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Exploration. Age of Discovery. Explorers. Magellan, Columbus, Pizarro, Cortes, Vespucci, Dias, Da Gama, and Prince Henry. Well Educated Discovered the Amazon River Two continents are named after him Who is this explorer?. Amerigo Vespucci. King John II of Portugal funded his expedition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exploration Age of Discovery

  2. Explorers • Magellan, Columbus, Pizarro, Cortes, Vespucci, Dias, Da Gama, and Prince Henry

  3. Well Educated • Discovered the Amazon River • Two continents are named after him • Who is this explorer?

  4. Amerigo Vespucci

  5. King John II of Portugal funded his expedition • Had the title of Count • Discovered an Ocean route from Portugal to the East (Sailed around Africa to India)

  6. Vasco da Gama

  7. Had a globe • Considered a Visionary • Was a Prince • Opened a school of Navigation

  8. Prince Henry the Navigator

  9. Responsible for giving Spain a power base in Mexico • Claimed all his actions were for the benefit of the King and Christianity • Conquered the Aztecs

  10. Hernan Cortes

  11. Was Italian, but sailed for Spain • Wanted to find a westerly route to the Indies • Had four voyages to the New World • Accidently discovered the Americas

  12. Christopher Columbus

  13. Gained fabulous wealth before he died • Spanish Conquistador • Conquered the Incas

  14. Francisco Pizarro

  15. Portuguese Explorer • Was a Noble • Well Educated • Sailed to the tip of Africa • Discovered the Cape of Good Hope

  16. Bartholomew Dias

  17. Portuguese Nobility • Discovered the Straits of Magellan • 1st person to circumnavigate the earth

  18. Ferdinand Magellan

  19. Vocabulary

  20. To travel around the world by ship

  21. Circumnavigate

  22. The defeat of this showed that Spain was weakening as a world power and England was gaining stregnth

  23. Spanish Armada

  24. Spanish Adventurers whose main motivation was Gold (Wealth)

  25. Conquistadors

  26. The movement of plants, animals, diseases, and ideas

  27. Columbian Exchange

  28. These Monarchs financially supported Columbus’ voyages

  29. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

  30. The movement of goods (including slaves) between Europe, Africa, and the Americas

  31. Triangular Trade

  32. Major crops grown on plantations

  33. Tobacco, Cotton, and sugarcane

  34. Traded from Africa to the Americas and used to work on plantations

  35. Slaves

  36. The Treaty that was created by the Pope. It was an imaginary line that determined which new lands Spain and Portugal could claim

  37. Treaty of Tordesillas

  38. Geography

  39. United Kingdom/England

  40. Spain

  41. Portugal

  42. Italy

  43. Misc.

  44. Horses and Cattle came from the Old World

  45. Corn and Potatoes came from the New World

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