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Activities in hadronic physics. Nucleon structure: Jlab /Hall A & CLAS, CERN /COMPASS, Fair/ PANDA Vector mesons in nuclear matter: GSI / Hades. Fabienne KUNNE CEA Saclay IRFU SPhN France. @ animea. NB - Not covered: Theory. Questions .
Activities in hadronic physics Nucleon structure: Jlab/Hall A & CLAS, CERN/COMPASS, Fair/PANDA Vector mesons in nuclear matter: GSI/ Hades Fabienne KUNNE CEA Saclay IRFU SPhN France @animea NB - Not covered: Theory
Questions • - How hadrons are formed and interact from QCD degrees of freedom ? • - How does the proton spin originates at the microscopic level ? • - How does confinement manifests itself in the structure of hadrons ? • Lattice QCD calculations • Measuring pertinent spin sum rules • Space and momentum distributions of quarks and gluons • - GPDs,Generalized Parton Distributions, DVCS Deep Virtual Compton Scattering • - TMDs, Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions. SIDISor Polarized Drell-Yan. • - TDAs
Confinement, asymtoticfreedom, factorisation • à short range, high energy • à long range, lowenergy @animea @animea Degrees of freedom: quarks and gluons Perturbation theory Bound states: hadrons A unique laboratory for the study of QCD • The observed states are not the degrees of freedom of the theory, but … • … factorizationallows us to relate the observed states to the degrees of freedom in some ’’hard’’ processes. 2
Methods -1. Quark and gluon spin distributions - Probe quarks or gluons in nucleon with lepton beams - Measure spin asymmetry : polarized beam and target quarks gluons Deep inelastic scattering Photon-gluon fusion: ggqq h → → → ← • x: nucleonmomentum fraction carried by quark • Q2 : 4-momentum transfered (resolution ~ 1/Q) • Dq= q - q quark polarization • DS : sum over u, d, s flavours DG • Access quark and gluon spin contribution to the nucleon • Compare to lattice QCD
Methods-2. Generalized parton distributions For the first time, studycorrelationbetween longitudinal quark momentumand quark transverse position in nucleon. Deepvirtual Compton scattering (DVCS) A processwhichinterfereswith Bethe-Heitler Can be studied in the interference regime (Jlab and COMPASS) and at high energy where BH smaller (COMPASS) x,x: quark momentum fraction t : transfer to proton H(x,x,t) : Gen. Parton distribution - Theoretical concept: 1996 - First dedicatedexperiment 2004 JLab(IRFU/SPhN) - One of the major goals of future programmes:JLab12 GeV, COMPASS, EIC GPD extraction from data 2D Fourier T. 3D picture of the nucleon • Compare first moments to lattice QCD
Actors on two sites: CERN/COMPASS and JLab • Hall A COMPASS CLAS International Collaborations, ~200 members Responsibilities in the collaboration: Spokesperson of expts., member of the steering committee, member of user board Leadership : DVCS, phenomenology Add. fundings: FP6, FP7, ANR,GPD@CLAS12, ANR SPLAM, ANR PARTONS, P2I(O), DOE International Collaboration , ~220 members Responsibilities in the collaboration: Co- spokesperson of the collaboration, analysis coordinator, technical coordinator, members of drafting commiteesand group leader board Leadership : Longitudinal Spin program, DVCS Add. fundings: FP6, FP7, ANR SPLAM, ANR PARTONS, P2I, NSF
Main resultsfrom COMPASS Instrumentation - Large MPGD Micromegas - Large drift chambers - ECAL calorimeter monitoring - RICH electronics - Instrum of superconductingmagnet • - Recoilproton detector • - Hybrid (GEM-MM) pixelized Physicsresultsnucleon spin ½ = ½ +G+ Lq + Lg • Hybrid (GEM-Micromegas) • pixellized Quark polarization per flavour • Gluon polarization Q2=3 (GeV/c)2 • COMPASS Distribution de polarisation des gluons Distributions de polarisation des quarks Wellmeasured. • DG/G slightly >0 for xg~ 0.1. • Full integral not wellconstrained • Some puzzle withDs(strange quark polarization). 6
COMPASS results cont’d World data on spin structure functionsg1 deuteron proton Data at high Q2 and low x + COMPASS NLO QCD fit of world data 0.27< DS < 0.32, in agreement with Lattice QCD, LargestuncertaintycomesfromfunctionalshapesDS(x) & DG(x)
Main resultsfromJlabexperiments • Instrumentation CLAS • Superconductingmagnet for active shielding • Monitoring for DVCS calorimeter • Micromegas for CLAS12 (next) • Experiments • DVCS expts: H, H (spokesperson) • mesonproduction expt.(spokesperson) DVCS magnet DVCS calorimeter ~ Extensive measurements in a widekinamatical range Important results Scattering on free quarks at lowenergy PreciseDVCS data in a widekinematical range Study production mechanism of p°, r et w Hall A CLAS Scale invariance
What’snext? COMPASS Muon and pion beams 160 – 200 GeV GeV Intermediateluminosity Study gluon and sea quarks Jlab: Hall A and CLAS12 Electron beam 11GeV High luminosity Study valence quarks Complementaryapproach in method and kinematics Platform for phenomenology P A R T O N S (ANR) A common goal: mapping of 3D nucleon structure
JLab12 DVCS program - Short & midtermplans Accessing GPD H CLAS12- CylindricalMicromegas Impact of projecteddata CLAS12 CLAS Micromegastile Instrumentation : Micromegastrackers Innovations : Cylindrical MM high transverse field • Start : 2015 • Duration: 200 days of beam • Responsibilities: spokesperson, run group coordination • Expectedresults: 3D proton picture in valence region IPNO (MG)
COMPASS DVCS and Spin - Short & midterm plans Recoil proton detector Sea quark transverse distribution ? HERA: gluons • 4m scintillators, st=300ps COMPASS-II Strange quark distribution Hybrid Micromegas-GEM pixel Instrumentation : Recoil proton detector Hybrid MM-GEM pixelized Innovations : 4m scintillatorsst=300ps Large size hybrid MM-GEM ’= 0.8 COMPASS-II • DVCS : 2012, 2016-2017 • Polarized Drell-Yan: 2014-2015 • Responsibilities: leader of DVCS program in COMPASS • Expectedresults: 3D proton picture in searegion • TMDs + strange quark Fragmentation Functions, PDF and spin.
