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Free Energy and Matter effect individuals and populations

Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow , to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. Surface-to-volume ratios effect matter such as water, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Free Energy and Matter effect individuals and populations.

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Free Energy and Matter effect individuals and populations

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  1. Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

  2. Surface-to-volume ratios effect matter such as water, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen Free Energy and Matter effect individuals and populations Autotrophs capture sunlight to make organic compounds.Heterotrophs break organic compounds to make ATP. Membranes maintain homeostasis via passive and active transport. Chemical reactions occur in membrane bound organelles. Homeostasis occurs in cells, individuals, populations, and communities. Negative Feedback maintains homeostasis. Positive feedback amplifies a response. Homeostatic mechanisms reflects common ancestry and natural selection

  3. All living systems require constant input of free energy. • Entropy increases over time. • Energy input must exceed free energy lost to entropy (positive changes in Free Energy) • +E =energy storage or growth -E= loss of mass or death

  4. Cell Respiration (Catabolism/Hydrolysis) • Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation

  5. Photosynthesis (Anabolism/Dehydration Synthesis • Light Dependent Reaction, Calvin Cycle

  6. various strategies to regulate body temperature and metabolism • Endothermy and Ectothermy • Various strategies for reproduction • Seasonal reproduction • Life history strategies • generally, the smaller the organism, the higher the metabolic rate • Changes in free Energy change population size and disrupt ecosystems

  7. Autotrophs capture free energy and store free energy for use in biological process • Autotrophs • Phosynthetic organisms • Chemosynthetic organisms • Heterotrophs • Metabolize carbs, lipids, and proteins (hydrolysis) • Fermentation (no oxygen required) • Energy-capturing molecules NADP+ and oxygen

  8. Photosynthesis was first observed in prokaryotes first • Glycolysis does not require Oxygen (ALL)

  9. Chlorophyll absorbs free E from the sun boosting electrons to PSI and PSII Electrons pass through ETC Proton gradient builds up and ATP is created ATP and NADPH power the calvin cycle (stroma)

  10. Cellular Respiration • Glycolysis breaks glucose, releasing free energy to form ATP, and resulting in the production of pyruvate • Pyruvate is transported to the Mitochondria where further oxidation occurs. • In the Krebs cycle, carbon dioxide is released, ATP is synthesized via substrate level phosphorylation and electrons are captured by coenzymes. • Electrons that are extracted in the series of Krebs cycle reactions are carried by NADH and FADH2 to the electron transport chain.

  11. Electron transport chain reactions occur in chloroplasts (photosynthesis), mitochondria (cellular respiration) and prokaryotic plasma membranes.

  12. Electron transport chain captures free energy from electrons in a series of coupled reactions that establish an electrochemical gradient across membranes.In cellular respiration, electrons delivered by NADH and FADH2 are passed to a series of electron acceptors as they move toward the terminal electron acceptor, oxygen. In photosynthesis, the terminal electron acceptor is NADP+. • The passage of electrons is accompanied by the formation of a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane or the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, with the membrane(s) separating a region of high proton concentration from a region of low proton concentration. In prokaryotes, the passage of electrons is accompanied by the outward movement of protons across the plasma membrane. • The flow of protons back through membrane-bound ATP synthase by chemiosmosis generates ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.

  13. Organisms must exchange matter with the environment to grow, reproduce and maintain organization. • Carbon=carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acid • Nitrogen= proteins and nucleic acid • Phosphorus= nucleic acid and lipids • Water is polar and made has hydrogen bonds • Cohesion/adhesion, high specific heat, solvent • Surface-to-volume ratio affects to obtain and eliminate resources • As a cell increases in V the SA decreases. A cell needs a larger SA!! • Helps to increase surface area: Root hairs, alveoli, villi, intestines

  14. Cell Membranes are selectively permeable due to their structure. • Small, uncharged polar molecules and small nonpolar molecules, such as N2, freely pass. • Hydrophilic substances such as large polar molecules and ions move across the membrane through embedded channel and transport proteins. • Water moves across membranes and through channel proteins called aquaporins.

