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Online and Data Quality Monitoring. Eduardo Rodrigues University of Glasgow LHCb VELO Software meeting, CERN, 6 April 2009. Online coordination : Kurt Rinnert Data Quality coordination : Eduardo Rodrigues
Online and Data Quality Monitoring Eduardo Rodrigues University of Glasgow LHCb VELO Software meeting, CERN, 6 April 2009 Online coordination: Kurt Rinnert Data Quality coordination: Eduardo Rodrigues Contributors: Eduardo (cluster monitoring), Sadia (track monitoring), Marco & Silvia (vertex monitoring), Marco (alignment monitoring), Malcolm (monitoring occupancy in HLT), Sara (Noisy & Dead strips), Abdi (noise vs voltage), James & Abdi (Landau fitting), Grant (Gain monitoring), Tomasz (TELL1 algorithm monitoring), Paula.
Monitoring: outline • A lot of recent work and progress – thanks everyone ! • Monitoring algorithms: - Most algorithms fairly stable - A couple of new kinds on the block: e.g. gain monit., “expert” noise monit. • Monitoring analysis scripts: - area with main effort a lot of new tools available • Wiki pages with documentation and HowTo’s are also being updated Eduardo Rodrigues
But we’re not quite at this stage … Eduardo Rodrigues
Monitoring: algorithms packages “VELO moni group” VeloRecMonitors • Package for “high-level” (= ZS) data • 6 monitoring algorithms in CVS- 3 related to cluster monitoring: “standard”, “expert”, for HLT - 1 for time-alignment studies (sampling) - 1 for track-based monitoring - 1 relevant to monitoring of closing • Alignment monitoring part of track-based monit. algorithm • Vertex-based monitoring taken from Tr/TrackMonitors VeloDataMonitor • Package for NZS data • Several algorithms for error banks / noise / pedestals / TELL1s / … monitoring • New algorithm for gain monitoring Eduardo Rodrigues
Monitoring: scripts package VetraScripts “VELO moni group” • Centrally collect scripts, macros, Python modules for monitoring and data quality analyses • Area on critical path a couple of months ago • Glad to see so much effort went into this recently: - 37 macros/scripts in CVS!(we may even need some clean-up due to large overlaps in code) • If you still have handy private scripts then let us know … ;-) • And please commit your code, even if not in its “final” version(remember it’s a CVS repository) • http://isscvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/Velo/VetraScripts/?cvsroot=lhcb Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter (1/2) Kurt • Monitors ZS as well as NZS data • 2 monitoring tasks exist: - VeloDAQMon: clusters, noise, TAE, errors - VeloBeamMon: beam position for closing - track-based & alignment monitoring will either be added to VeloDAQMon or will get its own task • VELO online monitoring depends on Vetra project - has to follow faster release cycle of Online project by patching the current installation :S Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter (2/2) • Now much easier to efficiently declare several pages (using new handy tools from Nicola for manipulating HistDB) • Available pages at present: default cluster monit., TAE monit. and per TELL1 noise pages • Implementation of pages is not yet complete. But it’s much easier compared to the past • Page layouts and histograms display options will evolve once we have user feedback Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: snapshots (1/2) Clustermonitoring Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: snapshots (2/2) Noisemonitoring Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: cluster-based monitoring 1 page inpresenter OfflinePresenter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes • # of clusters per event • # of strips per cluster • Cluster ADC value (all sensors) • Cluster ADC value (R sensors) • Cluster ADC value (f sensors) • # of clusters for sensor “i”(1 plot produced per sensor if nClus>0) • # of strips per cluster versus sensor • Cluster ADC value versus sensor • Active chip links versus sensor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: track-based monitoring Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: track-based monitoring Module mismatch Biased residuals vs sensor Pseudo-efficiency Local f coordinate Presenter layout pop-up pages when clicking on each histo: Original histo + “Used sensors” histo The 8 histos related with residuals mean and s for R and f and A- and C-side (clicking disabled) Original histo + eta & f histos(global coords.) Eduardo Rodrigues
