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Fast & Free: Desktop Data Migration Using USMT

Fast & Free: Desktop Data Migration Using USMT. Brad Engle Janet Keener. Year 1 – 487 units. Imaged at the desktop with DVDs, vendor-supplied migration utility. No consistency. Captured music brought from home. Learned a lesson from that. Years 2-5.

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Fast & Free: Desktop Data Migration Using USMT

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  1. Fast & Free: Desktop Data Migration Using USMT Brad Engle Janet Keener

  2. Year 1 – 487 units • Imaged at the desktop with DVDs, vendor-supplied migration utility. No consistency. Captured music brought from home. Learned a lesson from that.

  3. Years 2-5 • Imaged at the factory now. Still using vendor-supplied migration utility, still no consistency.

  4. Year 6 • Still imaging at factory, but they have a new utility. Slow, inconsistent, cumbersome, no real-time, on-the-fly edits to the script.

  5. Year 7 • Things changed…

  6. Year 7 • Factory imaging, but vendor has NO utility that would migrate from XP to Windows 7.

  7. Year 1 - 487 units Year 5 - 511 Year 2 - 415 units Year 6 - 445 Year 3 - 317 units Year 7 - 351 Year 4 - 142 units Year 8 - 128 Year 9 - ~470 units History

  8. What changed?Janet says: • Where did the idea come from? • Necessity – no cost-effective 3rd party utility • Current vendor had no solution

  9. Brads says: • Boss said, “Figure it out! You have 2 weeks.” • Primary idea came from TechNet, using “Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7”

  10. How we began • Research, research, research • Reviewed Altiris, Norton Ghost Console, some freeware applications. NONE were cost-effective, all were complex or lacked features • USMT kept appearing in white papers

  11. Primary idea came from TechNet • v 4.0 Included for free with The Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7 (We had been using it since it came out but was not aware of this feature) • Was a straight forward, easily modified solution that was controlled by a few xml files

  12. The Files • Config.xml • MigApp.xml • MigUser.xml • MigDocs.xml • Custom.xml

  13. Config.xml • Created by running scanstate.exe /genconfigon the source PC • Used to control what system settings are copied from the old computer to the new computer • Must ensure that all apps are installed so genconfig can create a complete inventory

  14. Config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <Configuration> <Applications /> <Documents /> - <WindowsComponents> - <component displayname="gadgets" migrate="no" ID="gadgets"> <component displayname="gadgets\sticky notes" migrate="no" ID="gadgets\sticky notes" /> </component> <component displayname="WCF-NonHTTP-Activation" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/wcf-nonhttp-activation/wcf-nonhttp-activation/settings"/> <component displayname="TSPortalWebPart" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/tsportalwebpart/tsportalwebpart/settings" /> <component displayname="WCF-HTTP-Activation" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/wcf-http-activation/wcf-http-activation/settings" /> <component displayname="WindowsSearchEngine" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/windowssearchengine/windowssearchengine/settings" /> <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themecpl" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-themecpl/microsoft-windowsthemecpl/settings" /> - <component displayname="Tablet PC Settings" migrate="no" ID="tablet_pc_settings"> - <component displayname="Accessories" migrate="no" ID="tablet_pc_settings\tablet_pc_accessories"> <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Journal" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-tabletpc-journal/microsoft-windows-tabletpc-journal/settings" /> </component> - <component displayname="Input Panel" migrate="no" ID="tablet_pc_settings\tablet_pc_input_panel"> <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-tabletpc-inputpanel/microsoft-windows-tabletpc-inputpanel/settings" /> </component>

  15. With all the No, then why have the file? • Only place to have error control, hardlink control, and profile control

  16. Error Control • USMT will fail on: • locked or corrupt files • locked or corrupt registry keys • Can be overridden by specifying win32 error codes in the <errorcontrol> section

  17. <ErrorControl> <fileError> <nonFatalerrorCode="33">* [*]</nonFatal> <fatal errorCode="any">C:\Users\* *]</fatal> </fileError><registryError><nonFatalerrorCode="5">* [*]</nonFatal></registryError> </ErrorControl>

  18. Hardlink control - used for keeping a profile on the local hard drive when an in-place refresh or upgrade is performed • Profile control - when unpacking the profile you can change permissions, change domains, etc.

