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Part 1: Components of Your Lens. Week 3: Life Experience & Relationship. r eason deliberative. e xperience relationships. t raditions l earned or passed down. s cripture prescriptive. a review. r eason: definition, application, pros & cons. a review.
Part 1: Components of Your Lens Week 3: Life Experience & Relationship
reason deliberative experience relationships traditions learned or passed down scripture prescriptive
a review reason: definition, application, pros & cons
a review tradition: definition, application, pros & cons
relational “In relational ethics, the direction of action is shaped by the sense of excitement or gratitude which arises from a live, dynamic and compelling encounter with the source of moral guidance.” – Long. “Ethics is conceived to be relational in a sense that even the content and direction of moral decisions flow from an immediate relationship with God(s) and relationship with others rather than establishing norms to which humans must aspire
reason deliberative experience relationships traditions learned or passed down scripture prescriptive
its view on scripture The Bible does not offer specific direction but a general orientation for the moral life. Biblical commands or principles are essentially illustrations of how God has led in the past and how he will likely lead in the present. “The question of biblical authority is not properly focused in the inherent character of the Bible itself. The question is more fruitfully focused on God who is active in the world and whose will is disclosed to persons in and through this activity. Biblical texts such as the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, or the Pauline exhortations are not comprehensive instruction but exemplary guidance.”
its view on scripture The Scriptures were not so much a fixed moral deposit for these communities as they were precious community records to try to be Israel or to try to be a Christian people of God. The Bible acts as a shaper of Christian identity but not as explicit direction.
relational ethics: augustine moral action: a result of the will and what one loves (reason?)
relational ethics: martin luther moral action: overflow of justifying faith (scripture?)
relational ethics: jonathanedwards moral action: a disposition to love
karlbarth In opposition to all forms of ethics that seek to formulate moral decisions on the basis of natural law or moral rules and principles (traditions and scripture). To do ethics this way is to be apart from God’s grace and redemption in Jesus Christ. Even attempts to do moral casuistry from prescribed biblical texts were rejected by Barth, for the moralist treats God’s command as a universal rule apart from God, and the prescription destroys the mystery and freedom of God
karlbarth Ethics is a gift of divine grace, not a burden and thus could never exist apart from Go’ds redemption and direct, gracious command. At the heart, true Christian ethics was the command of God. BUT… God’s command was not prescribed in a text, it was an event in which God speaks and commands at the moment of the decision. “God in his command, however, tells him very concretely what he is to do here and now in these or those very particular circumstances.”
karlbarth Ethics cannot itself give direction. It can only give instruction, teaching us how the command came in the past and will likely come in the future. Scripture is a witness to God’s word as opposed to God’s word iteself
illustration interpretation traditions Ten Commandments God’s Command
emilbrunner “the divine command… can only be perceived by him to whom God Himself speaks His Word, in faith… Hence I cannot know beforehand the content of the Command as I can know that of the Law; I can only receive it afresh each time through the voice of the Spirit.” The Bible provides intimations of how God usually guides in similar sityations, but God speaks through the Bible at the moment; he does not prescribe ahead of time.
j.i. packer Spontaneous actions is what determines how we gauge our relationship and knowledge of God
stanleyhaurwas We learn to do the right thing in life because of who we have become. God is not something added on to the moral life but interwoven in our experiences and conception of God. The experiences have a profound effect on our character and hence our actions and in turn so that our morality has a profound impact on our experience of God.
stanleyhaurwas Moral decisions then are tied to relationship – relationship with God, the Christian community, and the confessing stories that shape its identity, purpose and moral virtue
rosemary radfordruether Eco-feminist ethic
applying relational/experience examples?
pros? steers away from legalism & dependency on tradition
pros? challenges & critiques scripture reading
cons? relativity & subjectivity