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Greek & Roman Gods

Greek & Roman Gods. Comparisons. Borrowing from the Greeks.

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Greek & Roman Gods

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  1. Greek & Roman Gods Comparisons

  2. Borrowing from the Greeks “In Athens, Greece people made up stories to explain the tribulations of life. These stories consisted of gods, heroes, and warriors. Years later the Greeks were conquered by the Romans. The new rulers were pleased with these stories so the Romans adopted them. They took the myths back to Italy, where the myths were well liked, except for one thing. The names were all Greek sounding. The Romans changed all the names in the myth to better fit there lifestyle.” http://library.thinkquest.org/5679/comparin.htm

  3. What Are Myths? • A traditional story dealing with ancestors supernatural beings,etc., and usually making an attempt to explain some belief, practice, or natural phenomenon. -Amber Dictionary • a legendary story that describes a supernatural being or event or explains religious beliefs or practices. -Websters

  4. Apollo Bacchus Ceres Coelus Cupid Cybele Diana Faun Hercules Apollo Dionysus Demeter Uranus Eros Rhea Artemis Satyr (Pan is known as Faunus) Heracles Roman & Greek Names

  5. Juno Jupiter Latona Mars Mercury Minerva Neptune Pluto Hera Zeus Leto Ares Hermes Athena Poseidon Hades Roman & Greek Gods

  6. Proserpina Saturn Tellus Ulysses Venus Vesta Vulcan Persephone Cronus Gaea Odysseus Aphrodite Hestia Hephaestus Roman & Greek Gods

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