  15. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose • Prokaryotes and fungi have cell walls too

  16. Passive Transport does not require E • External Environments can be hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic • Facilitated diffusion is passive transport with a protein transport channel (Glucose, Na+, K+) • Active Transport uses free E and protein pumps • Exocytosis and Endocytosis form vesicles

  17. Eukaryotic cells maintain internal membranes that partition the cell into specialized regions. • Organelles minimize competing interactions and increase surface area where reactions can occur • Archaea and bacteria lack internal membranes

  18. Organisms use feedback mechanisms to maintain their internal environments and respond to external environmental changes • Negative feedback maintains homeostasis • Operons in gene regulation (prokaryotes) • Temperature regulation in Animals • Plant response to water limitations • Positive feedback amplifies a response • Lactation in mammals • Onset of childbirth • Ripening of fruit

  19. Feedback gone bad AKA “Alternation in the mechanisms of feedback often results in deleterious consequences” • Diabetes mellitus in response to increase insulin • Dehydration in response to decreases ADH

  20. Organisms respond to changes in their external environments • Through Behavioral and Physiological mechanisms • Photoperiodism and phototropism in plants • Hiberbationand migratgion in animals • Shivering and sweating in animals

  21. All biological systems from cells and organism to populations, communities and ecosystems are affected by complex biotic and abiotic involving exchange of matter and free energy . • CELL: • Cell Density, biofilms, temp, water availability, sunlight • Organism: • Symbiosis • Predator-prey relationship • Population, community, ecosystem • Water, nutrient availability, temp, salinity, pH • Shelter • Food chanins/food webs • Population density

  22. Homeostatic mechanisms reflect both common ancestry and divergence due to adaptations in different environments • Similarities reflect common ancestry; differences reflect natural selection • Mechanisms for obtaining nutrients • Gas exchange: Aquatic vs terrestrial plants • Digestive mechanisms: food vacuoles, gastrovascular cavities, one way digestive system • Homeostatic control systems in species support common ancestor • Osmoregulation in bacteria and protist

  23. Biological systems are affected by distributions to their dynamic homeostasis Organism • Physiological response to toxic substances • Immunological responses to pathogens and toxins Ecosystem • Invasive species • Human impact • Natural disaster

  24. Plants and animals have a variety of chemical defenses against infections that affect dynamic homeostasis • Invertebrates have nonspecific response mechanisms but lack specific defense response • Plant defenses include molecular recognition systems and ability to destroy infected and adjacent cells • Vertebrate have innate and acquired

  25. Mammals • Cell mediated response (cytotoxic T cells) target intracellular pathogens when antigens are displayed on the outside • Humoral response (B cells) produce antibodies against specific antigens • A second exposure to an antigen results in a more rapid and enhanced immune response.

  26. Timing and coordination of specific events are necessary for the normal development of an organism, and these events are regulated by a variety of mechanisms • Cell differentiation (gene expression) • Induction of transcription factors results in sequential gene expression • Homeotic genes are involved in developmental patterns and sequences. (HOX GENES) • Embryonic induction (correct timing of events) • Temperature and water determine seed germination in plants. • Genetic mutations result in abnormal development. • Genetic regulation by microRNAs plays a role in the development of organisms and the control of cellular functions. • Apoptosis (fingers and toe, Immune fucntion, flower development)

  27. Timing and coordination of physiological events are regulated by multiple mechanisms • Physiological events involve interactions external stimuli and internal molecular signals Plants • Phototropism (response to light), Photoperiodism (response to length of night) Animals • Circadian rhythms , Jet lag, Seasonal response (hibernation, migration, Pheromones, Reproductive cycles Fungi, protists, and bacterai --Fruiting body formation and Quorum sensing bacteria

  28. Timing and coordination of behavior are regulated by various mechanisms and are important in natural selection • Innate behaviors are inherited • Learning occurs through interactions with organisms and the environment • Behavior triggered by environment • Migration, Hibernation • Between populations • Resource partitioning • Mutualistic relationships

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