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Welcome Mrs. Eastin’s Third Grade Gifted Curriculum Night. Contact Info:. Email:meastin@kyrene.org This is the best way to get in touch with me. Voice Mail: 480-541-4519 Front office: 480-541-4100. Curriculum Overview. Curriculum is differentiated, based on student needs.
Contact Info: • Email:meastin@kyrene.org • This is the best way to get in touch with me. • Voice Mail: 480-541-4519 • Front office: 480-541-4100
Curriculum Overview Curriculum is differentiated, based on student needs. Research Based and data driven Opportunities to examine topics in-depth with extended units of study focusing on the application of the concept. Inquiry Based Lots of Choices and student involvement. Goal of creating life long learners! The complete curriculum is found on the Kyrene District Webpage.
Math Curriculum Multiply and divide within 100 fluently Problem solving Adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers Fraction Concepts/equivalence/adding and subtracting Geometric Figures/attributes and calculating area and perimeter Representing Data/line plots, tables, bar graphs. Measures of liquid volume, weight and mass Equations Common Core emphasizes a solid conceptual understanding of concepts.
Checking Progress Quizzes/progress checks most Fridays. Tests Projects Daily Work including games, math stations and Dreambox. Math Journal(Graded on rubric) If a student scores less than 75% on a math test or quiz, a retake test will be required.
Writing Students are taught the 6 plus 1 Writing Traits and the writing process. All written components of projects and writing pieces are graded using the 6 Traits of writing. Types of writing: Narrative, expository, Informative, Persuasive, Poetry, and creative writing. Research writing will be emphasized.
Reading Curriculum • Focus on literary elements and analysis: Theme, plot, climax, rising action, characterization. • Emphasis on non-fiction, informational text, and historical fiction. • Resources Used: • Literature sets and JR Great Books to promote discourse. • Harcourt Trophies Anthology(skills) • Primary Documents
Checking Progress( Language Workshop) Book Clubs or literature conferences-dialoguing about books as a group. Literature Log-responding to literature in written format. Inquiry projects-in-depth investigation of a concept in book. Other assignments-book projects, book reports, reviews, skills work, or anthologies.
Social Studies Curriculum Geography-map skills American History-Coming to America(Immigration) and Civil War. World History-Early Explorers, Ancient Greece Civic and Government Economics(student businesses.) Project Based and integrated into language curriculum.
Science Curriculum Inquiry/scientific method Problem-Based Learning projects-creating solutions Applied STEM projects Life Sciences-Plants and Ecology Physical Sciences-Light and sound Earth Science-Rocks and minerals, Earth’s layers. Design Squad Activities, with focus on the design process. Started with the process of Invention, using the curriculum projects from Design Squad and Engineering is Elementary.
Word Study Include the study of high Frequency Words. Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes-Wordsmith and Wordly Wise. Units rotated throughout the year(spelling or vocabulary.) Spelling of high frequency words is expected in written work. . Grammar-parts of speech, conventions, sentence structure.
How is Spatial Intelligence Addressed? Projects include building bridges, technology projects, Applied STEM projects, logic problems, and other free explore projects.
Integrated Projects • Business-practice math skills • Musicals • Applied STEM-designing a botanical garden, designing plant containers, building renewable energy contraptions, creating creature habitats, making fossils, digital posters, designing perfect community, using geometrical principles to create a school playground. • Lots of writing, reading, and book publishing!
Report Card indicators P = proficient. 85% and above D=developing. 70-84% A=Area of concern. Below 70% Students will be expected to redo work, including tests, if their score is less than 70%. The Common Core is a Standards Based Curriculum. Therefore, Mastery of concept is the goal.
Homework Expectations 10 minutes per grade level. 4 times a week. Math homework will be assigned on Monday and Due Friday. Students may be assigned different HW assignments, depending on needs. Sometimes a Project will take place of HW for week. Word study(Worldly Wise or spelling) practice will also be part of HW Students will also be expected to read 15 minutes a day outside of class. Homework for the upcoming week will be outlined in My Weekly Report sent home on Friday. Sometimes unfinished classwork becomes homework. Students may work ahead on spelling matrix activities.
Missing Work If homework is not completed, this may be noted on Behavior Ladder. If work is not completed by Friday, student will miss Success Club and complete missing work. This also applies to work that needs to be redone, due to quality issues. (incomplete or not personal best).
Citizenship Guidelines Be safe Be respectful Be responsible
Behavior Expectations Behavior Ladder-School Wide +Success Club on Friday for good choices and completed work. Celebration of success for meeting quarterly class goal. Each student is different, therefore, each situation will be handled on an individual basis. Behavior Ladder(Paws-itive Choice slips) will go home on Friday with Weekly Report.
Communication Weekly Email with important information. Sent home Friday or Monday. Please read. Please let me know if you have not received my communications these past two weeks. Students will complete weekly self-reflections, form or letter format, sent home on Friday. My notes may also be included. Please sign and return the Weekly Report on Monday. Completed work and other information will go home on Friday in Communication Folders. Expect midterm report about 4 weeks into quarter. Behavior Ladder(Paws-tive Choices)Form. Students should record their behavior daily. Please sign in the comments box.
Field Trips • Two a year • Theater. • To Be Determined
Other Won’t see lots of papers going home. We work in math journals everyday/problem solving and literature logs (kept in class) We take notes and complete daily math work in our math notebooks. Gifted philosophy of Project-Based learning, which requires application of learning. Hands on. We practice math using whiteboards. Group projects/projects on the computer. Students will be expected to redo work, including tests, if their score is less than 70%. The Common Core is a Standards Based Curriculum. Therefore, Mastery of concept is the goal.
Odd and Ends Continued • Please send a healthy snack and a water bottle everyday. • Please no electronic devices. • Conference will be held twice a year. Dates will be posted on the calendar. • Per the Student Handbook, please remember to not send in treats or gifts for students birthdays. • Donations for Scholastic News Magazine($5.00) and class parties($15.00). • Thank you!
Thank you for coming! • If you have any questions, write your questions on a notecard and I will get in touch with you.