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UI PnP and UI Installation

UI PnP and UI Installation. Giuseppe LA ROCCA INFN Catania giuseppe.larocca@ct.infn.it Joint EELA/EGEEIII Tutorial for Trainers, 30.06.2008 – 04.07.2008, Catania (Italy). Outline. Overview about the User Interface GILDA User Interface Plug and Play 3.1

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UI PnP and UI Installation

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  1. UI PnP and UI Installation Giuseppe LA ROCCAINFN Cataniagiuseppe.larocca@ct.infn.it Joint EELA/EGEEIII Tutorial for Trainers, 30.06.2008 – 04.07.2008, Catania (Italy)

  2. Outline Overview about the User Interface GILDA User Interface Plug and Play 3.1 Installation of a gLite 3.1 UI on SL4X 2

  3. What a User Interface is ? • The UI is a suite of clients and APIs that users and applications can use to access the gLite services • The gLite UI includes the following components: – VOMScommand-line tools – WMSclients and APIs – Logging and Bookkeepingclients and APIs – Data Transfercommand-line clients and APIs – Data Catalogcommand-line clients and APIs – gLite I/Oclient and APIs – R-GMA/BDIIclient and APIs

  4. Installation and configuration of a GILDA UIPnP 3.1

  5. ..before to start • This version of the GILDA UI PnP have been tested for Scientific Linux 4.5/6andFedora Core 8 • It may need additional effort to make it works on other distributions. It differs from the official release because everything is pre-configured for the GILDA testbed. • To install and use it does not need root privileges at all Disclaimer !!

  6. Preliminary • You have to check that • the clock of your machine is properly synchronized with an ntp server • you have Java properly installed on your machine; • Just for this tutorial you can install your personal copy of JDK as follow : wget http://jessica.trigrid.it/eela/Tutorial4Tutors/jdk-6u10-beta-linux-i586-rpm.bin rpm –ivh http://jessica.trigrid.it/eela/Tutorial4Tutors/jdk-6u10-beta-linux-i586-rpm.bin

  7. Installation • As normal user, download the tarball from this location : https://gilda.ct.infn.it/UIPnP/GILDA-UIPnP-3.1.tar.gz • … put it under your home directory and uncompress the tarball. $ tar xzvf GILDA-UIPnP-3.1.tar.gz [cut...]

  8. Configuration • Enter the UIPnP-3.1 directory and open the file PnP-conf.def • Replace the already set value of JAVA_LOCATION with your Java copy • Run the configuration command : $HOME/UIPnP-3.1/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c \ -s PnP-conf.def -n UI_TAR

  9. Post-configuration • For your convenience, it may be useful to put these inside your~/.bashrc, instead of running them every time you log in. source $HOME/UIPnP-3.1/external/etc/profile.d/grid-env.sh export LFC_HOST=lfc-gilda.ct.infn.it Run source .bashrc and, after you have copied under .globus/ your personal certificates you can enjoy GILDA UI Plug and play ! For this tutorial, user certificates can be downloaded from here : http://jessica.trigrid.it/eela/Tutorial4Tutors/certs/

  10. References • https://grid.ct.infn.it/twiki/bin/view/GILDA/GildaUIPnP31

  11. Installation and configuration of a GILDA UI 3.1 on SL4x32

  12. Pre-requisites /1 • Start from a base SL4x32 machine with the following rpm groups : • X Window System • Editors X Software Development • Text-based Internet • Server Configuration Tools • Development Tools • Administration Tools • System Tools • Legacy Software Development

  13. Pre-requisites /2 • Check that your machine has a fully qualified name with: hostname -f you should get back the name of the machine including the domain

  14. Repository settings • Configure the repositories as follow: REPOS="ca dag ig jpackage gilda glite-ui" and get the repositories' files with the following command: for name in $REPOS; do wget http://grid018.ct.infn.it/mrepo/repos/$name.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/$name.repo; done

  15. JAVA • Install JDK 1.5.0 before installing the metapackage. • Here below only an example that explain what rpms you need, but you could decide to follow another solution: yum install jdk yum install java-1.5.0-sun-compat

  16. Metapackage yum install <metapackage>

  17. CAs & GILDA utils Install CAs as follow: yum install lcg-CA Install GILDA utils as follow: yum install gilda_utils

  18. Configure cp /opt/glite/yaim/examples/siteinfo/ig-site-info.def \ /opt/glite/yaim/etc/gilda/<your_site-info.def> • Edit the configuration file and set correctly the following variables: RB_HOST=glite-rb.ct.infn.itWMS_HOST=glite-rb3.ct.infn.itLB_HOST=glite-lb.ct.infn.itPX_HOST=grid001.ct.infn.itHLR_RESOURCE="grid-demo1.ct.infn.it::56568"LFC_HOST=lfc-gilda.ct.infn.itBDII_HOST=glite-rb.ct.infn.it JAVA_LOCATION=<JAVA_location>  Customize here

  19. Add GILDA Settings VOS=“alice atlas cms .. ”  Add GILDA here ALL_VOMS_VOS=“alice atlas cms ..” Add GILDA here [..] VO_GILDA_SW_DIR=$VO_SW_DIR/gilda VO_GILDA_DEFAULT_SE=$DPM_HOST VO_GILDA_STORAGE_DIR=$CLASSIC_STORAGE_DIR/gilda VO_GILDA_VOMS_SERVERS="vomss://voms.ct.infn.it:8443/voms/gilda?/gilda" VO_GILDA_VOMSES="gilda voms.ct.infn.it 15001 /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=Catania/CN=voms.ct.infn.it gilda“ An example of ig-site-info_UI_SL4x32.info can be downloaded fromhere

  20. Configuration /opt/glite/yaim/bin/ig_yaim -c -s \ /opt/glite/yaim/etc/gilda/<your-site-info.def> \ -n <nodetype>

  21. Testing • Add new user (e.g. cataniaXX) and set the passwd (GridCATXX , where XX=01,..,30) • Copy user’s certificate under .globus/ folder • For this tutorial, user certificates can be downloaded from here : http://jessica.trigrid.it/eela/Tutorial4Tutors/certs/

  22. References • https://grid.ct.infn.it/twiki/bin/view/GILDA/GILDASiteInstall • http://igrelease.forge.cnaf.infn.it/doku.php?id=doc:guides:install-3_1 • http://igrelease.forge.cnaf.infn.it/doku.php?id=doc:guides:install-3_1_64bit

  23. Questions …

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