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GOOD AND BAD ADS. GOOD ADS. WHY?. Tri-Nations ad: It is effective because it snapshots the best rugby tries of previous matches and it makes it look really cool with the crowd going wild 2 Degrees ad: I find this ad effective because it shows comedy and that draws the viewer in.
WHY? Tri-Nations ad: It is effective because it snapshots the best rugby tries of previous matches and it makes it look really cool with the crowd going wild 2 Degrees ad: I find this ad effective because it shows comedy and that draws the viewer in. Weet-Bix ad: I think that this ad is effective because it show the all blacks and on how many weet bix they can eat which encourages you to try and beat them. Sky ad: there are many examples of drawing the viewer in on this ad such as the bit where it says that the disease started with a itch and turned into a painful rash the man from the ad is itching his arm and suddenly realizes and thinks…
WHY? Pak n save ad: I don’t really get the light saber ad it doesn't really have anything to do with pak n save at all. McDonalds ad: I don’t really see the point on advertising about the ingredients they use in they're burgers I think we all know that McDonalds is un-healthy and for people that don’t have the will power to hold themselves back from it. Wendy's ad: I don’t like this ad mostly because of the man that is advertising the product, he is very weird and talks very scarily he also puts me off my food whenever he talks. Vodafone ads: I think that Vodafone shouldn’t really have any ads on television at all because it seems to me that every ad they make don’t make sense and if they do they are not very interesting.