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Readiness of ALICE RDIG computing for the data taking and analysis of LHC first data. Galina Shabratova, JINR, ALICE This activity is supported by INTAS+CERN grant N 05-103-7484. Agenda. ALICE vision of T2 tasks in C ommon C omputing R eadiness C hallenge 2008 - CCRC’08
Readiness of ALICE RDIG computing for the data taking and analysis of LHC first data Galina Shabratova, JINR, ALICE This activity is supported by INTAS+CERN grant N 05-103-7484
Agenda ALICE vision of T2 tasks in Common Computing Readiness Challenge 2008 -CCRC’08 RDIG participation in the realization of these tasks Communication with Tier 1 Participation of physics in GRIG analysis
ALICE in CCRC`08 Common Computing Readiness Challenge 2008 -CCRC’08 is a combined effort between the 4 experiments plus the sites serving the experiments The 4 experiments together running and stressing the services simultaneously The goal is the measurement of the readiness of the Grid services and operations before the real data taking Identify problems early and allow time for fixing It will be complementary to the experiment Full Dress Rehearsals - FDR Two slots foreseen: February and May 2008 ALICE FDR will be in the 3rd phase: All Grid services will be in place
FDR + CRC`08: Grid Services ALICE requires the services already provided during the Data Challenges VOBOXES deployed at all ALICE T0-T1-T2 sites To migrate to gLite WMS, ALICE requires the latest version of the gLite3.1 VOBOX Configuration just finished, pending the full deployment All sites will have to be updated to the latest version Pilot version in production deployed in voalice03@CERN Full deployment will be coordinated with the sites to ensure a transparent migration for the FDR FTS service from T0-T1 This exercise tests also SRM2.2 FTS channel sharing and rates as during the T0-T1 exercise in 2006/2007 During the proposed slots, ALICE wishes to test all Grid services simultaneously (as it is planned in the CCRC) ALICE wishes to see a special emphasis on the storage solutions These already have a maximal priority internally in ALICE at this moment What the experiment would like to see by the time of CCRC’08 is the deployment of standard gLite storage solutions with xrootd on all sites supporting ALICE
Data management – focus and status(4.03.2008) Quasi-online RAW data replication T0->T1 OK, ongoing Replication of specific data (ESDs, calibration and special runs) to T2s Ongoing, done on request by the detector groups Deployment of xrootd-enabled storage across all ALICE T1s and as many T2s as possible All T1s have deployed or are in the process of deploying 6 T2s have deployed considerable storage capacities (in production), more are joining CCRC 4/03/2008 5
RDIG usage in November 2007 DC ALICE Wall ~9% Completed Jobs ~7%
RDIG usage in February 2008 DC ALICE Wall ~3% Completed Jobs ~1%
RDIG CPUs for ALICE Normalized CPU time Si2k =1000 Total number of Jobs run per VO
RDIG CPUs for ALICEat different sites Normalized CPU time Si2k =1000
Services status Today 200 TB, pledged by RDIG sites are available, it is needed to realize the xrootd access to this space in the close time.
Tier1-Tier2 communication There is no specific plan for FZK->RDIG T2 transfers. ALICE scenario does not specify the source T1 for the data to a given T2, only the opposite (custodial storage of T2 data on a T1). In principle, any T1 hosting data requested by a T2 will be used. The CCRC'08 planning requirements did T2s transferschedules. In principle there will be done replication that as needed, for example the portions of raw data to be made available at RDIG site, whenever it is operational. Any ESD replication will be democratically shared among all working T2 SEs. Mega Table
Participation of physics in GRIG analysis 26 RDIG persons have workable RDIG certificate and registered in VO ALICE. They were (2007) and are participating today : - in the physics analysis(from ESD to AOD) For central detectors, - test of software functionality in the processing of cosmic exposition data for MUON and PHOS sub detectors, - development of RAW from beam-test and simulated data to ESD for PHOS, - calibration , … for PHOS The large part of this activity is connecting with CERN PROOF cluster – CAF (CERN Analysis Facility) – cluster for the parallel data processing It is started today an application of the PROOF tool for the processing analysis at the JINR: - first step at the 4 cores PC
To be done Finalize the migration of middle ware at RDIG ALICE sites to gLite services, migration of SE to xrootd-SE. Replicate part of RAW data (exposition in the cosmic ray,…) , ESD data to JINR xrootd-SE. Install the PROOF interactive cluster for the GRID interactive analysis activity of ALICE JINR & RDIG members
Conclusion • ALICE RDIG computing is ready for the processing and analysis of the first data at LHC
List of VO ALICE members, certificated by RDIG. ITEP • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Alexander Selivanov • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Yevgeniy Lyublev ALICE • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Yevgeniy Lyublev • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Sergey Kiselev • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Kirill Voloshin • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=itep.ru/CN=Boris Zagreev IHEP • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=ihep.su/CN=Yuri Kharlov
List of VO ALICE members, certificated by RDIG. INR • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=inr.ru/CN=Marina Golubeva • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=inr.ru/CN=Alexander Kurepin • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=inr.ru/CN=Vitaly Gorlychev • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=inr.ru/CN=Alla Maevskaya JINR • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Petr Nomokonov • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Anatoli Fedunov • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Lucia Jancurova • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Galina Shabratova • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Smbat Grigoryan • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Boris Batyunya • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Sergey Zaporozhets • C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=jinr.ru/CN=Mikalai Kutouski
List of VO ALICE members, certificated by RDIG. RRC-KI • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=grid.kiae.ru/CN=Eygene Ryabinkin atALICE • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=grid.kiae.ru/CN=Dmitri Peressounko • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=grid.kiae.ru/CN=Ivan Kolesnikov PNPI • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=pnpi.nw.ru/CN=Dmitry Yakorev • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=pnpi.nw.ru/CN=Evgeny Kryshen SPbSU • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=spbu.ru/CN=Andrey Ivanov • /C=RU/O=RDIG/OU=users/OU=spbu.ru/CN=Andrey Zarochentsev