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Hadronic Physics. Report from the Town Meeting October 25 Sebastian Kuhn, Old Dominion University. Agenda. Town Meeting “ Hadronic Physics” * 7:00 Medium Energy Physics Overview - Roy Holt * 7:40 The future of hadron physics - Craig Roberts
Hadronic Physics Report from the Town Meeting October 25 Sebastian Kuhn, Old Dominion University
Agenda Town Meeting “Hadronic Physics” * 7:00 Medium Energy Physics Overview - Roy Holt * 7:40 The future of hadron physics - Craig Roberts * 8:00 Nucleon structure with Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV - LatifaElouadhriri * 8:20 QCD and nuclei - Larry Weinstein * 8:40 The RHIC spin program - ElkeAschenauer * 9:00 Hadronic physics at other facilities - Jen-ChiehPeng * 9:20 Open Mic - opportunity to present a few slides o Mark Pitt o Seamus Riordan * 9:40 Discussion and Closeout * 10:00 Adjourn http://www.odu.edu/~skuhn/HadronTownMeet
Central Questions in Hadronic Physics • What is the Nature of Confinement? • Spectroscopy and form factors of hadrons • The role of gluonic excitations • Hadronization • What is the Internal Structure of the Nucleon? (1D → 3D) • How are spin and momentum distributed among partons? • Correlations and 3D structure • Orbital angular momentum of quarks • How do Nuclear Properties Emerge from Quarks and Gluons? • Are nucleons modified inside the nucleus?
Hadrons Overarching Science Challenges for the coming decade: 2013-2022 Discover meaning of confinement, and its relationship to DCSB* – the origin of visible mass *Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking C.D. Roberts, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 50 M. Bhagwat & P.C. Tandy, AIP Conf.Proc. 842 (2006) 225-227
Hadrons • Meson Spectroscopy -> Anomalies • Search for exotic hadrons, e.g. hybrid mesons • Precision experimental study of valence region, and theoretical computation of distribution functions and distribution amplitudes • Accurate elastic and transition form factor data drive paradigmatic shifts in our pictures of hadrons and their structure; e.g., • role of orbital angular momentum and nonpointlikediquark correlations • scale at which p-QCD effects become evident • strangeness content • meson-cloud effects 9 Experiments @12 GeVJLab
Valence Glue • Exotics and hybrids are truly novel states • They’re not matter as we know it • In possessing valence glue, such states confound the distinction between matter fields and force carriers • But they’re only exotic in a quantum mechanics based on constituent-quark degrees-of-freedom • They’re natural in quantum field theory, far from the non-relativistic (potential model) limit • No symmetry forbids them, QCD interaction promotes them, so they very probably exist! NSAC milestone HP15 (2018) Excited Glue Plot credit: NP2010 240 “PAC days” approved GlueX and Hall B @12 GeVJLab
9 Experiments @12 GeVJLab SU(6) Helicity conservation JLab@12 GeV has unique capability to define the valence region Scalar diquark Longitudinal Structure + pp program at RHIC + FNAL, …. NSAC milestone HP14 (2018) +BONuS 12 GeV Projected RHIC 500 GeV DIS forward h RHIC 200 GeV
Transverse Quark Motion • NSAC Milestone HP13 (2015) “Test unique QCD predictions for relations between single-transverse spin phenomena in p-p scattering and those observed in deep-inelastic scattering.” • JLab @12 GeV, COMPASS-II, RHIC-spin, polarized FNAL, FAIR/PANDA… Drell-Yan PhT SIDIS
>9 Experiments @12 GeVJLab Quark angular momentum (Ji’s sum rule) 1 ( H(x,x,t=0) + E(x,x,t=0) ) x dx = Jquark =1/2 DS+ D Lz X. Ji, Phy.Rev.Lett.78,610(1997) -1 Nucleon Tomography
Nucleons in Nuclei L. Weinstein et al, PRL 106, 052301 (2011) , J. Arrington et al, arXiv:1206.6343 J. Seeley et al, PRL 103 (2009) SRC Scaling factors xB≥ 1.5 N. Fomin et al, PRL 108, 092502 (2012) • Flavor, isospin and spin dependence of EMC effect? JLab@12, Drell-Yan, MINERvA 11 JLab 12 GeVexperiments, incl. nuclear structure,nucleon modifications and Color Transparency
12 GeV Anticipated Data: 1035 cm-2s-1 CT, Hadronization and All That • What governs the transition of quarks and gluons into pions and nucleons? NSAC 2007 Production length Parton energy loss Formation length Color transparency Hadron multiplicity pT broadening CEBAF @ 12 GeV + CLAS12: ideal facility to study light quark hadronization: W. Brooks, K. Hafidi, K. Jooet al.
