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Forty Tips from iForty. Welcome to…. Tip #1: Reach Out & Learn. ICE BREAKER: (allow 3 - 5 minutes)
Forty Tipsfrom iForty Welcome to… UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #1: Reach Out & Learn ICE BREAKER: (allow 3 - 5 minutes) For this activity, you need to group more than 4 people together. Now, in the next 3 minutes, people in a single group should discuss and jot down on the blank piece of paper, at least 10 things they have in common. The things (like school, home city or state, favorite cuisine, favorite sport, movies, etc.; anything except topics related to work) should be common among all individuals in the group. UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #2: Join iForty Does your professional organization fit you? iForty -- http://www.utexas.edu/staff/iforty/ • Staff Council -- www.utexas.edu/staff/council/ • Black Faculty & Staff Association -- www.utexas.edu/staff/bfsa/ • Hispanic Faculty/Staff Association -- http://www.utexas.edu/staff/hfsa/ • Asian/Asian-American Faculty & Staff Association -- www.utexas.edu/staff/aaafsa/ • Pride and Equity Faculty Staff Association - http://www.utexas.edu/staff/pefsa/ • UT Staff Toastmasters Club -- http://utstaff.toastmastersclubs.org/ • International Association of Administrative Professionals -- www.iaap-austin.org UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #3: Jump start your career Who said “Knowing where to go and what to learn can have a major impact on the success of your career?” (a prize for the correct answer) UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #4: Increase your professional ‘net worth’ André Paul Guillaume Gide was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1947. "Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight with the shore" UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #5: Explore TXClass ...the University’s complete training resource for UT Faculty and Staff UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #6: Visit the Professional Development Center Advance in your field, gain new skills, or train for a new career. UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #7: Become familiar with www.utexas.edu Are you using the tools available on our home page? www.utexas.edu UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #8: Use ‘askUS’... Why you need the University’s search engine... https://austin-utexas.custhelp.com/ UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #9: Use UT Direct Your homepage away from home... https://utdirect.utexas.edu/utdirect/index.WBX UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #10: Know your role How do you impact the success of your organization? UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #11: Time to Stretch & Wiggle... Every 20 minutes, stand for 20 seconds and shake things out... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #12: Learn the Lingo.. Can you name these acronyms ? BDPEOMHOPITSWORQS FRMSGRAEAPHRMS FBSAIRDEFINEDDCE DPACNSFTLC SMF UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #13: Network and develop your contacts Why who you know can be just as important as what you know... • Understandingthe culture • Building a network • Knowingwho has the answers UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #14: To be happier… Be organized! Can any of us be truly organized in our frenzied, multi-tasking worlds? Set priorities each day – Plan your work – Stick to your plan – Delegate – Hire Workstudy students! UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #15: Be in the “Know” Use yourcalendar to track deadlines, meetings... And use UT calendars to track special events, academic deadlines, etc.! UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #16: “Accounting” is all around us … Get to know the many faces of your colleagues in Accounting and the many facets of their work! UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #17: Track that inventory... Inventory reconciliation is always just around the corner; do you know where your equipment is? UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #18: *DEFINE yourself while you can… Know the University’s major data base and why it is transitioning to the web... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #19: Hire the next superstar for your office HRMS can help you hire a Full-time Employee (FTE), a Temp-to-Permanent, or a Student. UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #20: Helping the troubled employee How do you help your employee (or yourself) get back on track? UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #21: Time to Stretch & Wiggle... Every 20 minutes, stand for 20 seconds and shake things out... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #22: Persevere like a Champion... Name the University sports team who won their NCAA 2012 national championship... 2004 – National Championship, loss to Stanford 2005 – Sweet 16, loss to Hawaii 2006 – Elite 8, loss to Stanford 2007 – Elite 8, loss to USC 2008 – Final 4, loss to Stanford 2009 – National Championship, loss to Penn State 2010 – Final 4, loss to Penn State 2011 – Sweet 16, loss to UCLA 2012 – NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!! UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #23: Know where to find University policies and procedures “Every employee is responsible for making sure that the University conducts its business with honesty and integrity.” Let this website serve as your guide to university policies; it has a new look...and new numbering system for HOP policies. http://www.policies.utexas.edu/policies UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #24: Be “In Compliance” What does University Compliance Services do for you and your organization? http://www.utexas.edu/compliance/cep/) UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #25: Finding meeting space…and time! How do you find meeting space on campus? Toughest part of meeting planning… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk7yqlTMvp8 UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #26: Meetings can be virtual! Will a ‘Virtual Meeting’ work for you and what are the options? UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #27: Know your ITSInformation Technology Services ...and what they can do for you and your organization! http://www.utexas.edu/its/whatweoffer/ UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #28: Your computer is your lifeline.. ITS has several options to assist you with your computer repairor replacement... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #29: Waste not want not... How do you reuse and recycle your refuse? UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #30: Know who to call to fix almost anything! Facilities Services • Maintenance/Minor Repairs service • Light bulb replacement • Adjust room temperature • Repair plumbing fixtures • Trash/Recycling pick up UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #31: Do the WORQS… Welcome to the Work Order Request & Query System…the best way to get the job done! UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #32: Time to Stretch & Wiggle... Every 20 minutes, stand for 20 seconds and shake things out... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #33: Another ‘Key’ to your success is... Locks and Keys 471-8640 SER 101, 304 E. 24th Street, 7:30a – 4:00p Arrive no later than 3:45p UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #34: Building things at UT Project Management & Construction Services (PMCS) buildsThe University of Texas at Austin UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #35: Know Parking & Transportation Services Parking will always be an issue on an urban campus. We sometimes jokingly refer to our permits as a “license to hunt”. UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #36: Bon Voyage... Use Travel Management Services for your travel planning needs... Concur for travel booking UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #37: Know your University of Texas Police Department “As diverse as our campus, as unique as you” Learn more... http://www.utexas.edu/police/ UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #38: ARRG! There be Perks ahead... Working at UT can be more than just a job; enjoy the perks of being part of a community... UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #39: Attitude is everything! “Maintain an attitude of anticipating success!” ― Tae Yun Kim, The Silent Master: Awakening The Power Within http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPoX2zd-RgY UT Austin iForty/cto
Tip #40: Welcome the Feedback Questions? Comments? Tips? Complete the evals UT Austin iForty/cto
And finally … THANK YOU for taking the time to invest in yourself by taking this and other training. We sincerely hope to see you at our next iForty gathering and wish you the best here at UT. Hook ‘Em! UT Austin iForty/cto