Improvement of mobility and of territorial accessibilityObjective 3.1: Improvement of maritime accessibility and of transit capacities through multimodality and intermodalityOPTIMIZEMEDOPTIMIZING AND PROFITING BEST PRACTICES IN THE MED AREA ON FOREIGN TRADE, INTERMODAL TRANSPORT AND MARITIME SAFETYWork Package 3Phase 3.2 – OPTIMIZE-MED e-platform establishment and developmentDELIVERABLE 3.2: Manual of the platform administration module Deliverable prepared and coordinated by: PIRAEUS PORT AUTHORITY S.A
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(How to start the application) 1. The user writes the address of the application 2. The system response with the “Single Sign On” page. With one user name and one password the user has access to all application attached to this system 3. User gives his user name to the system 4. and his password 5. Finally, he clicks the “sign in green” bar, and the system opens its home page.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard) This is the home page of http://admin.optimizemed.info/ the Administration module of the e-platform for the OPTIMIZEMED project (Dashboard) This home page handles 3 different sections, The system Administration, The Users Management, and The systems’ menus
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / Administrator) The Admin (as user) Data sheet This page is accessed ONLY by the system Administrator, and it is not open to Users System setting organized and controlled by the system administrator By selecting “Logout” the system terminates all of its function and close
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / User Management / users) Users data sheet, with personal info on every registered user, including the administrator User Data Record
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / User Management / User Roles) • All users roles defined by the Admin, as of today, including roles, as, • Admin, • Associate Admin, • Associate Partner, • Transport Companies, • Users. • The system is open whenever is needed to define new / edit existing / or delete roles
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Data Presentation Anatomy) There are two types and two formats of presenting data and information through the e-platform. The names are, “list” and “record”. The “record” includes the information of only one entity (port, terminal, etc), when the list includes all the records of the respective file list Record
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Data Records Anatomy / List, lay-out) The file (name) description The logical root of the file in the system Add a new record Export in excel & Print, the data in the List Organized records Data Titles line (name of record’s fields) EDIT a record from the List, Delete a record from the list End (right) part of the list • Records management in a list • Search (free text in all data) • Number of lines per page • Present page • Previous / Next page • Refresh data • Page lines info
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Data Records Anatomy / Record, lay-out) The file (name) description The logical root of the file in the system Record fields (Alphanumeric, Numeric, Date, Time, Pictures, Video, MS-Word (with attributes), Upload / Delete files such pdf, doc, jpg, exls, etc.) • Records management • Update Changes • Update and go back List • Cancel
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Data Records Anatomy / Icons) Accidents types in icons presentation Terminal types in icons presentation The e-platform has build up a system of different icons for different entities, such as Ports, Terminals & Accidents. Inside of an entity, the e-platform uses different colours for different entity type, as follows, Ports types in icons presentation
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / User Management / Users) This is the file where the system keeps all of information of active users and there roles. Access to these record and information has only the system administrator.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / User Management / Users - Record) • The user informationis kept here is as follows, • Email (= User’s ID) • First Name • Last Name • Role • Telephone • Mobile • FAX • Skype Account • Institute - Organization • Address • ZipCode • Country • Web Site • Registration Date • Last Updated • Last Login
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / User Management / Users - Roles) The role of a user is an integral part of his code and his ability to access the system. Depending of the role, the user of the system is able to access one or more of the system modules and sections. The roles can be altered, deleted or inserted as new. Roles file are accessed only by the administrator of the e-platform
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Users management - Dashboard / Menus - Overall) The menus on the left hand side of the Dashboard is the entry point to the system files (tables). The menus are divided in groups, following a logical pattern and are as follows, Group 1 : Supporting Data Group 2 : Ports, Terminals, Operators, Ships lines, Accidents, Legislation, Ports indicators, Containers. Group 3 : Informational (News, Help, etc) Group 4 : Planning a voyage (Strategic Data Planning, and Operational data planning) Group 5 : KPIs – This is an entity that is an add on to the system dealing with statistical data “grabbed” from EuroStat automatically by the system, concerning Ports. To run any of the menus’ selections, you should follow carefully the system’s instructions.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Supporting Data) These first 3 files, are very simple structurally files with 1-2 fields of interest. For the yeas is the year number, for the languages is the name, and, for the Country is the name and an international code
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Supporting Data - Partners) The Partners file, is where the system keeps all necessary information of all partners of the project, including geographical coordinates for its presentation on a Google map
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Supporting Data – Ships and their Types) The main actor to this section is the ships and their very valuable information for this e-platform. The system besides the ships’ information needs one more simple file, the file of ships types, where we can see all different types of ships, as Cargo, Passengers, etc, The ships file is common between the accidents and the ships liners applications
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ports – Terminals – Operators [Ports]) The Ports, file, is the central part of this web application. The content of this file is present almost, in every component of the system. The information is split in two distinct files, The “Types” and the “Ports”, including photos and logos A Port to be visible in maps, must have given geographical coordinates
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ports – Terminals – Operators [Terminals]) The Terminals group of selections is the part of the system (e-platform) dealing with specified port areas with specific cargo types. F.e. Containers, Passengers, etc. There are two dedicated files for this, the Terminal Types and the Terminal Records A Terminal to be visible in maps, it must have given geographical coordinates
