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Get Ready to ROCK…. The ARMT plus!. Brain Pop Video. How to rock…multiple choice. Circle or underline important words in the item. Read all the answer choices before selecting one. Cross out answer choices you are certain are not correct. Look for two answers choices that are opposites.
Get Ready to ROCK… The ARMT plus!
How to rock…multiple choice • Circle or underline important words in the item. • Read all the answer choices before selecting one. • Cross out answer choices you are certain are not correct. • Look for two answers choices that are opposites. • Look for hints about the correct answer choice in other items on the test. • Look for answer choices that contain language used by your teacher or found in your textbooks. • Do not change your initial answer unless you are sure another answer is correct. • Choose “all of the above” if you are CERTAIN all other answer choices in the item are correct. • Choose “none of the above” if you are CERTAIN all other answer choices in the term are incorrect
How to rock…open ended Restate the question • Start your introductory sentence by restating the question Answer the question • Make sure you answer the ENTIRE question • Reread your answer to make sure it is sufficient Prove your answer • Use examples from the passage to support your answer • If necessary, use direct quotations
Open ended cont.… 3- You Rocked it! You answered the question thoroughly and used multiple examples from the passage to support, explain, and prove your thinking 2- Almost Rocked it. You answered the question, but did not give enough support to prove your thinking. 1- Barely Rocked it. You kind of answered the question, but did not make it clear enough that you understood the answer. No support or evidence to explain your thinking (aka no proof). 0- No Rocking in this House. You did not give an answer to the question asked. Either you wrote something off topic or left your page blank.