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Factors in medicine. A revision. Religion positive. Egypt Positive contribution in Egyptian times. Bodies had to be mummified and main organs taken out led to understanding of anatomy. Medieval
Factors in medicine A revision
Religion positive • Egypt • Positive contribution in Egyptian times. Bodies had to be mummified and main organs taken out led to understanding of anatomy. • Medieval • Monks had to be like Jesus so Franciscan monks healed the sick and hospitals as well as universities were set up. • First hospitals and Padua university
Religion negative • Catholic church do not permit any one to challenge Galen holds medicine back. Do not allow dissection for several years. • Persecution of New ideas such as Vesalius , Harvey and Pare • Egyptians not allowed to dissect bodies • Women are persecuted for treating people with illness. • Belief that god makes you ill and will cure you. Opposition to small pox vaccine and use of chloroform. • Reliance on Asclepius .
Chance • Pare runs out of oil and finds new away to treat wounds and uses turpentine, egg white and rose oil • Chamber lain forgets to treat the chickens with chicken flu and leaves the disease out to weaken. • Fleming leaves a plate of bacteria out by an open window and the mould lands on it . • Chain finds Flemings forgotten article in an old journal. • Simpson and his friends decide to try out different concoctions to see which will knock them out. • Jenna hears about the fact that dairy maids don’t get smallpox. Harvey hears about the boy with the hole in his chest. • Pasteur is forced to try out rabies vaccine after boy is bitten.
Genius • Vesalius decides to dissect bodies despite warnings from the church. Proves Galen wrong. • Pare mixes his concoction and uses ligatures. • Harvey makes connection about pump and carries out loads of experiments and records everything • Jenna decides to investigate cowpox and risks James Phelps life. • Pasteur discovers germs and is able to prove it . he also decides to look at why the chickens did not die. • Koch develops the petri dish and agar jelly • Flory and chain( and heatly) decide to try and make Penicillin and Fleming knowing to look at it in detail. • Snow for finding the connection between water and Cholera. • Snow for making chloroform. safe. • Lister for making connection between germs and surgery with use of carbolic
Government • Small pox vaccine in Britain compulsory in 1852 • Roman public health paid for and managed by the government believing that healthy people make healthy soldiers. • Public health and votes for all improve public health in Britain’s cites and welfare reforms free school dinners and pensions. • Working class vote in 1875 and public health act • Liberal reforms 1905 onwards • USA funds the making and use of Penicillin. • British government inspired by healthy Britons set up NHS and people are better fed and informed during the war . • Government campaigns in the war on healthy eating and medicine . • French Government funding Pasteur and German government funding Koch. • NHS. From the cradle to the grave. • Government find Nightingale hospitals
Technology • Egyptians Paper invented led to medical observations being passed onto doctors. • Egyptians inventing insturnments • Renaissance Printing press meant the books a could be copied and easily spread around. E.g Vesalius and Harvey. • Pare inventing ligature, though a little too ealry • Water pump inspires Harvey to believes heart pumps blood. • Microscope invented made it easier to see Germs for Louis pasteur . • Kochs methods of looking at germs, petri dish and agar jelly • X rays invented easier to see breaks and wounds. • Telegram meant that news could passed around very quickly. E.g Pasture discovery ot a cure for Anthrnx • John Snow invents way to administer chloroform so that people don’t over dose. • Bllod groups
War: positive • Pare runs out of oil and finds new away to treat wounds uses rose oil, turpentine and egg whites. • Discovers liagatures • Rivalry between Koch and Pasteur motives them to outdo each other in the war against disease. • X rays play a huge part in first world war. • Doctors have to learn on the job in the war and become very skilled at treating wounds and finding new ideas. • surgeons learn their trade in the wars become the best surgeons until today. • USA funds the making and use of Penicillin • Surgeons learn how to do plastic surgery due to horrific accidents in the war. • British government inspired by healthy Britons set up NHS and people are better fed and informed during the war. • Nightingale improves nursing in Crimea
Negative • Rivalry between Pasteur and Koch holds back medicine would have been better to work together • Wars after the downfall of Rome stopped idea spreading. Communication fails