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ports – Terminals – Operators [Terminal Operators]) The Operators information is actually an add-on to Terminals information, dealing with the legal entity running the terminal. Again there are two files defining an operator, the Operators Type and the Operators.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ships Lines) The Ship Lines, is a complex data set, combining different files and tables. Here we can recognize a combined list of tables giving enoughinformation to the user to identify and call and process a Ship Line record.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ships Lines Record) When a user calls a line record, the system opens the following (next) record. The record handles different information and data structures besides usual text fields and look up tables. In order to choose the correct terminal and from there the wright path (route) of a ship liner from port to port, the system offers the following, The user selects the type of line (Cruise, Passengers, etc.), from a look up tables. A table of available terminals of the same type are given by the system to select from. The system asks for the type of ship making the line. The system asks for the ship name (with the selected type) Finally the system offers a a very simple graphical, to the user to “draw” the total route
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ships Lines Record – Route design) The user defined route application of a ship liner is very simple and easy to use. The application gives the user the capability to define very accurate paths and points in the area of a terminal, showing the exact position of a ship in a port (terminal), besides the route line itself To draw a node on the map, you “click” in the exact point of the map. To draw a line (after a click) you move the mouse to the next click point and click again. Two clicks means end of the route. To change the path the user moves the nodes accordingly
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ships Lines – Route design Tool) To draw a node on the map, you “click” on the exact point of the map. To draw a line (after a click) you move the mouse to the next click point and click again. Two clicks one after the other, means end of the route design. The application besides drawing a line between the two nodes (selected points), makes a third node half way between the two nodes, on the drowned line. To change the path move the nodes accordingly To change the path, you can move freely the nodes around the map, by clicking on a node, keeping down the left Clickof the mouse , and move it around until you reach the new node position, where you leave the mouse free.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Ships Lines – Route design Tool) At the end of the procedure the user can select “Save” and stay on the record, “Cancel” the record and the drawled route, or select “Save and go back to List”, concluding safely the procedure, storing all the information of the record (data and graphics), returning back to the Ships Lines List. The user also can, Clear the route by deleting all nodes and lines. Come back any time later, to the same record (using the edit at the List level) and change the path of the route, according to his specifications.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Accidents) The accidents information is kept in three data files and is represented by up to 4 photos, 2 for the ship and 2 for the accident itself. The files keeping the accidents information are, Ships Types Ships Records Accidents Records The Accidents information is design to follow exactly the EU directive 2009-18-EC.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Law & Legislation) The Law & legislation information is kept in two separate files, the Law levels and the Legislation Data. The diversity and the complexity of maritime law and legislation of local, national, EU and International level, is kept here with a very easy to maintain and access method. All kind of different text and documents, can be found by using free text search.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Data & Indicators) The present files and database tables, consist of a set of indicators developed within the PORTA project. The indicators as they are shown in the left menu of the database concern the current status of the ports that have participated in the PORTA & OPTIMIZEMED projects in terms of freight and passenger traffic in the related regional area, the port facilities the services and a lot more.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators - Supporting files) The Indicators are sets of very many different measurements and supporting files like the following files. (Traffic)
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) The framework of transport and intermodal terminals in proximity of the port system In the following categories Transhipment Hubs International Commercial Ports National Commercial Ports (with more of 500.000 tonnes) Other Intermodal Terminals International Airports National Airports The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) Freight flows in the region according to the following framework Into the Region of the port system Trade with other National Regions Overall national trade (National + Regional) Exchanges with other EU Countries Exchanges with extra-EU Countries Overall External trade (EU + Extra-EU) Overall trade (Internal + External) The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) General features of port: Distance from the City Distance from airport Distance from railway station Distance form intermodal terminal Number of access road gates Number of railway tracks Total land area (administrative area) Total water area (stretch of water enclosed by piers) Total linear length of the quays Maximum length of berths The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) Freight traffic in the port, with following cargo types Liquid bulk Dry bulk Containers RO RO Other general cargo The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) Passenger traffic in the port, by the following categories: Passenger ships in port Annual Passengers Passengers per vessel (average) The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : “Porta” Indicators Data) Flows of vessels in the port (with origin and destination and type), according to the following classifications: Liquid bulk Dry bulk Container Specialised General cargo, non-specialised Dry cargo barge Passenger Cruise passenger Fishing Offshore activities The system can export all or part of its data to Excel & Word format.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : Containers Terminals) “Containers” is a special section of the e-platform dealing with information coming from Container terminal only. The information here is about statistics on the annual movements of goods, between port terminal in Mediterranean, and on infrastructures of the main port and on railways connecting the port with the inland.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : General Info - Links) Authorized users can fill in the system with important WEB Links, which are helpful to other users. The system is organizing these links in Categories, such as Ministries, Port Authorities, Government, European Commission, etc.
ADMINISTRATION MODULE(Dashboard / Menus : General - News) News is like every other record in the database, including text and photos. The difference with other records is that the news have start and end dates. The system checks these dates to show the news content to the public via the WEB application.