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Illinois 2010 State Assessment. Important Provisions for English Language Learners (ELL). What is Illinois’ policy on Accommodations ?. Requirements for Accommodation Eligibility. Identified as English Language Learners: Home Language Survey Pre-IPT/WIDA MODEL/W-APT screeners
Illinois 2010 State Assessment Important Provisions for English Language Learners (ELL)
Requirements for Accommodation Eligibility • Identified as English Language Learners: • Home Language Survey • Pre-IPT/WIDA MODEL/W-APTscreeners • Additional Local Indicators and • Eligible for ELL Services Fewer than 5 Years (not necessarily receiving) and • Not Ready for Standard Administration B
Home Language SurveyResponded “YES” to either of the two questions: • Is a language other than English spoken in your home? Yes __X__ No _____ What language? _______________ or • Does your child speak a language other than English? • Yes __X__ No _____ • What language? ________________________ B
Pre-IPT: http://www.ballard-tighe.com/illinois/faq.asp MODEL: http://www.isbe.net/bilingual/pdfs/wida_model.pdfhttp://www.wida.us/assessment/MODEL/index.aspx B
Directions for Reading Exemption (one time only) ISAT – Withhold the reading test PSAE – 1. Inform eligible student of exemption 2. Submit an accommodations request for Day 1 State-Allowed Accommodations, and order an accommodations test form for Day 2 also. Administer both days with self-paced sessions. This allows the student to stop or skip the reading portions at their own choosing. Note: Students testing with State-Allowed accommodations do not earn reportable ACT scores for college admission purposes. B
Requirements for Writing Exemption Eligibility • Student participates in ACCESS writing and • Student has been eligible for ELL services for no more than five years. B
Types Of Accommodations • Timing/Scheduling • Setting • Modified Directions • Presentation • Response ISAT Sessions PSAE Sessions &
1. Timing/Scheduling A. Extended assessment time B. More frequent breaks/flexible scheduling
Coding of Timing/Flexible Scheduling Form LM Regular ISAT LEP Math Reading Science 1. Extended Time 2. Frequent Breaks / Flexible Scheduling B
2. Setting A. Administration in a small group B. Administration on an individual basis C. Administration in distraction-free space or alternate location (e.g., Bilingual/ESL setting, or location within the room) with appropriate supervision
Coding of Setting Form LM Regular ISAT LEP Reading Math Science 3. 4. 5. B
3. Modified Directions A. Directions written in native language read to student B. Repetition of scripted directions based on student request C. Restatement of directions in simplified/modified English (unscripted) D.Emphasis on key words in directions E. Verification of the student’s understanding by having the student repeat the directions in English
Coding of Modified Directions Regular ISAT Form LM LEP Reading 11. B
4. Presentation A. Reader Scripts:For ISAT, these are available for Mathematics and Science only and are presented in English in the original ISAT text. For PSAE, these are available for Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Writing. B. Audio recordings:For ISAT, these are available for Mathematics and Science only and are presented in English in the original ISAT text. For PSAE, these are available for Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Writing. C.Linguistically Modified (LM) Form(ISAT only) D.Spanish DVD (PSAE only) B
Coding of Presentation Regular ISAT Form LM LEP Math& Science 14. 15. B
LinguisticallyModified (LM) Form* A. Math and Science Multiple choice items • Presented in simplified English B. Math Open-ended Items – Choice of two formats • Option 1: Simplified English • Option 2: Side-by-Side English/Spanish based on original ISAT text *Note:Using the LM form forfeits the nationally-normed percentile ranks and stanine scores for both Math and Science on the ISAT reports.
Short Response Item LayoutLM and Side-by-Side Option 1: Simplified English/(LM) Option 2:Side-by-SideEnglish B
Form LM Absent National Norms Forfeits NCE & Stanines for Math & Sci. B
English/Spanish DVDDay 1 and Day 2 mathematics and science Individually administered, the DVD plays a standard English form on the screen accompanied by a voice reading the items and the answer choices in Spanish. *Note: Scores earned using the Spanish DVD format will be used only for state purposes. For additional information please see: www.isbe.net/assessment/spdvd.htm B
5. Response A. Oral responses to open-ended items, scribed to astandard answer document, may bedictated in English or Spanish (Reading and Mathematics). (Spanish allowed for ISAT only). B. Written responses to open-ended items written in English or Spanish (Reading and Mathematics) (Spanish allowed for ISAT only). B
Coding Spanish Responses on ISAT Darken the correct circle(s) if the student writes in Spanish for the short or extended response items. This box ensures it will go to a Spanish scorer. B
Coding of Dictated Response Regular ISAT Form LM LEP Reading 21. B
ISAT Sessions a:Examinees may write or dictate responses in Spanish. b: Mathshort and extended response items are presented in both linguistically modified (LM) and side by side, English/Spanish format. B
Types Of Accommodations Regular ISAT Form LM Reading Math Science Not Available
Coding for PSAE Day 1 Answer Folder Day 2 Answer Document Accommodations may be allowed for multiple reasons. Example: If a student is both LEP and has an IEP, both the “IEP Accom” and “LEP Accom” bubbles should be marked. Grid 7 must be completed for all students testing with accommodations, even if a Pre-ID label is used. N
PSAE Accommodationson Day 1 of PSAE (ACT Plus Writing) ACT-Approved Accommodations: Day 1 results contribute to PSAE scores and also produce ACT scores reportable to colleges and other entities. State-Allowed Accommodations: Day 1 results contribute to PSAE scores and are used only for school accountability purposes.
Thank You Student Assessment Division Barry Pedersen (217) 782-4823 bpederse@isbe.net Boon Lee: (312) 814-3222 blee@isbe.net