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Project X Experiments: Planning and Physics Opportunities Project X Homepage http ://projectx.fnal.gov / Young-Kee Kim PAC Meeting Snowmass, June 24, 2011. Project X DOE Briefing. 1-5pm, November 17, 2010 at DOE Germantown https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3741.
Project X Experiments:Planning and Physics OpportunitiesProject X Homepage http://projectx.fnal.gov/Young-Kee KimPAC MeetingSnowmass, June 24, 2011
Project X DOE Briefing 1-5pm, November 17, 2010 at DOE Germantown https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3741 Experiments with Project X (documents from the 5th workshop): http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/Longrange/Steering_Public/workshop-physics-5th.html Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Leadership for the US in neutrinos & rare processes, where major improvements are possible with Project X US activities via international collaborations in other regions The International Context Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Accelerators this decade Proton Source Throughput Goals (NOvA + Proton Improvement Plan) 120 GeV NOvA LBNE MINERvA MINOS+ NOvA Shutdown 120 GeV 8 GeV m MINOS MINERvA g-2 Mu2e 8 GeV MicroBooNE 8 GeV MiniBooNE Project X: R&D Construction Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Accelerators next decade: Project X Reference Design >2 MW @120GeV 150 kW @8GeV Neutrinos Muons Neutrinos 3 MW @3GeV Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Fermilab Energy and Intensity Frontier Strategy To build upon our existing strengths to establish a world-leading program at the Intensity Frontier, enabled by a world-class facility …and use this program to provide a cornerstone for an Energy Frontier facility beyond LHC Lepton Colliders LHC Tevatron LHC Upgrades in luminosity and energy Technology Development and Fundamental Accelerator Science …while relying on a strong program of technology development and fundamental accelerator science. Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X and the big questions • Where does mass come from? • Why is matter dominant? • What are the neutrino masses and what do they say? • Where are the heavy neutrino partners? • Why are there three families of quarks and leptons? • Do the forces unify? • Does nature use supersymmetry or other new symmetries? • Are there extra dimensions of space? • What is dark matter? • What is dark energy? neutrinos muons kaons Nuclei (EDMs..) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X: experiments • Kaons • Physics beyond the Standard Model • Minimally flavor violating supersymmetry • Elucidation of LHC discoveries • Two to three orders of magnitude increase in sensitivity • Muons • Oscillation in charged leptons • Physics beyond the Standard Model • Elucidation of LHC physics • Sensitive to energy/mass scales three orders of magnitude beyond LHC • Nuclei • New generation of symmetry-test experiments • Electric Dipole Moments • Three or more orders of magnitude increase in Francium, Radium, Actinium isotopes • Energy Applications • Transmutation experiments with nuclear waste • Spallation target configurations • Materials test under high irradiation • Neutron fluxes under various configurations relevant to ADS • Neutrinos • Matter-antimatter asymmetry • Neutrino mass spectrum • Neutrino- antineutrino differences • Anomalous interactions • Proton decay • SuperNova bursts Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Accelerators next decade: Project X Project Xand Current High Power Proton Accelerator Landscape simultaneous Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X Beam Structure at 3 GeV • Muon pulses (12e7) 162.5 MHz, 80 nsec 750 kW • Kaon pulses (12e7) 27 MHz 1500 kW • Nuclear pulses (12e7) 13.5 MHz 750 kW Optimized for rare processes / precision experiments • Chopper at 2.5MeV, capable of removing bunches in arbitrary patters • Transverse splitter at 3 GeV 1 msec period at 3 GeV Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Superconducting RF Facility: • Support Project X and ILC • Accelerator Science (ASTA) – a flexible, powerful, proposal-driven user facility Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC)Home of Project X Accelerator Team Construction: 2011-2012 IARC • Elements: Office, Education and Technical building, High Bay Space (existing CDF building), Additional parking lots • Close proximity to the industrial area of the lab. • Accelerator: Research (S&T), education, partnerships with industry Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X: Accelerator Collaboration A multi-institutional collaboration has been established to execute the Project X RD&D Program. • Collaboration MOUs for the RD&D phase. Signatories: ANL ORNL/SNS BARC/Mumbai BNL MSU IUAC/Delhi Cornell TJNAF RRCAT/Indore Fermilab SLAC VECC/Kolkata LBNL ILC/ART • Regular collaboration meetings Applications beyond Particle Physics • Rare isotope production for nuclear physics • Neutron sources • Accelerator-driven energy systems • X-ray FELs • Energy recovery linac • Muon facilities for materials research Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Physics: Neutrinos The discovery of neutrino oscillations was the first experimentally observed phenomenon that departed from the very successful SM of particle physics. This discovery strongly suggests a connection between neutrino physics and physics on a very high mass scale and identifies a number of key questions requiring further investigation. Project X helps explore these key questions and in doing so, would open a path to new discovery in neutrino science. The neutrino physics sector is not nearly as well understood as are other sectors. Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Built upon our current / near future strengths n SM: Reveal the pattern of neutrino masses and mixings • What is the value of q13? MINOS NOvA LBNE • Is q23 maximal? MINOS NOvALBNE • How are the masses ordered? NOvA LBNE • Is CP violated? LBNE • What are the neutrino masses? No plans to address at FNAL • Are neutrinos their own anti-particles? No plans to address at FNAL Beyond n SM: Discover if the situation is more complex than 3 neutrinos with Standard Model interactions • Are the LSND and MiniBooNE anomalies new physics? MiniBooNEMicroBooNE Short baseline experiments • Are neutrinos and anti-neutrinos oscillating differently in current experiments? MiniBooNE, MINOS MINOS+, NOvALBNE Neutrino physics measurements that facilitate above • SciBooNE MINERvA, MINOS, NOvA LBNE, short baseline expts. Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Neutrino physics sensitivities: long baseline What is the mass ordering of the three neutrinos? Is there matter-antimatter asymmetry in the neutrino sector? MINOS + T2K LBNE NOvA MINOS (>2MW 0.7MW) (0.7MW) (0.3MW) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Neutrinos: short baseline 8 GeV Beam structure: same as NOvA 60-120 GeV 3 GeV Neutrino elastic scattering • sin2qW • Neutrino anomalous magnetic moment Total and partial cross sections Search for other weakly interacting particles Low energy anomalies in neutrino spectra • Seen in LSND/MiniBooNE Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Neutrinos: short baseline Short baseline (L/E ~ 1) neutrino workshop in May 2010 Possible Scenario (dates are approximate) Presentation by Bill Louis & Richard van de Water (June 23, 2011) Project X Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X Rare Processes Facilities 3 GeV Experimental Area 3 GeV Experimental Area 8 GeV KL Common target K + Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Comparison of Sensitivity to New Physics Models Flavor physics effects in a selection of SUSY and non-SUSY models Large effects Visible but small effects Does not predict sizable effects Different theoretical models Project X W.Altmannshofer, A.J.Buras, S.Gori, P.Paradisi, D.M.Straub Nucl. Phys. B830:17, 2010 Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Kaon program K+ p+nn: >1000 events, precision rate and form factor KL p0nn: 1000 events, enabled by high flux & precision TOF K+ p0m+n: Measurement of T-violating muon polarization K+ m+nH: Search for anomalous heavy neutrinos KL p0ee: <10% measurement of CP violating amplitude KL p0mm: <10% measurement of CP violating amplitude K0 X : Precision study of a pure K0 interferometer reaching out to the Plank scale (DmK/mK ~1/mP) K0, K+ LFV : Next generation Lepton Flavor Violation experiments ….and more Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Kaon Example: warped extra dimensions Bauer, Casagrande, Haisch, Neubert JHEP 1009:014 (2010) Parameter space scan including all experimental constraints Exhaustive study of effects of warped extra dimensions on low energy observables Unique regions of the theory probed with the Kpnnchannels Current measurement SM Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
K+p+nn KLp0nn Pico-bunches Pointing Pencil beam 200 events per year possible with Project X Probably only facility where a precision measurement is possible Can get hundreds of events per year with Project X Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
K pnn: past, present, and future 2011 APS Panofsky Award Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Muon program m EDM: EDM tilts precession plane of muons in a storage ring - Factor 100 improvement possible with Fermilab g-2 experiment - Extra factor 10000 possible with dedicated storage ring with Project X Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
m -N e-N Unique sensitivity to a number of mechanisms of flavor violation (Bill Marciano) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
m -N e-N • Mu2e/COMET breakthrough technology: • Large muon yield from production target inside of high field solenoid. • Pulsed beam strongly suppresses pion backgrounds. • Project X breakthrough technology: • Collapse the high flux wide-band muon beam to a narrow-band beam with cooling techniques. Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
m -N e-N (past, present, future) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Nuclei: Electric Dipole Moments A permanent EDM violates both T-reversal symmetry and parity To understand the origin of the symmetry violations, we need various experiments Project X: 3 or more orders of magnitude increase in heavy isotopes EDM Spin EDM Spin EDM Spin Neutron Diamagnetic Atoms (Hg, Xe, Ra, Rn) Paramagnetic Atoms (TI, Fr) Molecules (PbO) Quark EDM Quark Chromo EDM Electron EDM Physics beyond the Standard Model Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
