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Fare Construction

Fare Construction. Fare Construction. OW/One Way Journey RT/Round Trip, CT/Circle Trip, RW/Round the World. Construction Steps-OW. Type of Journey-OW,RT,CT,RW GI- Global Indicator (EH, PA, AT … ) FCP-Fare Construction Point NUC-Neutral Unit Construction SR-Specific Routing

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Fare Construction

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  1. Fare Construction

  2. Fare Construction • OW/One Way Journey • RT/Round Trip, CT/Circle Trip, RW/Round the World

  3. Construction Steps-OW • Type of Journey-OW,RT,CT,RW • GI- Global Indicator (EH, PA, AT…) • FCP-Fare Construction Point • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction • SR-Specific Routing • MPM-Maximum Permitted Mileage • TPM-Ticketed Point Mileage • EMA-Extra Mileage Allowance • EMS-Excess Mileage Surcharge • HIP-Higher Intermediate Point • BHC-Backhaul Minimum Check • LCF-Local Currency Fare = NUC * ROE

  4. Standard Calculation-Ex(1) • ITIN: TPE/FRA/PAR/LON • Type of Journey-OW • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  5. ITIN1-Steps • DF-TPELON OW Y (1709.69) • SR-NIL • MPM-8791 • TPM-6593 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-TPELON 1709.69 • LCF-1709.69*34.45700=TWD59811

  6. Standard Calculation-Ex(2) • ITIN: TPE/HKGx/FRA/MUCx/FRA/BKK • Type of Journey-OW • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point: MUC • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  7. ITIN2-Steps • DF1-TPEMUC OW Y (1627.27) • SR-NIL • MPM-8125 • TPM-6384 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-HKGMUC 1811.66

  8. ITIN2-Steps • DF2-MUCBKK OW Y (1946.55) • SR-NIL • MPM-7034 • TPM-5761 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-MUCBKK 1946.55 • LCF=(1811.66+1946.55)*34.45700 =TWD129497

  9. OW Minimum Fare-Ex(1) • ITIN: TPEx/FRA/LON/PAR • Type of Journey-OW • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  10. Back Haul Minimum Check-Steps • DF-TPEPAR OW C (1959.63) • SR-NIL • MPM-8560 • TPM-6703 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-TPELON 2059.32 • BHC=2*TPELON-TPEPAR=2*2059.32-1959.63 =2159.01>2059.32(TPELON) • P-Premium=2159.01-2059.32=99.69 • TPE CI X/FRA LH LON BA PAR M TPELON 2059.32 COW PTPELON TPEPAR 99.69 NUC 2159.01END ROE 34.45700 • LCF=2159.01*34.45700=TWD74393

  11. OW Minimum Fare-Ex(2) • ITIN: TPEx/SINx/FRA/LON/PAR • Type of Journey-OW • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  12. Back Haul Minimum Check-Steps • DF-TPEPAR OW Y (1627.27) • SR-NIL • MPM-8560 • TPM-9011 • EMA-NIL • EMS-9011/8560=1.0526→10M • HIP-TPELON 1709.69*1.1=1880.65 • BHC: 2*TPELON-TPEPAR=2*1709.69-1627.27 =1792.11<1880.65(TPELON) • TPE SQ X/SIN LH X/FRA LH LON AF PAR 10M TPELON 1880.65 YOW NUC 1880.65END ROE 34.45700 • LCF=1880.65*34.45700=TWD64802

  13. Construction Steps-RT,CT,RW • Type of Journey-RT,CT,RW • GI- Global Indicator (EH, PA, AT…) • FBP-Fare Break Point • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction • SR-Specific Routing • MPM-Maximum Permitted Mileage • TPM-Ticketed Point Mileage • EMA-Extra Mileage Allowance • EMS-Excess Mileage Surcharge • HIP-Higher Intermediate Point • CTM/RWM-Circle Trip Minimum Check/Round the world Minimum Check • LCF-Local Currency Fare = NUC * ROE

  14. CT Minimum Fare-Ex(1) • ITIN: KHH/BKK/LON/MUCx/BKK/SIN/KHH • Type of Journey-CT • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point: LON • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  15. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF1-Outbound KHHLON ½RT C (3744.16/2=1872.08) • SR-NIL • MPM-8678 • TPM-7349 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-KHHLON 1872.08 • F1-1872.08

  16. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF2-Inbound KHHLON ½RT C (3744.16/2=1872.08) • SR-NIL • MPM-8678 • TPM-8758 • EMA-NIL • EMS-8758/8678=1.0092→5M • HIP-SINLON (4665.92/2)*1.05 =2449.60 • F2=2449.60 • F1+F2=1872.08+2449.60=4321.68

  17. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • CTM-Compared RT NUC and F1+F2 (4321.68) • KHHBKK-918.04 • KHHLON-3744.16 • KHHMUC-3562.92 • KHHSIN-1259.26 • CTM=4321.68 • KHH TG BKK TG LON M1872.08 LH MUC LH X/BKK SQ SIN SQ KHH 5M SINLON 2449.60 NUC 4321.68END ROE 34.45700 • LCF=4321.68*34.45700=TWD148913

  18. CT Minimum Fare-Ex(2) • ITIN: LAXx/SFO/TYOx/SEL/TPEx/SFO/LAX • Type of Journey-CT • GI-Global Indicator: PA • FBP-Fare Break Point: TPE • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  19. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF1-Outbound LAXTPE ½RT F (7546/2=3773) • SR-NIL • MPM-8130 • TPM-7121 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-LAXTYO (10216/2=5108) • F1-5108

  20. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF2-Inbound LAXTPE ½RT F (7546/2=3773) • SR-NIL • MPM-8130 • TPM-6780 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-LAXTPE 3773 • F2=3773 • F1+F2=5108+3773=8881

  21. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • CTM-Compared RT NUC and F1+F2 (8881) • LAXTYO-10216 • LAXTPE-7546 • CTM=(LAXTYO RT)10216>8881(F1+F2) • P-Premium=10216-8881=1335 • LAX UA X/SFO UA TYO JL X/SEL CX TPE MLAXTYO 5108 UA X/SFO UA LAX M3773 PLAXTYO1335 NUC10216END ROE1.00000 • LCF=10216*1.00000=USD10216

  22. CT Minimum Fare-Ex(3) • ITIN: HKGx/SIN/KUL/BKK/HKG • Type of Journey-CT • GI-Global Indicator: EH • FBP-Fare Break Point: KUL • NUC-Neutral Unit Construction

  23. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF1-Outbound HKGKUL ½RT F (1724.46/2=862.23) • SR-NIL • MPM-1887 • TPM-1791 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP-HKGKUL (1724.46/2=862.23) • F1-862.23

  24. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • DF2-Inbound HKGKUL ½RT F (1724.46/2=862.23) • SR-NIL • MPM-1887 • TPM-1811 • EMA-NIL • EMS-NIL • HIP- HKGKUL 862.23 • F2=862.23 • F1+F2=862.23+862.23=1724.46

  25. Circle Trip Minimum Check-Steps • CTM-Compared RT NUC and F1+F2 (1724.46) • HKGKUL-1724.46 • HKGBKK-1085.96 • CTM=(F1+F2)1724.46=1724.46(HKGKUL RT) • HKG CX X/SIN Q4.22 SQ KUL M862.23 TG BKK TG HKG M862.23 NUC1728.68END ROE7.799460 • LCF=1728.68*7.799460=HKD13490

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