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Virtual Machine Administration Tool. VMAT. USER GUIDE. Overview. Project/Machine List Create Edit Archive Administration. Machines. Projects. Machines. Project Collapse Button. Machines. Power Status Button (click to dynamically start and stop the virtual machine).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Virtual Machine Administration Tool VMAT USER GUIDE

  2. Overview • Project/Machine List • Create • Edit • Archive • Administration

  3. Machines Projects

  4. Machines Project Collapse Button

  5. Machines Power Status Button (click to dynamically start and stop the virtual machine)

  6. Virtual Machine Last Shutdown Datetime Status DNS Hostname IP Address Virtual Machine Creation Datetime Show More Details (see next slide)

  7. Show Details Expands listing to include extra information

  8. Create a Virtual Machine Click Here …or here In order to go to the creation page, where you can create a new machine

  9. Create Page Give VM an appropriate suffix Choose an existing project, or create a new one Choose a base image you would like to copy In order to create the hard drive for this machine Choose an IP address, or allow the default, chosen from a range defined on the admin page Preview details before hitting the create button

  10. Queued Creation Machines get queued upon hitting the create button. See what this looks like below. (add picture here)

  11. Edit Machines Click the edit button to change a machine’s details.

  12. Edit Page • Use this page to change IP address • (add stuff here)

  13. Archive Project Button (asks for confirmation) Displays this box

  14. Archive MachineButton (asks for confirmation) Displays this box Use this when you want to only archive a single machine and not all machines in the project

  15. Archiving Hitting archive will add machines to the archive queue, which will be run during the scheduled time set in the admin page

  16. Administration Click Here …or here To access the admin page

  17. Admin Page Provide upper limit for resource purposes (0 = unlimited) Set a range of IP addresses that we can offer for new VMs Schedule the times for which these operations occur

  18. Admin Page See Log Output – Developer tool for checking on application status Check Web config Settings – Deployment tool to ensure configuration file set up properly Run All Scheduled Tasks Now – Does what it says. All queued creations, archives, backups, deletions, etc. are immediately run

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