New Hall Add 5 cryomodules 20 cryomodules Add arc 20 cryomodules Add 5 cryomodules Enhanced capabilities in existing Halls Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV Upgrade is designed to build on existing facility: vast majority of accelerator and experimental equipment have continued use Upgrade arc magnets and supplies CHL upgrade Maintain capability to deliver lower pass beam energies: 2.2, 4.4, 6.6…. The completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF was ranked the highest priority in the 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan. • Scope of the project includes: • Doubling the accelerator beam energy • New experimental Hall and beamline • Upgrades to existing Experimental Halls
Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV Hall D – exploring origin ofconfinementby studying hybrid mesons and rare decays Hall B – understanding nucleon structure viaPDFs, TMDs and generalized parton distributions Hall C – precision determination of valence quark properties in nucleons and nuclei Hall A– form factors, GPDs, nucleon structure Future new experiments (e.g., SoLIDand MOLLER)
12 GeV – Upgrade Status Hall D Interior • Hall D – equipment installation in progress • Two high-gradient 12 GeVcryomodules installed and delivering high quality beam; third moved to tunnel • CHL-2 equipment (compressors, coldboxes) in place • Superconducting magnets under construction • All major detector systems under construction • All 48 Hall D BCAL modules on site (U. Regina) • Region 2 DC CLAS12 completed (Old Dominion U.) • Performance Index: schedule 95% ; cost 96% Third C-100 Cryomodule transferred to tunnel Hall B Pre-Shower Calorimeter Central Helium Liquefier-2 installation CLAS12 R2 final DC Hall C Dipole Prototype Coil
Other Physics Topics @ JLab 12 GeV • Testing the Standard Model • Parity Violating DIS: SoLID(and a rich program in hadronic Physics) • Parity Violating MöllerScattering • Direct Search for “Dark Photons” • APEX, Dark light, HPS
RHIC Spin Program DSSV: arXiv:0904.3821 DSSV+:DSSV+COMPASS DSSV++: DSSV+ & RHIC 2009 RHIC W±-data will constrainand Transverse Asymmetries RHIC 500 GeV DIS forward h RHIC 200 GeV
Other Facilities • Fermilab: Drell-Yan (pol. and unpol.), Neutrinos (Minerna), Project X? • HigS(TUNL), Mainz, Bonn: Spectroscopy, ChPT Tests, form factors, polarizabilitiesfew-body nuclei • COMPASS II (CERN): 1-3D SFs, Drell-Yan, GPDs , Primakoff • GSI / FAIR (Panda, PAX,…): Hadron Spectroscopy, Drell-Yan • J-PARC (strangeness), BES, PSI, … • …and ongoing analyses of existing data (JLAB, HERMES, RHIC,…)
Theory NSAC milestones HP3 (2009) completed, HP7 (2012) • Lattice-QCD • Significant progress in the last five years • This must continue • Bound-state problem in continuum quantum field theory • Significant progress, too • Must also continue • Completed and planned experiments will deliver the pieces of the puzzle that is QCD. Theory must be developed to explain how they fit together Hadron physics must deploy a diverse array of probes and tools in order to define and solve the problems of confinement and its relationship with Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking Baryon spectrum fromEBAC & Bonn-Ga (PDG12) Kamano, Nakamura, Lee et al., 2012
Summary and Outlook • Hadronic Physics is poised for an exciting time, major breakthroughs • There is only one high-energy, high-intensity electron scattering lab left worldwide: Jefferson Lab @ 12 GeV • Large investment, extensive program (>7 years) • Nearing completion, large contributions from users • >50 approved proposals with 600 authors and 125 spokespersons • RHIC spin program will provide complementary data • Many other labs can make important contributions • Long-term goal for the community: EIC > 7 years!