  19. miguser.xml - define folders, files and file types to migrate. Essentially the “profile” copy • By default it will copy everything in the user’s profile as well as files with a specified extension

  20. Extensions copied by default: .qdf, .qsd, .qel, .qph, .doc*, .dot*, .rtf, .mcw, .wps, .scd, .wri, .wpd, .xl*, .csv, .iqy, .dqy, .oqy, .rqy, .wk*, .wq1, .slk, .dif, .ppt*, .pps*, .pot*, .sh3, .ch3, .pre, .ppa, .txt, .pst, .one*, .vl*, .vsd, .mpp, .or6, .accdb, .mdb, .pub

  21. <component type="Documents" context="System"> <displayName_locID="miguser.userdata">User Data</displayName> <role role="Data"> <rules> <include> <objectSet> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.qdf]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.qsd]", "Fixed")</script>

  22. component type="Documents" context="User"> <displayName _locID="miguser.desktop">Desktop</displayName> <paths> <path type="File">%CSIDL_DESKTOP%</path> </paths> <role role="Settings"> <detects> <detect> <condition>MigXmlHelper.DoesObjectExist("File","%CSIDL_DESKTOP%")</condition> </detect> </detects> <rules> <include filter='MigXmlHelper.IgnoreIrrelevantLinks()'> <objectSet> <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_DESKTOP%\* [*]</pattern> </objectSet> </include> <merge script="MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority()"> <objectSet> <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_DESKTOP% [desktop.ini]</pattern> <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_DESKTOP%\* [*]</pattern> </objectSet> </merge> </rules> </role> </component>

  23. MigDocs.xml – Very similar to the miguser.xml. Only real difference is it migrates shared files • Important – Do NOT use the MigDocs.xml and the MigUser.xml at the same time

  24. custom.xml • Allows any files not covered in the other xml files to be copied • Can copy registry keys, files, settings • Can use Mutual Exclude commands • Mutual Excludes transcend all xml files and cannot be negated. This is the only value that has this power

  25. custom.xml EXCLUDES Code sample: <displayName>Deny</displayName> <role role="Data"> <rules> <unconditionalExclude> <objectSet> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.divx]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.zip]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.exe]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.msi]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.iso]", "Fixed")</script>…

  26. custom. xml INCLUDE CODE SAMPLE: <role role="Data"> <rules> <include> <objectSet> pattern type="File">c:\*[*]</pattern> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.dic]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.pst]", "Fixed")</script> <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("* [*.nk2]", "Fixed")</script> </objectSet> </include>

  27. Scanstate • Scanstate is the command line that actually launches USMT to do the migration.

  28. Scanstate Switches • Some helpful switches: • /ui: user to be migrated. I wrote it to supply the primary user. You can specify all users, currently logged in, etc. Very powerful • /ue: excludes specified users • /efs: decrypts files & moves them to TARGET system

  29. Scanstate Switches • /localonly: DO NOT go scan all those huge network drives! • /config: specifies that you have a configuration file to use. • /i: an include statement that says you have additional XML files to control the behavior of the migration. • /o: overwrites any existing data on the target drive.

  30. Execution • set /p name= Machine name? • set /p user= Username? • del /q/f c:\oitdriver • scanstate \\etsu%name%\c$\migration\mystore /vsc /ue:*\*/ui:etsu\%user% /efs:decryptcopy /localonly /config:config.xml /i:miguser.xml /i:custom.xml /v:13 /l:scan.log /o /listfiles:c:\temp\copylist.txt

  31. Compression • In our experiences, we’ve seen about a 2:1 compression ratio. If the utility packaged 4 GB, it would transfer about 2 GB. That’s what Microsoft says, too.

  32. Unpack the .mig file • On TARGET machine, just run usmt.mig file created by the process. • The Easy Transfer Wizard included in Windows 7 begins, and the data is unpackaged to the appropriate location on the new drive. • Example – 1.7 GB packaged up. .88GB transferred in about 4 minutes. Easy Transfer complete unpacking in about 3 minutes. FAST!

  33. Yippee • Even if the user’s account has never logged into the TARGET system, this utility will generate the profile and place the files appropriately.  • If you get an error 36, running the mig.bat file, the profile on the SOURCE system is corrupt. 

  34. Next, we hope to… • Explore the restorestate command & options, and how that can be integrated into drive imaging/re-imaging. • Research Error code 36 and ways to overcome that (temp profile being migrated)

  35. Questions?Comments? brad@etsu.edujanet@etsu.edu www.etsu.edu\oit\userservices\fcf2011.pptx

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