Online presenter: vertex monitoring Presenter layout PV left-right delta x PV position x PV position y PV position z • TrackVertexMonitor in Tr/TrackMonitors • (Need to include this algo. In the Vetra monitoring sequence) Eduardo Rodrigues
New VeloExpertClusterMonitor algorithm Abdi, James • New algo in Velo/VeloRecMonitors for “expert” cluster monitoring • Creates histograms of the ADCs for each sensor • Makes plots for raw and on-track clusters • Splits sensors into different regions of r, q and f • Histograms are viewed by new dispCluster.py script (in Velo/VetraScripts) Eduardo Rodrigues
New dispCluster.py script (1/2) Abdi, James • Displays plots of the ADCs of clusters and the number of strips in a cluster • ADCs are fitted with a Landau-Gaussian convolution to find MPV and FWHM Eduardo Rodrigues
New dispCluster.py script (2/2) • Also plots MPV vs sensor number • ADC values are angle corrected in the case of on-track clusters Eduardo Rodrigues
Gain calibration (1/3) Grant, Kazu Can the “full header swing” (FHS) be used for this purpose? As long as low/high header distributions are distinct (like plot below) this is a clearly-defined and stable quantity. Monitor the gain of links: Initially through by looking at link headers Next will look at test-pulse data Goal is to calibrate links: Can we somehow normalize link gains to some standard value? Would be useful for eventual dE/dx measurements Full Header Swing (FHS) “Header-Low” distribution Eduardo Rodrigues “Header-High” distribution
Gain calibration (2/3) Code to make these plots works with Vetra v7r0, and is in CVS of Velo/VeloDataMonitor, with ROOT macros in Velo/VetraScripts. Can be used to quickly spot bad links ROOT code in Velo/VetraScripts is able to plot: FHS, FHS scaled by link noise Average header value, average header value scaled by noise RMS of HH, HL distributions Link headers with unusually high (>600) and low (<400) ADC counts Eduardo Rodrigues
Gain calibration (3/3) Unusually high/low ADC counts: Avg headers: Link header distributions: RMS of HH/HL distributions: Eduardo Rodrigues
VELO monitoring & analysis GUI Eduardo, Karol, Kurt, Paula • Consensus on how to run monitoring/analysis jobs: 1) run a PVSS recipe 2) “on button” run of a corresponding Vetra task 3) GUI to ease the display/analysis of histograms produced • Status of matters 1 month ago:- PVSS recipes exist since long (renamed recently) • In the meantime:- PVSS button to run Vetra task defined by Karol - New VELO monitoring GUI- has received many contributions ever since Eduardo Rodrigues
VeloMoniGUI: snapshots (1/2) Eduardo Rodrigues
VeloMoniGUI: snapshots (2/2) Eduardo Rodrigues
Next on the TODO list (1/2) • Update on Vetra/Brunel monitoring sequences: - Not all algorithms set to run in our monitoring sequences - On-/off-line specific options to be checked(keep in mind that one needs .opts files online!) • Installation of Vetra and monitoring packages for shifters:- Regularly updated - But needs better handling: e.g., never change anything locally that is not in CVS or immediately committed to CVS ;-) - Some issues for the online version? • Discussion of shifters tasks: - we need to start thinking about our monitoring procedures at the pit - important for VELO shifters … and you’ve just learned this morning that we will have shifts very soon to start the training Eduardo Rodrigues
Next on the TODO list (2/2) • We need to collect reference plots!- If you haven’t done so yet, please get in touch with me to get this sorted by the end of this week • Tutorials:- We recently had (on the 13th March) a first Vetra tutorial - More tutorials are foreseen, with special emphasis on monitoring • Documentation – my usual blabla: - Update twiki, remove old & obsolete pages, converge on overlapping pages, etc. - There’s been some activity. To be continued … Eduardo Rodrigues
Outlook (apologies if I’m not aware of very latest updates) Eduardo Rodrigues
Any comments? Eduardo Rodrigues