Long term: somestudy for future EIC collider Optimizedenergy/ detector for electron ion collisions (DOE-BNL-JLab, 500M$, 2025?) R&D proposal MIT-Temple-Irfu: Central tracker EIC committee : « well received and fully funded (150 k$) » French participation : Science case, phenomenology, instrumentation Financements : FP7, DOE
HADES atGSI (Darmstadt) Study fundamental properties of the strong interaction: vectormeson (ρ,ω) studies in nuclearmatter and elementary collisions pp at 3.5 GeV Dilepton production • Reference for medium effects • Selective study of dielectron sources viaexclusive channels • Electromagnetic structureof baryons (link with PANDA) p0 h r w IPNO technical contribution: -6 drift chambers (external tracking plane) -LH2 target Crucial ingredient for the description: production of ρ meson via baryonic resonances IPNO physics contribution and responsibilities Data analysis in NN reactions (dilepton and pion production) Preparation of pion beamexperiments (2014) Phenomenological work on D Dalitz decay (DNe+e-) Possible extension HADES@ FAIR Study TL FF in transition D*N + p medium modif (coupled to baryonic resonaces)
PANDA/FAIR in Darmstadt _ p beam 1.5-15 GeV/c L =2.1031-2.1032 cm-2s-1 (first beams at the end of the decade) PANDA motivations: bring a novel insight into hadronic physics at the QCD frontier with a hermetic multipurpose detector The impact of France Nucleon structure through electromagnetic channels in the Time-Like region Challenging project for Hadronic physics at IPN Orsay in the years 2020 • p p e+ e- (access to Time-Like Form Factors) • p p e+ e-0 , J/0 (TDA: pion content of the proton)
Prototype 120 crystals IPNO technical contribution • Strong involvment of IN2P3 in the R&D phase • Design of the cooling system (-25°C) • Mechanical design of the calorimeter support structure • Prototypes building and tests PANDA ECAL (~20 000 PbWO4 crystals) IPNO physics contribution • -Demonstration of the feasibility of the nucleon • Time-Like Form Factors measurement: • separation of |GE| and |GM| up to 14 (GeV/c)2 • Geff up to 28 (GeV/c)2 • Coordination of the Electromagnetic Processes Working group • -Software development for electron tracking,advanced PID and filtering methods • -Development of phenomenological models and • event generators Expected precision on R = |GE|/|GM| PANDA • Despite a strong motivation of physicists, in a difficult budget situation, no positive • decision about the level of the French investment in PANDA could be taken up to now • Towards a joint French effort in hadronic physics with Jlab and PANDA groups.
Applications beyond hadron physics S.Procureur, IRFU Innovativemultiplexing pattern based on signal redundancy in MPGDs(patented) 50x50 cm², 1024 strips, 61 channels → 2 givenchannels are connected to neighbouringstripsonly once in the detector → easily adaptable to the incident flux of particles NIM A729 (2013), 888 → canequip up to ~n²/2 stripswithonly n electronicchannels • Many applications in HEP and beyond, in particularwith muon tomography: 1 2 S. Quillin N. Lesparre S. Procureur Volcanology Homeland security Mining/Archeology → Proposal for the FET-Open call in H2020
Conclusion: an ambitious program A coherentapproach, and a leadingrole 2012-2014 : Analyses, instrumental developments, data takingGSI 2015-2017 : Data takingJLaband COMPASS 2017-2018 : Analyses, extraction of GPD, First 3D nucleonimaging via PARTONS platform 2018+ : Transverse target at JLaband COMPASS Till 2020 : Preparation for PANDA Till 2025 : Preparation for EIC collider High responsibilities in the Collaborations, leader of experimental programs, experts in thesedomains.