EDM Experiments (current) Francium (211Fr) Atomic Fountain EDM at LBNL Radon (223Rn) EDM Experiment at TRIUMF Radium (225Ra) EDM search apparatus at ANL Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Planning Realistic Planning • Challenges – we don’t know what reality is. • LBNE decision and timeline • Budget realities To be ready, continue efforts on • Physics • Physics opportunities • Potential initial experimental programs • National and international collaborations • Accelerator • R&D on accelerators • National and international collaborations Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Fermilab – Indian Collaboration on Intensity Frontier Physics On-going collaboration • MINOS, LBNE, MIPP Established Collaboration Coordination Committee for Project X Physics • Fermilab: Shekhar Mishra, Bob Tschirhart, Rob Plunkett • Currently drafting a panning document (complete this summer) – Indians will use this for their funding process • Working groups • Current and future neutrino physics • Near-term rare processes physics • LBNE neutrino physics • High Intensity Project X neutrino, kaon, muon, and particle-nuclear physics • Meeting in January 2011 in Mumbai Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Studies/Workshops to define Project X Physics Program • November 2007: First Project-X workshop following the Steering Group Report on the accelerator roadmap for Fermilab. This first workshop produced the “Golden Book” outlining the Project-X research program. • January 2008:Second Project-X workshop focused on the conceptual design of experiments in the research program. • May 2008: P5 Report is released, which introduces the narrative of three research frontiers that define the field. Recommendations regarding the “Intensity Frontier” include experiments fueled with high intensity proton sources and a call for R&D toward a next generation source in the US. • June 2008: Third Project-X workshop responds to the P5 report and provides input for the Fermilab PAC meeting. • October 2009: Workshop on the Application of High Intensity Proton Accelerators (AHIPA) October 2009: Excellent cross-cut, exploration of common ground. • November 2009:4th Project-X workshop: Produced accelerator and comprehensive research white papers. • January – August 2010: Development of thrust specific white papers. Accelerator configuration refined and defined in a Functional Requirements document. Emergence of Nuclear Energy R&D as part of the Project-X portfolio. • November 2010: 5th Project-X Physics Workshop, focused forums on refining white papers of research thrusts. • May 2011: Short-Baseline Neutrino Workshop (SBNW11) Outcome of studies and workshops (2007 – 2009) Optimize Project X accelerator design: CW (beam structure), CW energy (3 GeV), … Project X Reference Design (2009) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X Physics: Upcoming Events August 9 – 13, 2011 • The DPF meeting in Providencewill have a discussion forum dedicated to Project X research program (90 minutes) and underground science (90 minutes). This is an excellent opportunity for outreach to the community. Late fall 2011 • the DOE OHEP sponsored Intensity Frontier Workshop Fall 2012 • The Kaonmeeting in Ann Arbor Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
DOE Sponsored Intensity Frontier Workshop Announced by Mike Procario at the HEPAP meeting yesterday Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
DPF Meeting: Forum on Project X (Aug.10) • Introduction – Young-Kee Kim (5’) • Accelerators – Steve Holmes (10’ + 5’) • Experiments – Project Scientist (20’ + 5’) • Remarks from DOE (5’) • Remarks from NSF (5’) • DOE sponsored intensity frontier workshop – Joanne Hewett, Harry Weers (5’) • Discussion (30’) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Fermilab Organization Project X Project Manager Project Scientist for Accelerators Project Scientist for Experiments (in search) Project Engineer Muon Accelerator Program Director (in search) Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Project X: Project Scientist for Experiments Roles and Responsibilities • works closely with the Fermilab Directorate, the Project X Project Manager, and the international elementary particle physics community to develop the experimental program at Project X, … Search committee • Stan Wojcicki, Stanford University (chair) • Steve Holmes, Fermilb (deputy chair) Search Timeline • First meeting: March 11 • Short List formed: June 3 • Interview dates: July 21-22 • Recommendation to the Director: ~August 1 Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Timeline Construction Operation Future short baseline experiments Project X: FY11 dollars $300M $250M $200M $150M $100M $50M 0 Initial Experiments @3GeV Accelerator (3-120GeV) Accelerator (0-3 GeV) Timeline international participation (in-kind contributions) could play an important role Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Initial Experiments with Project X Goal of the 5th workshop, Nov. 2010 • Identify high priority initial experiments • Neutrinos • Long baseline @120 GeV: LBNE • Short baseline @8 GeV or @120GeV (further development in progress) • Kaons: K+p+nn followed byKLp0nn • Muons: m e conversion • Nuclei: EDM (moving existing experiments to Project X Documentation • http://www.fnal.gov/directorate/Longrange/Steering_Public/workshop-physics-5th.html On-going efforts Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
User Community (current) Neutrinos: 400 collaborators • Long baseline: MINOS, NOvA, LBNE • Short baseline: MiniBooNE, MicroBooNE, MINERvA, Near detectors of MINOS/NOvA/LBNE Muons: 200 collaborators • Mu2e collaboration • g-2 collaboration Kaons: (~100) • A strong and enthusiastic working group exists • Big concern if Project X is significantly delayed. Consideration of K+p+nn with the Main Injector. Nuclei: 67 • SeaQuest: 67 • Note existing experiments at LBNL, ANL, … Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Fermilab Users (rough estimates) - goalsincluding Fermilab scientists Assume LBNE and Project X. Realistic: slow progress on LBNE / Project X Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Fermilab Scientists: 5 year plan survey Number of current scientists at Fermilab in various activities Annual scientists 5-year plan survey • Feb. 2011 result • Intended activities in the future and needs for lab’s mission are reasonably well aligned. Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011
Backup Slides Young-Kee Kim, PAC, June 24, 2011